BADFIC Chapter two by Ridel on DeviantArt (original) (raw)




Willy onka was having a gret time with all the girls standing around him. He was showing them the candy apples.

"Even these apples are eatable!" and he demonstrated by taking a bite of one. But he made a grossed-out face because there was a jelly worm inside!

"Ew!" Willy spits on the ground and wips his mouth. The girls look at each other and laugh. Adelia was wearing a long red dress that looks like a midevil woman's dress. Some people thought she was strange for wearing clothes like that, but she always had a whimsy of a heart.

Jasmine was wearing a black cloak that was reaching the ground. She was wearing it because of her favorite books had characters like that that she loved.

Ailia was a robot so her clothes were part of her body already.

Looking like an embarrassment, Willy wanted to change the subject. "You're all quite short, aren't you?" he asks.

The girls look surprised. "No," says Adelia, "you're only tall!"

"And you wearing a hat like that." Says Ailia.

Axel came up to check on his partner. "Hey Ailia, come over here and look over there!" he grabs his friend by the sholders and pulls her away from the group. She only giggles and waves by to the others.

Bumble's Bee:

Spike ook ed up rfom where he was looking at the waterfall with is friend Bumblebee and asked him "Wow what do you think all that commotion was about over there?" Bumblebee glanced up from the chocolate water and looked over his shoulders. "Just lookes like he's talking wround with all the girlds." He said, scratching his head. "yeah." Bumblebee saw that spike was watching very closely at one of the girls. She had on a long red dress and was really beautiful. He smiled a little. Hey spike, why don't you go up and talk to her instead of just staring at her all the time? he asked, nudging his human friend in the side. Spike made a soft 'off' sound and just glared hot daggers at bumblebee! "aw shut up.' He said rubbing his side. 'lets just get back to the others before they go off and leave us behind." Bumblebee giggled as spike stomped off and was about to follow him when he noticed a shadow moe behind some trees. His optics narrowed in suspicions this was not someone from the tour? Suddenly he ran forward and tackled spike to the ground just as a huge shot came out of and candy bush and struck right where he had been standing! OH MY GOD! cride spike in alarm when he saw the HUGE crator where he had been standing just before bumblebee moved his away just in time. Bumblebee raised his arm and a gun popped out. Making sure that spike was still covered by him so he wount get shot again, he looked around and leveled his gun at the bushed that the shot had come from. Another shadow moved and the next thing another shot was fired. But bumblebee was quicker he scooped up spike and began to run twards a tunnel he saw in behind the waterfall. If he could only get there they would have some cover so they wouldt be shot at anymore. "MR WONKA WRE BEING UNDER ATTACKED! He yelled oer his shoulder. then He dove into te tunnel but was surprised that it went down instead of forward! It was really a slide! He and spike screamed as they fell down the dark slide into darkness.


There was an exploson in the north of the factory. Willy wonka jumpd up and shouted "Soldiers! My oompalooma soldiers! Somone is attack the chocolate facoty."

Within minuets an army of small people were stand in front of wonka and hold swords. Then, the bushes started to fire at them.

They fired back and the dark spies jumped out of them. Their leader, naimed Kain said "Aha, you fools think you're going to win this!? Look BEHIND YOU!!!!"

Sudenly, the wall behind Wonka and all the others exploded, and a gigantic robot came crashing through the room. He was silver in color, and bore a look of pure hatred.

And standing proudly on its sholder was none other than the eil monster Slugworth! He wore a cloths that looked like an general in the english army from 1600's. He smiled at wonka in a evil way.

"well well well womka, whos laughing now!"

Wonka just stared at him. this is crazy? he shouted.

"Decepticons! Attack!"

The war exploded into violence and many Oompaloompa soldeires were fighting and brave.


Bumblebee and Spike were scared out of their mints! They were falling down a big hole!

"I don't like where this is going!' Shout Bumblebee. And they noticed that they were slowing down and the floor was curving so that they started going forward instead of down. Still, they were covered in chocolate goo! :S

It was then that they noticed the gigantic glowing object before their eyes.

"this think..." said Spike. "It's so beutiful where does it came from?"

"It come from me" said a voice, deep as the earth. "And my name is Starscream."

Starscream walked where you could see him in a light and crossed his arms. "Bubmlebee, it's good to see you, my old enamy." he said sarcasticle.

What are you doing here!?" Screamed Spike and Bumblebee at once at the same time. "And what's that thing?"

"That's the Emporor's blade, it's a weapon to use against the evil forces."

"Evil?" asked Spike. "He must mean those guy who shoot use in the bush!" Bumblebee nodded and turned to Starscream.

"Wheres your friend Thundercracker? You two are always togerther arnt you, huh?"

"RIght here!" he shouted and turned visible. Oh my goodness!

"we're not going to help you!" screamed Bumblebee. "But we're fighting against the same thing. Megatron is a fool! He's being controlled by a guy named Mister soul and he's going to try and kill people! As a decepticon, my honor is at stake and I will never let him do this," said Starscream. Thindercracker noddd.

"..." said Bumblebee. "Okay."


Zero and X were fight with the oompalooma soldeirs against the army of giant robots and samurai ninja. "Zero!" shouted X. Look out behind your!"

Zero turned to find Blitzwing ready to shoot him. he turned and cut off his arm.

"Crap" said Zero. "These guy are hard to beat."

And then Axel shot inot Asrotrain's optics and it couldnt see.

"heh!" said Axel. "Why don't you pick on somebody your own size?"

THen Axel cloned Astrotrain and fought him.

THe whole room was on fire and wonka was so scared! Alia protectedhim tho and was bravely fight against the decepticons and mysteryous dark soldeirs.

"Don't worry!" she said to wonka. "I'll protect you with life!"

AN: WOW THAT WAS A LONG ONE!!! lol anyway i hope you like it well I hvae to go to bed now ill see you tomorrow probably! bye! :)


Mr. Wonka was staring at the hideous fight, wondering how his factory had been turned into a war field like this! Just then a giant shot came out and almost hit Mr. Wonka, but Aila stop it with her power force.

"Are you all right?" ask a voice close to his ear.

"Eeep!" shout Wonak, turning around to see who was speaking. It was Adelia, who was looking at him in a conserned way.

"Oh, you scared me!" Wonal shouted in a high-pitch. Adelia grined and shoke her head.

Just then another big shot came close to them. Mr. Wonka dived and pushed Adelia out of the way just in time as the shot came crashing onto the ground where they had just been.

"Oh no!" shouts Ailia, "I missed that one!"

"It's OK, we're still alivve!" Mr. Wnka shouts in relief. Just then he blush when he realised that he was lying on top of Adelia, who was very confused becuase of all the commotion.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Mr. Wonka got up very quitkly and helped the girl to her feet. She toke his hand and stood up.

"Mr. Wonka," said Jasmine as she run up to them, "what you need to know is very iportant. You must tell us where the sword is!"

Mr. Wnka looked up at the girl in the black cloke, but he was very confused. "I don't know what you are—"

Just then there was a scream behind him. Mr. Wonka turn around.

It was Ailia! She was being held by sLugworth, who had surprised her somehow.

"Ha ha Wonka, you will come with me now!"

Mr. Wonka growled his teeth.

"You! You're the one that's causing all this fighting in my beaturiful factory!"

Slighwork just looked surpristed by this and said "Me? Oh no Mr. Wonka, it is YOU who are the cause of all this war!"

"NO I'm NOT!" Mr. Wonka was so angry that he just threw himself onto Slugworht in a blind frage! But Sligworth just steped out of the way and instead Mr. Wonka was grabbed by a big metal hand and lifted off the ground.

"Is this Mr. Wokle?" asked a scary metal voice.

"Yes, that's him!" shouted Slughworth from the ground far below. "We shall take him back to the base and figure out how to make him talk now!"

Wonka just stared, and looked very pail. "I can talk! I can talk! Put me down, I'm scare of hights!"

But Megatron just through his head back and laughed, and Slugwor laughed too. Then he pushed the robot button that makes Ailia turn off, and she falls to the floor in a sleep. Adelia and Jasmine look at each other and glide into the shadows when no one was looking. Then Megatron and Slugthro start walking away winth Willy Wonka in their evil clutches.

Bumble's Bee:

Under the factory.

Starscream leant down and grabbed bumblebee by the hand and helped pull him out og the chocolate river. Bumblebee took it and crawled out but when starscream lent down to help spike he just glaired. Spike didn't trust starscream at all no matter what he'd said. Starscream looked confused and bumblebee nodded at spike from behind him, trying to let him know he should trust him. spike sighed then let starscream grab him and pull him out. "Good." Said sstarscream. "now that your out of that disgusting sticky mess we should go back up to the top. Who knows when megatron will show up." He led the way with the glowing sward bumblebee ans spike fell in step behind him and thunderchracer walked in the back. While they walked spike leaned over to bumblebee and whispered quietly. "why are we trusting them?" he askd. "this is starscream and thundercracker we're talking about! They're decepticons and they tri to kill us s lot of the time!" bumblebee looked nurviously at starscream then looked back at thundercracker. Neither of them were looking at him or spike so he leaned in close and answered. "I know it's weird, but he sais he wants to sstop megatron from killing people. Besides he sais he's being controlled by someone named mr sole. I'd like to know what kind of guy can control megatron. Besides, how else will we find our way back up to mr wonka and the others?" spike just crossed his sticky arms and huffed. This was no good at all. But bumblebee was right. They really did need to figure this out suddenly tghere was th sound of an explosion from high above them! Hey all stopped and looked. "Megatron must already be here!" starscream shouted. He grabbed his sward and clenched his fists. "he'll not get away with this! Come on you guys!" suddenly he started running down the corridor. Bumblebee and splike tride to keep up, but they were very short compared to the tall decepticons. "you're too slow!" shouted thundercracker and grabbed spike right off the ground. HEY! Shouted spike as thundercracker transformed and spike landed in his cocpit. They flew down the corridor at top speed! Passing even starscream. HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! Called bumblebee from ay back down the corridor? Starscream skidded to a stop and glowerd annoyed. He grabbed bumblebee by the wrist and transformed only bumblebee was too big to fit in his cocpit so he had to sit on the outside. HOLD ON TIGHT! Screamed the jet, then took off as fast as he could! Bumblebee held on as tightly as he could, but all the chocolate covering his hands made it hard to do. 'OH NO!' he thought to himself. 'we're getting into a lot of trouble…


Mister soul tapped his hands on the desk. The secret of the emperors sword would soon be revealed.

But what was the two girls doing in the factory? They were not suppose to act without him saying to but they couldn't betray him could they? After all, they were under his cotrool.

He called Kain thru a mirror."Kain. This is Mister Soul. Whats how the situation at the factory?"

"Very goo commander." Said Kain with an edge to his voice. "We've taken out the primary defence of the base. Also have the Willy wonka. Megatron is comeing a soon as his can."

"Good good. Soon we will have the emporor's blade and the ultimate treasue. The blade is useless without Hiroyami's invention."


Mister soul glinted in his eye "How clever of that tinmy man thathe should disguise him as a oompalooma and hide his invention as an experimental candy. Poor wonka. We doesn't know that he will die."

"But sir! What of the blue child, and the red sisters? The sisters are in here with us and they fighting with us. Can't they stop our intentsions?"

"No way. It's stupid to think that. Now that we have the candymaker and the robot, we have alll the aces."

He lauged and closed the screen.

"Son I shall have 'that' power!"

AN: Okay, short but sweet this time lol I think that my super long poset last time made up for this one though hahhahaha! I don't know why I just did that lol im hyper today OMG DOOM LLAMAH IS GOING TO EAT YOU!! FEED ME TACOS AND I MAY APPEASE IT! Ahem yes well anyway bye.


"Where are to taking me?" Mr. Wnka asked in a Wavery voice. Slugworht just laughed.

"We're taking yo to meet the boss!"

"What boss? I'm the boss of my facotyr!"

"Oh, be quiet!" said Megatron, who was getting pretty angry with the constant noise from his prisoner.

"No!" Wonka said, and tried to kick Megaton's hand, but it just hert his foot. "Ow!"

The two villains just laughed at this in vain activity, and continued walking through the dark corridors of the factory. Mr. Wonka was feeling very bad right now.

As they passed, a little boy looked out of the corner of the shadows and watched them go with an angry face. Charlie just knew that he had to safe his friend from danger but he didn't have a plan.

As he was thought about this, two figures appeared in the shadows beside him. They put a hand over his mouth before he could scream but he saw who it was and he wasn't afraid.

"Shh!" said Adelia. "Jsmine and I are here to help."

Charlie nodded. "but how can we save Mr. Wonke?" asked the boy.

The two girls looked at each other and nodded. Then Jasnime held out a picture of a little green candy that seemed to glow like an emerald. "Did you ever seen this before?"

Charlie looked at the picrue and rinkled his forhead in considering thought. "Yes, I think I saw it in the inventing foom a few weeks ago."

"Take us there." Said Adeli.

"But what about Mr. Wnlka?" asked Charlie.

"If you take us to the green candy, we will be able tos ave Mr. Wonka."

Charlie wasn't sure, but finally He disided that he didn't hae another choice. So he got up and started to leading them bak toward the main hallways, and leading to the inventing room. Jasmins and Adelia nodded at each other when Charlie wasn't looking, and made a secret symbol with their hands that only they knew. It meant:

"Part one is complete."