See Ya Later Herissmon by RiderB0y on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

21st April 2022, Digimon ReArise the App Game Shutsdown.

Herissmon: *his surrounding slowly fades into darkness* Sigh... I wonder if it will be just like the time with the Spirals agai-

Suddenly Herissmon falls into a black hole below it. When it finally wakes up, it finds itself in a familiar place and face.

Herissmon: ... EIJI!?!?

Eiji Futami: Hey Herissmon, come on now you've been keeping the Welcoming Party waiting way to long.

Herissmon: welcoming party? what do you- *turns to a crowd of Rookie Level Digimons with 1 particularly known acquaintance* BEARMON!!! *quickly runs and jumps to it* Bearmon! Bearmon!... wait if you're Bearmon... where is Kazuma?

Bearmon (2002): Sorry to burst your bubble Herissmon, I'm the original and base data for every Bearmon Rearising to the new Era. These are the 2 other Digimons who were born on the same time with me in the PlayStation Digimon World 3: The Door of A New Adventure, Kotemon and Koemon.

Kotemon (2002): Your App Game's Workout / Awakening section could have used more Unique Animation! Men! *swings its Kendo stick*

Koemon (2002): Awe Cut it some Slack Kotemon, at least in its game it got to sorta explore the Real World with its Tamer.

Herissmon: Woah... *notices the bee like digimon* Hey... Didn't I see You in the Digital World Forest?

Funbeemon (2003): He he You saw and fought against the Rearise versions of me, Funbeemon. I was originally born in an Online Game entitled Digimon RPG.

Herissmon: an Online Game?... I think my Partner or... Partners?... used to do that... *Notices the Fire Lion like Digimon but something about the Digimon with many Crescent Moons jogs its memories* Erm excuse me... I think Lopmon once told me about meeting a digimon... that wanted to go to the Moon? and saw... Moony things?

Lunamon (2007): Tee hee, Yeah... the Lopmon you knew met a Fully Digivolved Dianamon that lost her Data and Memories. Thanks to him and Chihiro, that Rearise version of me could continue to protect those in need.

Coronamon (2007): Man, if it wasn't for that awful Virus terrorizing the Real World, I probably could have got a chance to appear in your App Game too Herissmon.

Herissmon: Sorry to hear that, a virus in the Real World?? how Bad could it have been?... *amazed at the White Lion* Are you a Rookie of... IceLeomon???

Spadamon (2010): Huh!? *looks at itself* Ohhh Errrr Its a bit hard to explain... in fact I'm a Little jealous of You Herissmon.

Herissmon: Huh!? Why!? You got Such Amazing Furry Hair!!!

Spadamon (2010): Its a Mane...

Herissmon: And You Got a Sword!!!

Spadamon (2010): But you got an Evolution Line!!!!

Herissmon: *scratches its head* HUH!??? Doesn't Every Digimon have a- *Notices the Icy Dragon* Wow Are You... Your Claws are ICY COLD! That's So COOL! errr what was it that one of my Partners said.. erm "No Pun Intent..ded?.." ANYWAY Where are You from??

Blucomon (2018): Awe Shucks, errr I'm the base data of Blucomon. I was born in an App Game called Digimon Encounters Like You.

Herissmon: Like Me OwO !!! So like ... I'm ... Was really really never alone?

Blucomon (2018): Of Course Not, We Were Never Alone! Oh oh let me have the Honor of introducing you the Digimon from another App Game that Came before Both of Us. Vorvomon & Jazamon~

Herissmon: wow... hey... I... Feel Like... I had Met Both of You already?

Vorvomon (2016): We both had the opportunity to ReArise in your App Game *excitement heats up its lave*.

Jazamon (2019): *opening its wings* It was Fun to Team-Up again with other Digimon and have a Tamer Once More in another game even if it was a Short Time.

Herissmon: Huh!?... once more? *looks at Blucomon, Vorvomon & Jazamon then suddenly feels sad* Did my App Game... end.. your

Blucomon (2018): *pats on Herissmon's shoulder* Naw Don't Think Like that, I mean would have been nice to have another year or 2 but My data got to spread through the Vital Bracelet just like Vorvomon and Jazamon got to be in a Digimon Pendulum just Like You. >wO

Herissmon: Really?... We all get to... Go-on?

Eiji Futami: Here in the Kernel of the Digital World, So much has happened and Yet to Happen. Oh yeah Spiral Origin and Hackmon sends their regards, they both wanted to be here but.... Things are already happening around them again. Oh errm Why don't you tell them one last thing.

Herissmon: Them?

Eiji: Deep down You know who Them are.

Herissmon: !!! *deep breath and turns to its back* Hey Everyone, I know its kinda sad. But I have a feeling we'll see each other again. So its "see ya later," okay?

Herissmon joins with the other Digimons into the endless light of The Kernel.

Digimon Adventure 2020, Episode 39

"Jyagamon, Potato Hell"

Pusurimon is running away from a rampaging Jyagamon until a piece of its Smash Potato attack throws it off its running Pace.

Pusurimon: Got... to get....up... Must survive....

Before the Potata Blew Up, Pusurimon was saved by Yamato / Matt riding on Garurumon