Voida, the Empty by RinaEnergy17 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Bullet; Purple The only child of a brilliant inventor and mechanic, the queen of Electra, Princess Voida practically did not know parental love and family happiness. Her parents divorced when she was a few months old, as her father realized that his wife would never love him as much as she loves her robots and mechanisms. The princess was allowed to see her father, and then her half-brothers.
Bullet; Purple She had a lot of mechanical toys and personal Mewbots assistants, as well as a whole staff of service workers. But she wanted live communication with her peers. Once when she was 8 years old, she was attacked by a crowd of boys and girls who kept saying that because of her mother they now have no money for food. They beat her up and stole her jewelry to sell later. Then Voida decided to enroll in Elfendor in order to find friends there and gain knowledge to change part of her mother's reforms, but she did not have enough knowledge to enroll.
Bullet; Purple After several incidents, the queen hid her daughter from the public, she commissioned several mentors to train her and created a talking Mewbot for her as a special gift. So the princess disappeared for society for several years, until a few days after her 14th birthday, an explosion sounded on the castle grounds. The princess was found unconscious, and her wand was smoking. After she regained consciousness, Dr. Cross saw that one of her eyes had turned completely black and seemed to be empty. Despite the long treatment, the injuries caused by the wrong spell were difficult to heal.
Bullet; Purple She partially lost her eyesight, her orientation in space was impaired, it was difficult for her to walk and write, but her consciousness and thinking were more or less in order, although sometimes she had blackouts and impaired perception. Servants always looked after her and helped her in every possible way. For movement, she had a special robot that carried her in her arms, another robot fed her or wrote for her.
Bullet; Purple At the age of 16, Lord Obsidian was appointed as the service manager of her personal Mewbot, who fell in love with her. The lord noted that despite the vile rumors in the city that she allegedly suffered because of dark magic or that she is completely incapacitated and like a walking dead, in his opinion she is an absolutely cute and defenseless creature that he swore to protect and defend.Obsidian noticed that over time her condition worsened and she completely lost consciousness and awareness of reality. Sometimes the drugs helped her, but each time they worked worse.
Bullet; Purple At the age of 20, she was crowned. At that moment, she was in the stage of deterioration and they literally brought her to the ceremony and did not even put on the crown, since she simply could not stand her weight. There were more and more rumors and gossip in the capital, not only the peasants, but also the nobility allowed themselves direct insults to her, calling her the most vile insults. Her instructions were ignored, as they were considered a lie. The Council called for recognizing her incapacitated and appointing a regent. At the age of 30, she gave birth to a daughter, Circe, who was refused to be recognized as legitimate for a very long time, because people thought that she simply could not physically give birth to a healthy child.
Bullet; Purple During her reign, the level of crime and corruption, the arbitrariness of officials increased, and uprisings broke out. The largest was in the capital, where they actively called for the overthrow of the walking corpse that disgraces the kingdom." People thought that why should they feel sorry for those who suffered through their stupidity. Fortunately, the uprising was suppressed, but the price was high. King Obsidian was wounded and died a few days later, Voida lay down next to him and passed away at the age of 44.

Base by Twisted-Bases
Original by jgss0109