Russian Empire by RJDETONADOR97 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The Russian empire is one of the nations that leads the Earth Empire.

Capital: St.Petersburg
Motto: Боже Царя храни (Bozhe Tsarya Krani = God save the Tsar)

Official Language: Russian

Regional Languages: Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Estonian, Georgian, Kazakhstani, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Ukrainian

Demonym: Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Estonian, Georgian, Kazakhstani, Latvian, Lithuanian, Novorossiyan, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Government: Constitutional Monarchy

Emperor: Nicholas II (1894-1938)
Alexei I (1938-1968)
Rasskazov I (1968-2029)
Katerina I (2029-2071)
Olga II (2071-2123)
Vladmir I (2123-present)Population: 277 080 000 (Earth)

History of the Slavist Movement:

History of the Russian Empire:

Fall, Rebuilt and Conquest:
The story of the Russian empire starts in 1914, with the start of World war 1, when Gavrilo Princip murders the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
In August 1914, the Russian army invaded Germany's province of East Prussia and occupied a significant portion of Austrian-controlled Galicia in support of the Serbs, the French and British. Military reversals and shortages among the civilian population soon soured much of the population. In just a few years German controlled the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea severing Russia from most of its foreign supplies and potential markets. Russia was falling because of many reasons, the lack of resources, heavy casualties, political instability, and the revolution that was going to happen 1917. The Russian empire was about to be destroyed and the Tsar was about to be taken off from the throne.
In 1916, Vladmir Lenin returned to Russia to start the revolution, he first arrived at Tampere to recruit a revolutionary army, but in the way to Helsinki when he was passing throught a forest, he was ambused by the Imperial troops, which killed most of his revolutionaries. In this ambush, a soldier named Popov Vitomir Fyodorovich, shot precisely in Lenin, hitting him exactly where the spine meets the brain, separing both and killing him instantly. A very small amount of the remaining revolutionaries escaped to the woods, and the others were captured, this ended the revolution.

In 1917, Russia surrenders after losing the war, when Germany captured Moscow. And because of this, Russia had to give up territories, forming Finland, Latvia, Georgia, Estonia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Poland. Russia now is a fallen empire with high political instability, fallen economy and low manpower. After seeing all this, the Tsar called his servants to talk, and after a few hours, the Tsar had two options, to leave Russia to save his life or risk his life to fix Russia. The Tsar chose the second one. The Tsar first movement, was the creation of reforms, like the banishment of the serfdom, starting business and the deployment of foreign companies. Which all those reforms, the people started to trust on the Tsar and Russia became more stable.

In 1928, Russia recovered by 20%.

In 1929, because of the Wall Street Crash, Russia has been affected like many other nations around the world, but because of the low influence from the world companies, Russia didn't suffer high economical losses.

In 1935, Russia has been recovered.

In 1937, the Tsar acquired tuberculosis, and because of his age, his health has only worsened each day that passed.

In 1938, the Tsar Nicholas II died, and his son Alexei Nikolaevich became the new ruler of Russia, at age 34 and know as Alexei I, after becaming the tsar, Alexei sworn to continue the work of the father to rebuild Russia, but unlike the father, he sworn to retake all lost territories back, from the closest country to the furthest country. And after the reconquest, he would build a large defensive line in the border with Germany to avoid Germany attack.

After rebuilding Russia, the Tsar started to rebuild the Russian army and prepare it to take back all lost territories, but to do so, he needed a justification, so in 1942, the russian journalist Goraya Artur Borisovich, started the nationalist movement known as Славянизм (Slavyanizm = Slavism), nationalist moviment whose thought is that "All slavic people are only one and should be united into one only country". Because that was a good justification and the Russian people was not pleased with Goraya, the Tsar supported his movement secretly.
After gaining the power in Russia in 1948, the movement has spreaded to the slavic countries around Russia, and after many protests and civil wars, the Slavist movement on these countries has been extinct, or reduced to small groups, the only country the Slavist movement survived was Ukraine and Belarus. Because of the Slavist propaganda in Russia, the Tsar built a large army, and in 1954, Russia invades the slavic countries, starting the Slavic war, which ends in 1958, when all Slavic countries has been annexed by Russia.
The Russian empire was finally rebuilt.

Peace, Space Race, Economic Crisis and World War 2
The 60s were known as the Golden years of Alexei I, because these years were marked by

these years were marked by progress, economic growth, peace in all territories of Russia, and technological development.
In 1968, the Tsar Alexei I left the throne at age of 68 to his son Rasskazov Nikolaevich Romanov, which was 24 years old and became the Tsar Rasskazov I.
The 70s were marked with great economic growth, not only in Russia, in the rest of the world too, because it has been discovered oil deposits in many zones of Siberia and Krasnoyarsk, which lowered the oil price in the international market, Russia started to sell oil to Europe, South and North America and Asia.
In 1981, Germany started the first Space program ever, and 6 months later, launched it's first space rocket that sucessfully reached space, and in the beginning of 1982, Russia created the "Имперское агентство космических исследований (Imperskoye Agentstvo Kosmicheskish Issledovanii = Imperial Agency of Space Exploration), also known as IASE, and after this, it launched it's first space rocket sucessfully to space just 2 months later.
In 1994, Russia took first in the Space race when it sent sucessfully a probe that reached and orbited Jupiter. A great party was made in the IASE headquarters, because Germany was always ahead of Russia, but in this day, Russia proved to Germany that it isn't the best. The space race ended in 2001 when Germany sent sucessfully a probe that reached the Kuiper belt, with would worsen the rivality between Germany and Russia, but both proved to be the best in the space race because even knowing Germany had send probes that reached further zones, Russia mapped more places than Germany, so, the Space Race ended without any problem.
In 2018, because Israel was 75% given to the jews, it started economic instability, because the Islamic countries like Arabia threated the west with sanctions if the state of Israel were given to the jews. So, in the same year, it started a small economic crisis in the world, and because in 2021 the state of Israel was completly given to the jews, Arabia attacked the world with more sanctions, which affected the world badly, Russia was affected by this economic crisis too. When the world has recovered itself from the crisis, Arabia and the other Muslim countries threated to invaded not only Israel, to invade the Neo-Byzantium and the rest of Europe too if the dome of the Rock get's destroyed, Arabia created the Coalition of the Islamic countries of Asia and Africa (also know as CICAA), all muslim countries of Asia and Africa joined it, and they built a large army to prepare to the war.
In 2021, the Dome of the Rock was demolished, which caused the CICAA to give an ultimatum to Israel or it will attack it, because Israel ignored the advice, the World war 2 started, having as the two sides, the CICCA against Europe, China and America. Russia joined ww2 two months later when Turkey invaded the southern Russia by Armenia and Azerbaijan. In the beginning of 2028, ww2 ended when the troops of China took new Delhi from India, the CICCA countries had to pay the victorious countries and some of the CICCA countries had to give up territories to the victorious nations. Because Canada change the side to ally CICCA and lost, Canada had to give a part of Nunavut to Russia.
In 2029, the Tsar Rasskazov I left the throne at age of 85 to his daughter Katerina Nikolaevna Romanov, which was 31 years old and became the Tsarina Katerina III.

Space Colonialism, Economic Crisis
In 2031,

all the oil deposits in Alaska have dried out, which left it only useful to fish and agriculture to USA. Katerina planned to build a russian military base and a missile silo to launch rockets to space and strategic missiles, so in 2032, Katerina bought Alaska from USA. A few months later, the russians found gold and diamonds deposits on Alaska, and because of their amount, their economy grown.
In 2033, it was discovered oil deposits, precious gems, metals and radioactive ores on Greenland, so the powerful nations started to colonized, and to improve their relationships, they divided Greenland into 8 zones. One to the Kingdom of Brazil, one to USA, one to Russian empire, one to German empire, one to Romanesque kingdom, two to the British empire (because one belonged to Canada, which is now a british state), and one to Chinese republic, the part that was given to Russia became the Greenland Oblast.
In 2034, the USA scientists invented the portal device which helped the countries to explore the space.
In 2035, Germany started the first expedition to colonize the Solar System, the first place to be colonized was the moon. Russia joined this expedition and started the first russian colony on the moon, the colony of St. Cyril, which was a mining colony. In 2037, Russia sent more workers to the moon and started the second russian colony on the moon, the colony of St. Methodius, which was another mining colony. In the same year the Europeans and Americans were colonizing the moon. The russian colonies of St. Cyril and St. Methodius became agricultural colonies when the russians built greenhouses on it. All moon colonies on the moon were just colonies to harvest resources and worked with solar and radioactive energy.
In 2055, USA started an expedition to terraform mars and to colonize it. After twelve years, Mars became a T-3 planet. In 2057, Russia started the first colony on Mars, the colony of Kostrobuga, which was a mining colony. In 2058, Russia started another two colonies on Mars, the colony of Tsaritsyn and the colony of Chezniki, both were agricultural colonies, but unlike Tsaritsyn, Chezniki was a industrial colony.
In 2071, the Tsarina Katerina I left the throne at age of 73 to her daughter Olga Nikolaevna Romanov, which was 20 years old and became the Tsarina Olga II.
In 2075, all the oil deposits on Earth has dried out, leaving earth without a single drop of oil, and causing a economic crisis on the entire world. Most of the developed countries used renewable fuel, but still used petroil on cars, factories, and also to make renewable fuel too. The global depletion of oil made the price of all fuel to rise, and the price of all merchandise in the world.

Colonial revolt, Rebuild, World War 3 and the Earth empire
In the beginning of 2076, because of the economic crisis on the Earth nations, a communist moviment raised on the colonies of mars which

revolted against the metropolis, causing a war for indenpendance, the war lasted for 6 years, and in the ending of 2082, Mars colonies became independent nations. Russia lost all it's three colonies on Mars. After the main nations of Earth lost their colonies, they started to rebuilt their economy that severely weak not only because of the Colonial revolt, but because of the Crisis of 2075 too.
In 2102, after all nations rebuild themselves, Germany created a coalition, the Coalition of Earth United Nations (also known as CEUN), All nations of Europe, China, Russia, Japan, USA and Brazil joined this coalition, and they started to build a large army to strike Mars and take back the lost colony, but while the CEUN was preparing to it's army to strike Mars, the Mars colony sent spies which infiltrated Earth to start a revolt on Africa, Middle east and Asia to weaken the Earth nations.
The 10s were marked with many communist movements that caused independance from all Africa, most of the Middle east, India, Canada (including the Nunavut lost territory) and Mongolia. All these countries became communists.
In 2119, all communist countries of Earth united, forming the Communist Coalition of Earth (also known as CCE). And because of their thought, all the main nations of earth started to see them as threat, so they sent troops to the frontiers. Russia started a base on Siberia by putting Anti-space units and Intercontinental Balistic Missile launchers.
In the middle of 2123, the CCE made an alliance with Mars, that caused to all nations send troops to their frontiers. Russia sent the 48th Ukrainian Infantry batallion to the frontier with Turkey and the 51th Siberian infantry division to the frontier with Mongolia.
In the middle-ending of 2123, the Tsarina Olga I left the throne at age of 72 to her son Vladmir Nikolaevich Romanov, which was 28 years old and became the Tsar Vladmir I.
In the beginning 2124, the World war 3 started, having as the two sides, CCE and Mars against Europe, USA, Brazil, Russia and China. World war 3 ended in 2132, when Germany, USA and Russia striked and conquered Bainville, the capital of Mars. Russia took back it's colonies on mars and also took back the oblast of Greenland and the Nunavut oblast. After the end of World war 3, several laws were created to ban the communist ideology in all territories of Earth nations, also to punish the losers of World war 3.
The rest of the 30s were marked with the rebuilts of the Earth nations and the colonies because of the damage they suffered in World War 3, followed by space exploration and economic growth.
In 2139, Russia started an expedition to terraform and colonize the Jupiter moons Europa, Io and Titan. After 6 years, Io and Titan became T-3 moons and Europa became a T-2 moon.
The 40s were marked with space exploration and economic growth, also with the colonization of the the Jupiter moons by the other nations.
In 2152, the Congress of Berlin, a meeting from the world most powerful nations ambassadors and leaders was performed, which led to the creation of the Earth Empire, an empire formed by the union of all nations of the world, Russia was choosen to be one of the primary nations of the Empire.
Russia is now part of the Earth empire.