Art materials by rogercruz on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
E aí, pessoal?
Me perguntaram sobre materiais que estou usando nestes trabalhos recentes, então segue aí uma lista.
Aquarela Winsor & Newton Cotman Lamp Black, pincéis Keramik 343 1/4 e series 7, lapiseiras 0.3 e 2.0, grafites B e HB, canetas Micron, Uniball Eye e Uni Pin, Posca branca e guache branco.
Os papéis são esses nas fotos. No zoom dá pra ver as texturas de cada um.
Se cuidem ai e fiquem em casa o quanto for possível.
Hi guys.
Some people asked me about art materials that I'm using in my recent works, so I made the list below.
Watercolor Winsor & Newton Cotman Lamp Black, brushes Keramik 343 1/4 and W&N series 7, leads 0.3 B and 2.0 HB, Micron, Uniball Eye, Uni Pin and Uni Posca White pens.
The papers that I am using are shown in the pictures and you can see their textures.
Stay safe, stay home.
#artmaterials #keramik #winsorandnewton #cotmanwatercolors #pentel #canson #bristolstrathmore #staedtler #rogercruzart #rogercruz