Romascani | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Intre 17 si 25 Mai are loc concursul de fotografii Magic Eye in Bucuresti!

"Tu descoperi Bucurestiul!Noi te descoperim pe tine!"

Deschis tuturor fotografilor de orice nivel!

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Multumesc frumos! :)


Tovarasi romascani,

Luati-va telefonul fix, mobil, iPad-ul, iShit-l cu camera foto, Aparatul foto digital sau de hipster sau cu tableta de piatra cu pasarica care sculpteaza fotografia, pregatiti-va camera intunecata, baile chimice si lentilele, trepiedele si blitz-urile! Pentru ca a inceput cea de-a patra editie a ArtFocus Photography Contest.

ArtFocus Photography Contest

AHEM!!! People, calm down, please! We have a new member in our midst and we should welcome her as we do with all our new members. Oh, wait. We don't.

Anyhoof, I have an important announcement to make: I DO COCAINE! But don't tell nobody, OK?

Another equally important matter is that we have a certain member, who's not :icondapsychedelicsoul:, but who has been keeping secrets from us. That's not nice. Dude, it's time to come clean.

Finally, I reach the news I dread to speak of: a war has started, a war between the Dark Lord himself :iconyoleemj: and me :iconmazdazilla:, a war fought by ghouls, ghosts, wraiths, spiders and heartless fallen knights lead by the Dark Lord against my army of ponies. I fear this war will consume us all, already most of the eastern fields and filled with countless bodies from both sides. The rivers run red with blood and the air reeks of death. Though the situation may seem grim and the battles long and horrible I am willing to sacrifice wave after wave of my own ponies to see that the Dark Lord does not achieve victory.

As i was riding towards the mist forest of Enchantia to claim the soul of Mist'Aghoul, a mighty relic, i found myself lost from the dark path. I tried to make my steps back but a foolish spotted pony dared to cut my path, blinding me with a stupid spell. Alone, pissed off and cold hearted as ever, now i am wandering throw the forest. Dawn draws near. I put my frost horse to rest and go to look around. Suddenly the earth beneath my feet crack to swallow me into it's belly. Waking up i find myself surrounded by some sort of spell immune, lava made, with skulls and bones as decoration golems. Looks like fresh meet for my army...shit...if i could only get the fuck off this shitty hole.....HELP! AnyBODY? I need a hand or leg or any body part of help.