I Will Call Them With My Bottle Flute by RoomsInTheWalls on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


I figured the furry guys needed a handler/creator person guy that can summon them at will with a panpipes type thing made of random small oil bottles.




NAME: "Shrill" Kole

AGE: ???

MASTER/CREATOR: Zalgo (hhh he is Zalgo-spawn or whatever, I have plans for this character for a thing shhh)

WEAPON: He doesn't exactly have a weapon, just his bottle pipes thing which calls for Friend and Foxteeth to aid him.

PERSONALITY: Mysterious, silent-walking, curious/child-like, eerie.

LIKES: Wind chimes (he is highly attracted to them like a moth to the flame), fruits (over other food), soft things like fur or velvet, cuddling, hunting people whom get lost in his forest (he lives in the woods, holla), his creations, anyone whom works specifically for Zalgo because loyalty right.

DISLIKES: Vehicles, chainsaws (and some other man-made tools), snow, pain inflicted upon him.

BACKSTORY THING: Um, something like, Zalgo created him as a vessel for his death star thing. Like, the star thing is Kole's heart and at some point he's going to get it cut out of him OHWELL/dead. Butyeah, he's going to be in the Killer Comics thing only I'm TOTALLY going to restart it someday, like boom, makeover. Plotlines and whatnot. Anyway, Shrill (dudes, call him Shrill or Kole or Shrill Kole, idec go ahead woo) himself made Foxteeth and Friend because living by yourself in the forest is lonely. Legit. Okay. Wow.


Yep okay so done with backstory things and whatever I can't think.

I'll do a better pic of Shrill okay okay.


"Shrill" Kole, Friend, and Foxteeth (c) myself