Never (A Lightfury Love Story) by RosesInTheFlames on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

As I was walking by the bridge that was deep into the woods I heard sounds of sobbing. So I rush down to the side of the bridge and I saw something that was moving in the dark, ever so slowly.

"Go away," The voice said. "I don't want empathy, this world is just too cruel..."

I approached the silhouette of the person that was crying. "Please, I feel bad really, please let me help you," I said, with my voice full of remorse. Maybe the person would give in after really hearing about how compassionate I sounded.

"Do you even want to see me?" The voice questioned, the voice sounded like it was penetrating even but yet really soft. Soft enough to appease you but firm enough as being serious. How was that even possible? The voice was that of a calm, and gentle female.

"I'm not one too judge, please step out into the light," I answered, calmly.

The silhouette shook its head. "Promise you won't run?" It asked.

I nodded, smiling slightly. Then, the silhouette came into the light. I saw it's face.

It was a Dragon. A dragon in real life. In fact, I remember seeing this dragon on TV. A Light Furry, that's what it was called. There real?

The Lightfury had a really red face which was caused from all of that uncontrollable sobbing. She rubbed her eyes a bit trying to stop more tears. She tried keeping herself in order.

"Please don't run away, I promise I won't hurt you," She said, softly. The Dragoness also checks her claws and she sheaths them. Intending no harm. "I won't hurt you but please I do take back what I said, I want too feel your empathy," I held my breath and I was scared of her I admit. But then my heart lurched forward when she was breathing around and sniffing my face. She really wasn't trying to harm me. She even touched my cheeks with her muzzle for a few split seconds.

"Wait, wait," She said, studying me from head to toe. She curiously examines me with her paws. "Okay, can I ask you something?" She asked. By now, she sounded less anxious and less sad and more of a bit happier.

"Yeah, yeah sure," I replied, I still expressed hints of surprise in my voice. I still can't get over the fact that I'm talking to a real dragon.

"Could you please hug me? It's alright if you won't but I could really use one right now." She said.

She nervously stands on her two hind legs and she towers above me but she had the looks of a gentle giant. So I looked up at her blue eyes and she looks down at me not expressing any emotions yet. But as I go to hug her, she pulls me in her wings, hugging me tightly.

"Mmmm, just don't let go...I really want to experience the feelings of...empathy," She said. She kept me in that hug for quite some time without saying a word except for a few moments when she would occasionally purr loud enough for me to hear.

"Why were you crying?" I asked, as she lets me go. The Dragoness frowned again. "I lost my only was a deer, and I loved him." She said. I nod, understanding what she said slowly. "You fell in love with a deer?" I asked.

The Dragoness nodded. "Yes, his name was Ray and he was killed by humans but I know your a good human," She said. "Oh and my name is Slots," She added quickly. I chuckled a little bit. "I'm sorry you lost him, I truly am." I replied.

Spots shook her head. "Well, we all live and die sometimes it was bound to happen," Spots said.

"Ray always did have a way with words." Spots shifted herself to remain closer to me. She even rests her tail on my lap. "Would you like to be my best friend?" Spots asked.

I was a bit surprised that she asked me to be my best friend so I thought I'd do what was best at the time. I kissed her on the cheek and I agreed that I would. Her being mellow and kind was more than enough to make me wish for the positivity in my answer.

"I think I love you already," Spots said, giggling. She pats me on the head as we sat on a fallen tree admiring the new summer leaves.