Shizuka Kanagawa - The Cellist by RossiJones456 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Shizuka Kanagawa/Cure Psalm

Shizuka is a 14-year-old in the second year, class A, of Private Aira Academy. She's on the track team and plays the cello. School is very boring to her and is often seen asleep in class. Though she enjoys math even though she isn't very good at it. She is extremely shy and gets embarrassed when attention is drawn to her. Which happens a lot because everyone finds her adorable. She doesn't have many friends because of her shyness.

Her potential to become a PreCure was awakened when she and Rizu were immune to Rusalka's attack, and through her musical score, she transforms into Cure Psalm. Her normal dark orange hair turns a bright orange and pulled up in a long ponytail. Her theme color is various shades of orange and her Fairy Tone is Bary. Her main weapon is the Wonderful Belltier, which uses the Fairy Tone, Lory. She introduces herself as "Playing the holy tune, Cure Psalm!"

(Also she's been nicknames Shuzi-chan by Rizu)