Candy Night 2015 by RounderSofter on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

A quickie i failed to post in time for this Halloween, with a delicious flavour text from GizesNumbers !


Lila opened her eyes and frowned. Something was wrong. Instead of the warm sheets and soft pillows she remembered, she found herself lying on the cold, hard ground. Slowly, she sat up, half-expecting her head to begin throbbing in response to whatever debauchery she had engaged in the night before. Instead, she found her head to be free of pain, despite the haze that covered her thoughts.

She took a deep breathe and pushed herself off the ground, anticipating a struggle to get to her feet. To her surprise, she found herself leaping up, the expected resistance nowhere to be found. She felt lighter, nimbler, better than she could remember. Looking down, she could see her feet, clad in cloth shoes, as well as her lithe legs covered by ragged shorts. Somehow, this felt wrong for reasons that she couldn't quite put her finger on. Her movements lacked their usual weight and she had vague images of rich robes and silken garments... Lila shook her head, hoping to banish the weird sensations. That was all wrong- she was a thief, not some sort of overfed noble! She survived by her cunning wit, nimble fingers, and fast feet.

That said, some overfeeding wouldn't go amiss, she thought, as her stomach let out a fierce growl. Nearly doubling over from the sudden waves of hunger, she leaned against the wall, rubbing her flat tummy with her hands. She took a deep breathe, trying to calm her hunger, but to no avail. The smell of rich cocoa assailed her nostrils, as if produced by the air itself, causing her mouth to fill with saliva and her guts to rumble angrily. She allowed her tongue to loll out of her open mouth and recoiled as it hit the wall.

That taste... the walls are made of chocolate?!

Mindlessly, she slammed against the wall, her jaws scraping along the edges, slivers of rich chocolate goodness caught by her teeth. Unable to gain purchase, she found herself only able to get the smallest of tastes and, in frustration, she slammed against the wall with her fist. She was rewarded with a cracking noise as the wall shuddered in response, sending a chunk of chocolate hurtling to the ground. Lila stared at it for a split second before pouncing on it, stuffing the softball sized piece of candy into her mouth.

It was the best thing she had ever tasted.

In seconds, the chocolate was devoured, leaving her mouth painfully empty and doing nothing more than stoking the furnaces of her belly. She needed more. Now! She began attacking the wall, kicking it, punching it, even headbutting it, desperately stuffing every piece of fallen chocolate into her ravenous maw. Her eyes glazed over as waves of deliciousness overwhelmed her senses, despite the distant sense of horror she felt at her actions. Yet, somehow, this felt so very familiar... and wonderful. She could not say how long it took for her hunger to be sated, but finally it began to ebb. It did not fully vanish- even now, she could feel the fires dimly burning in her core- but it had been diminished. As her consciousness returned, she began to take stock of her surroundings once more. Walls still flanked her to either side and stretched off for several yards in every direction before turning in various directions. Stripes of caramel and fudge were embedded in their chocolatey goodness, along with flecks of peppermint and fruit. They were smooth and well marbled- except where Lila had smashed a hole while feeding. Looking up, she could see nothing but a syrupy brown sky. Looking down, over the heft of her belly rolls, she could see the floor was made of chocolate, as well, but a brickier, thicker sort. She gave a tentative stomp, sending ripples through her plump thighs, and the floor held without so much as cracking.

She froze, her brain finally processing these changes. Carefully, delicately, she moved a hand to her stomach and another to her rear. After several seconds of poking and prodding, the gravity of her weight finally sank in. While she would hesitate to call herself fat, the lithe Lila was no more, replaced, instead, by chub, her weight settling mostly on her belly and hips. Strangely, she felt nothing but a mute horror at this development- somehow, it felt familiar, even reassuring. Slowly, she began to walk along the corridor, the swish of plump thighs an oddly comforting sound. She had no idea where she was going or even why she was there, but she felt a need to leave. Lila could feel herself growing hungrier, again, and she found her hands longingly running along the walls as she passed.

I've gotta get out of here... this place just isn't natural!

Of course, leaving was easier said than done. The corridors twisted and turned, seemingly at random, and even seemed to shift behind her. Lila had plied her trade in a number of different locations, but none had ever been quite so confused and chaotic as this! Making matters even worse, every time Lila's attention wandered, her hands would begin to pry chunks of candy off the walls, stuffing them into her mouth without orders from her brain. With no sense of time's passage and unchanging geography around her, the only way to measure distance was by the inches slowly being added to her body.

Finally, Lila discovered a change to the wall she had been following- one which nearly sent her to her knees. There, in front of her, was the hole she had created at what seemed like ages ago. Her legs buckled under the sudden feeling of despair, sending her increasingly fat body jiggling. It seemed to Lila that she was doomed to wander these halls forever- or at least until she was too fat to continue struggling forward, a fate which loomed ever closer. Indeed, Lila found herself wondering how much longer she actually had. Already, her flabby belly spilled down, just past her knees, slapping against her increasingly meaty legs with every step. Her hips were impossibly wide and she could swear that they had started to brush against the opposite sides of the corridor. Her ass swung behind her, rising up towards her back and sagging over her fat thighs. It was a wonder her ragged clothing had managed to hold on so long, even if her breasts remained relatively small. Even her arms had grown plump and flabby, despite the workout they endured by constantly ferrying increasingly large chunks of gateau to her mouth.

Her face had grown just as fat as the rest of her, jaws constantly working and chins slapping against her flabby neck. Even if, by some miracle, she escaped this labyrinth, her career as a thief was over. Once again, she found herself leaning against the wall, panting for breathe. Numbly, she stared at the hole, frowning, before slapping her forehead. The hole she had made in the wall- and which she was currently enlarging to keep herself fed- opened out into what seemed to be a clear blue sky. The escape she'd been looking for all along had been right in front of her the whole time.

And to think of all the cells I've broken out over my lifetime... some thief I am.

Frustrated, she kicked the wall, putting all her weight and frustration into the blow. The wall cracked, chunks falling to the ground, and a sharp pain shot up her leg. Lila yelped in pain... and the earth began to shake. The vast blueness she had mistaken for the sky began to shift. Slowly, a giant face came into view, fields of red hair stretching out to the skies above, slitted blue eyes looking straight at Lila. A red tongue darted out, licking dark blue lips, and a massive blue hand slowly descended, ruby red nails clawing at the wall next to Lila. It crumbled like sand and Lila scrambled for cover, her entire body bouncing with every step. The giant watched, bemused, as she funneled chocolate dust into her mouth. Again, she reached out with a giant hand and again Lila fled for her life, shoving chunks of loose chocolate into her mouth. This repeated again and again, with Lila moving slower each time as her body continued to plump up. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of fear and cocoa, the once great labyrinth had been reduced to a single, battered stretch of wall. Lila shivered behind it knowing full well there was no way her massive body could outrun the giant's onslaught. For that matter, there was no way she could even hide- her flabby sides and hips jutted out from both sides of the wall, quivering before the giant. Of course, the giant hadn't gone untouched from the caloric intake, but a fat double chin did nothing to reduce her reach. Slowly... slowly... excruciatingly slowly, the giant's hand came down one final time... Lila could feel it wrapping around her girth, her flab squishing out from between massive fingers. She felt herself picked up and dragged back, not even her great weight enough to slow the predator. Gulping down the last chunk of sugar she had managed to snag, she whimpered and shut her eyes, feeling hot breath washing over her...

and then she woke up. Panting and coated in cold sweat, High Priestess Lila found herself tangled in her rich, silken sheets, her chronically tight nightclothes bunched up and leaving her flabby gut and thick legs on display. As the shreds of nightmare left her consciousness, she regained her composure and shook her head. This was the last time she let Jalinda coax her into trying island food before bed! What a ridiculous dream. Sighing, she rolled over and fell fast asleep, sinking deep into the soft plushness of her bed.

Meanwhile, in the moonlit nave of the temple, the great naga goddess Kween snorted awake from her food induced stupor. She soon drifted back to sleep, but a smile played on her lips for the rest of the night as if recalling a lovely dream.

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