rrrandomnamelolol User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I was writing a long status update on my school Ipad, when it locks itself and prevent me from finishing it lol (why am i so calm about this) Uhh since i cant find any drafts of it on my stash, im just gonna rewrite the whole thing again, in a much simpler *coughs cutely*- i mean... detailed format... im so sorry for those of you who don't like reading or are tired of long status updates :( So uh.. Im think that i wanna start a new account, y' know, have a new start and move into that new account permanently, then abandon this one, because i have a new and 'better' one Well, you are probably gonna be asking me... Why eh???? Here's y: 1. Profile messy and messy, but I doubt that I may make my new profile tidy as i wanted it to, i most likely have a higher chance of getting hundred percent on all of my subjects then actually making a tidy profile 2. I watch (or follow) too many people and join too many groups, so i end up having a lot of notifications on who i watch and the groups i join as well, they're not really bothering me too much, it's just that there are a lot of them and I don't really want a lot of posts on my 'Deviants I watch' section thing I would honestly much preferred to just watch a few people which i really like the art of and maybe be in a few groups? I know i could just unwatch them or leave the group, but I would feel bad if I do so i didn't. 3. I don't really know what else other than these two But either way, I dunno if it's a good idea to make one just yet, I dunno if I may forget about it and just sort of abandon it and i better not forget that I still own people things, especially art, it'll be best if i do most of my debts first before making this new account that I don't know whether is a good decision or a dum one We'll see lah. See whether i actually wanted to move Thanks for reading this long long long long long long long long long long long long long long lobg long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long lobg long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long status-update Again, sorry for making it long, ahhhh