Jenna vs Audrey - Function Over Form 03 by rtashkin5 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Jenna vs Audrey - Function Over Form 02

Audrey's offensive was nothing less than stellar. Her Muay Thai: Crisp. Refined. Perfect.

As good as it was though, it was very traditional. And for that, Jenna had the read. So much so, it was almost telepathic.

Audrey hissed as she launched a one-two jab/hook/low kick combination which was effectively dodged, parried, then checked by the Hungarian Brute.

Frustrated, the redhead grunted as she led in with another jab/step-in elbow/crushing knee combination - a combination so potent and so diverse, at the very least it would be a turning point of the fight, and at most, would put away her opponent for good. But instead, Jenna backpedaled just enough to be out of range of the strikes, and the moment Audrey lifted her knee, Jenna stepped in and caught her leg, then lifted the redhead clear off the floor, spun her around and threw her across the ring.

Fans collectively gasped as they were awestruck by Jenna's incredible raw power. The redhead's landing was awkward as she rolled on the floor but immediately propped up to a single knee, looking at her blonde opponent with a devilish grin. She was frustrated, but hid it well behind her smirk as she sprung to her feet and rushed in once more with a teep kick. She knew that Jenna would avoid this, so she used the forward momentum of her step to put power behind a crushing left hook. A hook that Jenna expertly ducked and used Audrey's advance against her with a devastating left shovel hook right into her abs.



The lightning fast action suddenly came to a halt as Audrey gasped loudly, her mouth slightly agape with fluids flying out. She felt the overwhelming silence of the crowd befall around her as her eyes bugged out. Her heightened senses making her fully realize the predicament she was in. The punch to the stomach from Jenna was so crippling, so severe. The pain pulsated in a radiating fashion through Audrey's paralyzed body. It only lasted a few moments but it felt like an eternity as she was fully aware of what was happening around her.

Her eyes shifted down in horror as she saw the icy cold stare of the girl who landed the destructive shot staring right into her soul. And with a thin-lipped smile, Jenna pulled back and immediately swept into her next offensive.

And there was nothing Audrey could do about it.

Jenna vs Audrey - Function Over Form 04

Jenna is my OC

UCL and Audrey belong to


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! Thank you so much


for making this happen!