The After Shower Suprise by RuRuCX on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It was Friday afternoon, I had just finished my classes and was on my way to the local dining hall. I ended up seeing Rebecca on the way there and we hung out and had an interesting conversation about our classes that day. Apparently one of Rebecca’s classmates fell asleep on camera during class, unfortunately, my classes weren’t as interesting.

Once we were both done eating and chatting, we started heading back to our rooms to do homework. Before me and Rebecca split ways in our dorm, Rebecca grinned and said “I have a surprise waiting for you later tonight”. I asked her what she meant by that but she just smiled and walked upstairs.

I started working on my homework, it wasn’t easy so I ended up finishing around 9pm. I was also distracted because I was trying to figure out what Rebecca’s surprise was, but I couldn’t come up with anything. Instead of thinking about it more, I decided to play among us on my phone.

About 2 hours went by and I was wondering if I was even going to see Rebecca and her surprise. I decided I should go shower and head to bed afterwards because it was getting late. I sent a snap to Rebecca saying that I wouldn’t be in my room because I was going to go shower and head to bed.

I grabbed my towel and shower caddy, put on my shower shoes, and went into the dorm’s gender-neutral lavatory. I usually end up showering for about 30 minutes and today wasn’t any different. I exited the shower and was drying off when I heard someone go to the shower stall next to me, I didn’t think anything of it at the time though.

I had just put all my clothes on when I opened the stall door. I was about to grab all my stuff when I noticed someone was standing in front of the door. Standing in front of me was none other than Rebecca. I was wondering why she was outside my stall when she said “are you ready for your surprise?”. I responded with a questioning yes because I wasn’t sure what else to say.

The next thing I know, Rebecca pushed my right shoulder against the wall and locked the stall behind her. I tried stopping her from pinning me, but Rebecca was too strong. I tried to ask her what she was doing but she forced her lips onto mine before I could talk.

At the time, I failed to see what Rebecca was pulling out of her back pocket. I was focusing more on kissing her, so I wasn’t really aware of anything else happening. She took her hand off my shoulder and moved it onto my neck, it felt like she was cutting off blood flow to my head.

Suddenly she used her free hand to grab my wrists. I heard a bunch of clicks behind me and I pulled my head away to see what she had done. Rebecca backed away from me and smiled. That’s when I noticed my wrists seemed to be bound together somehow.

I asked Rebecca what she put on me, she smiled and said “I just got hinged handcuffs in the mail and I wanted to use them on you”. I asked her if she could remove them because I still had to put my towel and shower caddy back, but she just grinned.

After a few seconds of what looked like her thinking of what to do, she grabbed my towel, shower caddy, and even took my room key from my pocket. I asked her what she was doing, Rebecca avoided the question and responded “stay put, I’ll be back”.

I begged her not to leave me here in such an awkward situation but she unlocked the stall and left anyways. A few minutes had passed when I heard the lavatory door open. Rebecca opened the stall I was in and grabbed my arm, and told me “lets go Ruru”.

I tried to resist her from dragging me out of the stall and into an open area with handcuffs on, but I couldn’t stop her from dragging me out of the stall. Instead of her bringing me outside the lavatory, she brought me into the big handicap shower stall in the back.

She locked the stall door and forced me to sit down in the shower seat. I was about to complain when Rebecca shoved a sock into my mouth. If that wasn’t bad enough, she taped the sock in place. I tried pushing the sock out with my tongue, but I couldn’t move it at all.

I tried speaking but everything I said just came out muffled. Rebecca started to tease me as I sat there by asking me questions she knew I couldn’t answer. At one point she even asked me to speak up.

Rebecca pulled out a rona mask and 2 more sets of handcuffs, I noticed one of the handcuffs seemed to be much bigger than the other. She grabbed my arms and put the smaller handcuffs on my upper arms, it was at this point that I found myself unable to move my arms apart at all.

I tried struggling to get out of the handcuffs but all my effort meant nothing in the end. Rebecca reached down to my feet and started to put the big handcuffs around my ankles. I tried moving my ankles away from her, but in the end, she grabbed my ankles and cuffed them one at a time.

Rebecca told me that, due to covid, I should be wearing a mask. She proceeded to put the mask over my taped up mouth. She then said “its time to go to bed Ruru”. I tried telling her to let me go, but she just watched me attempt to make words through the sock.

The next thing I know, Rebecca had unlocked the stall door and said “lets go, or do you want to stay here all night?”. She came over to me, helped me stand up, and waited with the door open. Because of the ankle cuffs, I could move my feet about 2 inches at a time. I slowly made my way past her when I realised that someone could see me like this. I looked at Rebecca and made a muffled whine.

She seemed to know what I was thinking because after that, she said she would put a coat over my arms if I got to the exit in 30 seconds. I started to move as quickly as I could, but it was hard to keep balance and move fast. I managed to make it to the exit with only one second remaining. Rebecca put her coat over me as promised and adjusted it so I would look more natural.

She held the door open for me and I started slowly making my way to my room once I made sure nobody was around. I was scared because anybody at any time could open a door and watch me struggling to get to my room as fast as possible in ankle cuffs. I started walking down the hall way and started turning left when suddenly Rebecca grabbed the back of my shirt and directed me towards the elevator.

I figured out what she was thinking pretty quickly, so I shook my head side to side while grunting. Instead of responding with words, she just nodded her head as if to say yes. Rebecca forced me into the elevator. At this point, I assumed she wanted me to go to her room, so once the elevator opened, I started waddling to her door.

Rebecca was opening the door when I heard some people coming from behind me. To make matters worse, they yelled my name and started walking towards me. Rebecca watched for a couple of seconds as I panicked about what to do before she yanked me into her room and closed the door.

She took the mask off my face, then took the coat off me. She then went to her drawer, grabbed a key, and unlocked my ankle cuffs. Afterwords, she removed the tape and sock from my mouth. Instead of forcing her lips on mine to keep me quiet as usual, she covered my mouth with her hand. In retaliation, I decided it would be funny to lick her hand. Rebecca didn’t think It was as funny as I did so she pinched my nose for a few seconds while saying “your gonna regret that later”.

Rebecca walked me over to her big bed, picked me up like a bag of food, and tossed me onto the bed. I tried sitting up, but my arms were still completely cuffed so I couldn’t do it. Rebecca hopped onto of the bed and sat on my knees. I asked her what she was going to do now, but as usual, she just grinned at me.

The next thing I know, Rebecca tugged at my shirt and said “may I?”. I just responded with a simple yes. I wasn’t sure exactly what she was going to do but I figured it couldn’t be that bad. She pulled my shirt over my face and that’s when I started to regret saying yes.

Rebecca had started to tickle my sides and armpits relentlessly.

I tried rolling away from her, but I couldn’t move with Rebecca sitting on my knees. At this point I was laughing hard enough for it to hurt. I begged Rebecca to stop while I was laughing uncontrollably, but she wasn’t listening to me.

About 2 minutes passed by and Rebecca stopped. I was catching my breath when she pulled my shirt back down and went to her drawer. She came back, rolled me over, and undid the handcuffs that were still on my arms. I was pretty tired out, so I asked if I could sleep over. Rebecca smiled and said yes.