Quartzine by RyaKaizel on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

RyaKaizel on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ryakaizel/art/Quartzine-822460706RyaKaizel

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RyaKaizel's avatar

Published: Dec 5, 2019


My other (not so old) quartz gemsona. She's Quartzite's friend, but they didn't start their relationship until so many years later because of her hard personality and her disgust to weak and crying gems. And even with all of that, she loves Quartzite as a sister who she must protect at all cost. On her hand, Quartzine has the poofed gem of Quartzine, while she's trying not to cry. Unlike Quartzite, Quartzine isn't defective.

Image size

2712x3851px 1.27 MB

Volga64's avatar

Lo bueno de tener sólo un ojo es que al llorar no te tienes que secar los 2 (?)