Tarble X Pan : Forgiven by RyokoZchan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

RyokoZchan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ryokozchan/art/Tarble-X-Pan-Forgiven-870713662RyokoZchan

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Published: Feb 18, 2021


***Before anyone loses their minds about the age gap, this is NOT the Tarble from the OVA. This Tarble is seventeen. If you wanna know more, read my fics, otherwise please keep negativity to yourself. Thank you!***

So this scene has been in my head for a really long time. This is during Goten and Bra's wedding, right after Tarble's fight with Trunks on the hotel balcony. Tarble basically says to himself that if Pan would only kiss him this time, he'll forgive her for everything she's put him through and love her forever. I'll link the chapter below. It's one of my absolute favorites from the whole series. <3

Vindicated : Chp 6Embarrassment. Shame. Sadness.Jealousy.These human emotions were unbearable and unheard-of to a saiyan on planet Vegeta. They were merciless killers and warriors, not weaklings who dwelled on the past refusing to move forward. Why hadn't those same strengths that Vegeta upheld been passed down to Tarble as well? Unworthy.Tarble stormed outside and fell to his knees in the cool grass. He grabbed his chest and let the tears flow. He cried hard, not really understanding why and hoping that no one followed him. Why the hell was he so emotional lately?The metaphorical, ever-looming dark cloud floating above his head burst into a full-on thunderstorm with violent lightning and Earth-shattering thunder. He drilled his fists into the ground and continued to sob like a child. He just couldn't stop. All he could see was her beautiful, pale face. It faded in and out of his mind and claimed his heart so quickly it was as though she never left. Tarble had been waiting for this moment for so long. He pictured it almost every single day. He pictured her walking through that front door. He pictured hugging her and telling her everything he'd experienced while she was away. He even imagined himself listening to her stories, even if another man was involved. The one thing he didn't expect to feel so upset at that sight of her that he had to quite literally run away. He was angry, sad, devastated and relieved that she was alive all in one package. He tried to calm himself, but it was no use. His mind continued racing back to her and the way that she looked at Trunks. It was devastating.He realized that he'd abandoned his annoying yet eager date at the table without an explanation. He wondered if she might’ve just left. Had he hurt her feelings, too?Well, he didn't care.He pictured Trunks' face; pale white and scared at the sight of the one and only Pan. There was no possible way that Pan could ever be his now that he'd committed to Marron, so why did he care that she'd returned? Tarble even heard Bra talking to Videl the other night about overhearing Trunks and Marron's passionate love-making through their ceiling, so Trunks had most likely bonded with Marron. Why was he so stricken by Pan's return if that was the case? Did he really love Pan at some point? Doubtful. There was no conceivable way that those feelings were still there after all this time and steady sex with another woman, saiyan bonding set aside.But, at least Trunks had a lover. Marron was now his lover for life, if they did in fact bond. Could humans bond to saiyans? They had to, considering how close Bulma and Vegeta are...definitely Gohan and Videl, Goten and Bra...but Goku and Chichi? Tarble shook his head. What a weird couple they were. Besides, Marron had served plenty of time for her crimes against their family already and deserved to be happy. Why couldn't Trunks just leave Pan alone and pretend he was happy to see an old friend instead of making it terribly awkward for everyone else involved? Why did he have to further complicate an already absurd situation? "God dammit..." Tarble growled, seething in his own thoughts.Tarble spent the past year of his life wasting away and crumbling into a sad shadow of the man he'd once been. Pan tore away from him what he'd held sacred for years. Even Gure didn't receive the love that Tarble offered up to Pan on a silver platter, yet his repayment was only to have it all tossed back in his face when he overheard the conversation in Trunks’ hospital room? He knew he was eavesdropping, but what if he hadn't heard what she said? What if he didn't know that Pan was picturing Trunks when he kissed her? That might've been even worse to find out through the grapevine than actually overhearing it straight from her mouth.In reality he supposed, he shouldn't feel happy that she was home at all. Anger, hatred, frustration and sadness should be the only feelings seeing Pan’s face should bring to Tarble. But he couldn't help it. Love was still there. It was still alive.Why?He pounded his fists at the grass again and again, trying his hardest to push the feelings away while shaking the Earth and making a real mess of the landscaping. He thought the aggression would help, like it did with Vegeta, but it wasn't making a lick of difference. His efforts were useless. After a while, his crying finally slowed. He began to breathe normally again and stopped digging himself into a literal hole in the ground. He looked up and saw that the night sky was filled with brightly shining stars and dim planets visible from millions of light-years away. He felt a strange feeling from deep within him coming to the surface like a flood of water to put out a raging fire. His burning need to feel angry was evaporating into smoke and being replaced with joy. He felt himself smiling more and more widely as he watched the flickering lights and tiny sliver of a moon. Though tears still continued to roll down his cheeks, they were no longer white-hot, angry tears. He fell backwards onto the grass and continued to stare up at the stars, connecting the stars into random shapes. It was so calming to lay here and stare up at the empty solar system that Earth dwelled in. It was the only thing that used to calm her down when she came to him for counsel. Oh, Pan. His pain seemed to vanish when her smile lit up his world almost two years ago. Any anger or fear he felt about his old life being torn away in an instant always turned to joy when he was with her. What they shared was so much more than any mere feeling or crush. He knew it for a fact. He loved that woman. He didn't care if she was tattooed and dressed like a rocker-chick now. He didn't care if her nose was pierced or that her boots could probably impale someone with one kick. No, he thought, he had to win her back. This was his chance. Forget Trunks and forget anyone else who would stand in their way. He could do this. But, maybe he could start tomorrow.The alcohol he'd been drinking was starting to take its toll. He began to doze slightly, lost in his thoughts and smiling like an idiot. He continued to stare upwards while his vision went fuzzy and became clear many times over. He closed his eyes peacefully. That delicious feeling of needing to sleep crept into his eye sockets, begging for slumber. He drifted in and out, searching his mind for memories of her face. In between sleepy fights with his eyelids, he opened his eyes slightly and suddenly saw the most beautiful sight. He wondered when this memory of Pan could be from. Her face looked so different and pointed...so mature...“Um…”He heard a small snicker from above him. His eyes flew open. "Pan?" He shot upwards and scooted backwards towards the house like a propelled rocket. She had been standing above him staring down at the mess of grass and dirt he'd thrown about during his emotional fit. She was still laughing.Why? How could she be laughing at a time like this? "I missed you, Tarble...I see you're still a mess, huh?" "W-what?" Tarble gasped.She missed him? Really? Did she miss him when she never even tried to text or call? Did she miss him when she listened to his desperate voicemails that begged for her return? "I missed you." She repeated, crossing her arms and smiling."You did?" Tarble choked. He wanted to shove his foot in his mouth. Don't scare her away, he thought. Don't give her another reason to storm off and leave forever. Not again."I did. Every single day." Pan answered honestly. Tarble's mouth hung open idly and his expression gave away his disbelief. Pan sighed. "I mean…I got your messages at first. It was sweet of you to care where I was. I honestly would have never thought of myself again if I were you. I'm one hell of a bitch for all that I put you through." He rose to his feet clumsily. The wine he'd been sipping all night was starting to feel like a very bad idea. He couldn't refrain from speaking his mind. "Y-You must understand how…confused I am by your return. I thought that you'd never walk through that doorway again. I thought you were…gone." Pan dropped her arms to her sides and approached him slowly, completely aloof. She no longer seemed emotional and sad, nor shy in the slightest. Perhaps the time away did her well. "Tarble, I understand how you feel one hundred percent. I think your girlfriend doesn't, though. She's sitting in there babbling to Marron like a crazy person…way to pick 'em." Tarble's face turned a new shade of violent red. He shook his head back and forth like crazy. "She is most certainly not my girlfriend!" Pan giggled and reached up towards him. He flinched, not sure what she was doing, but she simply placed a hand on his arm and squeezed gently. "I know." She stared at him tenderly. He lost himself in her eyes. Being that he was so short, they stood at eyelevel with her boots on. He felt his stomach twist into a thousand knots. He wanted to kiss her, just like he had before she left, but his head was screaming to hold off on something like that. If he was going to win her back, he shouldn't rush things, right? He should wait for her to make the first move this time. He should exert his extremely polished and disciplined self-control. He was a saiyan prince, after all. Manners came naturally. He should definitely use them in this situation."You know, we should get back inside. It's cold and I think everyone might worry that we're having it out back here…" Pan suggested. Tarble laughed awkwardly and began stuttering like a fool. He scratched the back of his head and motioned for her to walk ahead of him. He rushed towards the door and held it open, avoiding eye contact. Pan started to go, but she stopped abruptly and turned around to look at the area Tarble had torn apart in Bulma's yard one last time. She giggled and looked back at him, amused. "By the way…the hell did you do to the grass?" "N-Never mind that…I'll fix it. But…let's uh…let's not tell Bulma, please. Not yet anyhow." Pan laughed and stepped through the open door. Though he had been looking at the ground, he couldn't help himself when the scent of her fruity perfume caught his nostrils and drew his gaze upwards. He floated inside behind her and shut the door quietly. She began to ascend the little set of steps heading to the back door. While she walked, he allowed his eyes to travel down her toned and fit body shape. He watched her knotted t-shirt tug on her waist with every step. It pulled ever so slightly tight enough to outline her tiny waist with just enough left to the imagination. He continued eyeing her down to her behind. Her jeans were tight on her legs but loose on her backside, making it difficult to really see anything. However, as she stepped up onto the main level of the house, her lacey, black thong peeked ever-so-slightly above her jeans. He gasped and averted his eyes to the ceiling. Of course, she heard him freaking out again and turned back around. "Hey…What are you looking at, perv?" Pan purred with a devious smile. He cleared his throat and met her eyes nervously. "Um…nothing! You just look so different…you're so...pardon me. You look absolutely beautiful, Pan." There is was. His honest and polite charm that seemed to captivate her a year ago, or at least, he thought that it did. Shockingly, Pan winked at him and turned back around. "Keep looking then…I don't mind…" Tarble's mouth hit the ground. He nearly fainted. He not only felt drunk from alcohol, but drunk from this love that had completely taken over his heart in a moment's notice.Following that evening, several days went by without another visit from Pan. Tarble busied himself with school and became noticeably more cheerful around his peers and family. Even if she hadn't called him or visited him since that dinner party, she was back.Finally, amidst all the other shenanigans going on, Goten and Bra's wedding day had arrived.Valentine's Day, how cliché, Tarble mused.He'd never heard of such holidays and celebrations before living on Earth, but he'd researched them all thoroughly now. He knew that today was the day dedicated to proving your love to that special someone. It wasn't exactly normal to plan a wedding for the day, but it was typical for the most "in love" couple he'd ever seen in his life. Besides, the event was the perfect opportunity for some grand gesture to show Pan exactly how important she was to him, regardless of time apart.The morning of the wedding, Vegeta entered Tarble's bedroom abruptly and tossed a new tuxedo onto his bed. He looked ridiculously nervous. Tarble smiled warmly at his brother and took out his earbuds. "Did you forget the courtesy of knocking before entering, brother?" Vegeta scoffed and frowned. "Tch. You wouldn't have heard me knocking anyway with those things in your ears…just be dressed and ready to go in ten minutes." Tarble nodded politely and hopped off of his bed. He found it funny when Vegeta treated him more like a son instead of a brother. It must be easy to do considering Tarble's young appearance and emotional turmoil. Besides, they never got to grow up together and bond as brothers anyway. Plus, Cabba came into the picture before Tarble even had a chance to form a familial bond. Ugh, Cabba. Tarble knew that Cabba was a groomsmen. That meant he'd be in the limo with the rest of them. Wonderful. Another chance for Tarble's uncontrollable jealousy to manifest. At least that issue had nothing to do with Pan.When he began to examine his tuxedo, his phone jumped clear off the bedside table. It was vibrating yet again with a text message. He sighed. He assumed it was probably Rin texting again. He felt badly that she continued to think that he was interested in her, especially after the other night, but he had no clue how to let her down without hurting her feelings even worse. He'd tried ignoring her texts, but it only seemed to increase her interest in him when they returned to school the next day. He tried avoiding her at school altogether, but she never failed to find him between classes and hang on him regardless.If only Pan wanted to hang on him… He slowly picked up the phone and lit up the screen to answer, but to his surprise, it was a number that he didn't recognize. He slid a curious finger across the screen to unlock it and read the text."Hey…you have a date for the wedding today? I'd love to talk when you have a chance. Sorry I've been MIA these past few days. I just got a new phone. Mine was lost somewhere in France a few months ago. Let me know if I should expect a dance from you...-Pan" His heart blew up and stuck in his throat like an inflatable pool toy. He read the text over and over and over until he memorized the words. She hadn't completely forgotten him! She just didn't have a cell phone. She probably needed to spend all of her time catching up with her family over the past few days, anyway. How could he be so selfish to think she was avoiding him?He fumbled with the phone between his hands and eagerly responded. "I would be honored to be your date for the occasion. Shall I pick you up?" He hit send as fast as he could. He felt his breathing getting heavy. He had to get dressed, he thought. He had to look his best. Before he could stop hyperventilating, the phone buzzed again. "I'll meet you there. I'm riding in a limo with my parents. They're GLUED to me at the moment. Meet me in the lobby of the church, though. I'll see you soon." He levitated off of the floor, filled with complete happiness. He responded with a simple smiley face in an effort to tone down his extreme excitement, but he could barely contain himself.He tore off his pajama pants and stepped into his crisp, new tuxedo slacks. He fastened the shirt and slipped on his elegant, red vest and tie carefully. The black jacket fit perfectly over his ensemble. He stared into his vanity mirror at his hair and wished that he could style it even just a little differently. Saiyan hair would not budge unless he cut it, but that was out of the question. Satisfied with his looks, he bounded down the stairs full of energy and greeted Bulma in the foyer with a cheerful hug.“Good morning?” Bulma laughed curiously.“Indeed!” Tarble answered.He danced his way into the kitchen and grabbed an apple for his breakfast. Sleeping in was probably not the best idea for today, but at least he was definitely full of energy. There was no time to waste. Outside, two limos had already pulled up to the front of the Brief house. He assumed that Pan must be in the white limo because Bulma headed in that direction with Marron. The men all loaded into the black limo in front. He wondered where Bra might be briefly before realizing who he was thinking about. His niece was probably the first one there when the church opened to make sure all the arrangements were perfect. Besides, she could never risk Goten seeing her before the ceremony in her dress. She was certainly traditionally minded in regards to the wedding. He’d heard her go over it in deep detail almost daily for months now. It was definitely time to get that show on the road.When they arrived at the church, Tarble couldn't believe how beautiful the building was. It was also utterly humungous. It was a glorious cathedral adorned with the most intricate of details. Its stone walls looked like a royal fortress on the outside, but when they got inside it felt nothing but warm and inviting. He looked up and saw that the ceilings were painted with angels and saints. Candles lined every wall. Paintings of priests and other religious people sat between each candle. He thought it all to be quite impressive, but then he walked into the sanctuary.A full pipe organ towered above an altar decorated with red and pink flowers. Each pew had a bouquet of roses in pink and red that would be any florist's nightmare to prepare. The red runway-style carpet leading to the altar had small designs in it that made it look like Chinese silk. Upon closer inspection, the designs were tiny dragons and clouds, likely paying tribute to Chichi's chinese heritage. Tarble smiled, taking in all of the details. Bra had truly outdone herself. "Table!" He heard a little voice yell from behind him. Lace was trotting towards him in a beautiful, pink dress with a red sash. A large, red bow tied her tiny braid in place. She pointed at him and giggled, her usual greeting. Chichi, holding onto her hand as best she could, laughed and waved politely while Tarble saw that Goku and Gohan were trying their best to calm down Cabba’s angry son, Kole. Next to them, Videl sat down in a chair by the door with Caulifla, who was pale and disheveled. Though they both looked beautiful in their pink bridesmaids dresses, it was clear that the Son household didn't get much sleep last night. Tarble walked over to them casually and greeted everyone. He bent down to Lace and poked her cheek. Her sweet, blue eyes met his with excitement. The pink rings around her pupils shined brightly against the church lighting.“You look so lovely today, Lacey.” Tarble said politely.“Table! Table!” Lace squealed.Lace reached down and took off her shoe. She acted as though she would hand it to Tarble, but the moment he lifted his hand she threw it clear to the other side of the room with force and laughed. "Woah! What an arm!" Tarble exclaimed. "Lace! You’re going to break a window! Do you have any idea how expensive that would be? Goodness, she's done that at least five times already today…" Chichi growled, shaking a stern finger at her granddaughter. "It's okay, Chichi. I'll get it. Don’t worry about it." Tarble smiled. He ran to the other side of the room but couldn't find where it landed. He looked around the floor and soon considered that perhaps it had traveled down the hallway towards the bathrooms. He looked along the edges, avoiding all of the people flooding the lobby floor and chattering away about their important statuses and large business proposals. What an impressively vein crowd, he thought briefly. Finally, he saw it. The shoe was stuck behind a table on the floor just ahead. He crouched down to reach it, but another hand appeared and snatched it up from him. "Hey!" He snapped, banging his head on the underside of the table, “Ouch…” "Hey yourself, klutz.” He rubbed his head. When he opened his eyes, he saw black stilettos from under the table. He slowly drew his eyes up two pale, toned legs. A fitted black dress and black jewelry adorned the body of a woman he'd never seen looking quite so violently gorgeous.“Oh…my...” He gasped breathlessly. Pan's hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. Her blue eye shadow was heavy on her lids and pointed at each end, where it met silver shadow that shined brightly along the rim of her eyes. It was an intoxicating look that he’d expect to see in a magazine, not in person. "He…Hey, P-Pan. Wow." Pan laughed. She knew exactly what she was doing to him, but instead of reserving her feelings or coming off as shy like she used to, she seemed quite pleased with his reaction and held out her hand. She helped him off of the floor and stood still for a moment to gaze into his love-struck eyes. She was taller than him by an inch or two now with the heels on, but he didn't care. That urge to lunge forward and kiss her was back and at full force, but he continued to insist that he must stick with his original plan. No surprises. "Would you uh…can you…well, shall we find a seat?" Pan cocked her head to the side, looking at the obvious color-coordination with the wedding décor and Tarble’s tuxedo."Aren't you a groomsman? You have to stand up at the altar, right?" Tarble frowned and looked down at his tie."Oh! Right! Right…I uh…I forgot. First wedding and all...Well, I'll escort you to a seat, then…" He bent his arm at the elbow and offered it to her sweetly. She flung her arm through his and marched forward confidently. He couldn't get enough of this new attitude. After returning Lace's shoe to Chichi, he walked into the sanctuary with Pan at his side and again marveled at the huge room. The crowd was talking loudly. Even to a foreigner who’d never been to a church before, it seemed impolite to Tarble. The church was too sacred a place to be so loud, but he again reminded himself that the people here probably were more interested in a business deal than the actual wedding. They walked towards the groom's side and sat down in a pew near the front. Pan looked around and laughed at her mother and father who stood with Caulifla, trying desperately to get Kole to stop screaming before they had to stand up at the front for the ceremony. Chichi was in front of them, already crying about giving away her youngest son into Goku’s arm. Goku seemed unaware, but happy to be there and looking around at the scenery. Tarble peered over to the bride's side and saw a very different scene. The business folk were easy to spot. They laughed and carried on with those around them in an exclusive fashion. He noticed Mikio in a far corner looking uncomfortable. That's awkward, he thought.Mikio had since made up with Goten and Bra and picked up where their friendship left off, but he apparently suffered from PTSD just as intense as Marron's according to Goten. Tarble knew the only reason Goten asked Tarble to be a groomsmen was because Mikio refused. He could bring himself to stand in front of an altar after the things he'd done. "I've got to join the wedding party now…" Tarble said quietly to Pan. "Can I find you after?" Pan blushed and smirked, "Promise me a dance? We'll talk then." She leaned over and kissed his cheek softly. He felt his heart skip several beats and almost blasted through the ceiling. Her smiling face looking at him again like nothing had ever happened between them made him melt inside. This day might be Goten and Bra's day, but Tarble felt happier than he'd felt in his entire life to have Pan back. Today would be the day he won her back. Sometime later, the ceremony began with Goten standing up at the altar confidently. He looked on in his tight fitting tuxedo and signature converse sneakers while his groomsmen made their way up the aisle, each with a bridesmaid in hand. Tarble was paired with Bra's friend Sakura, the twin sister of Bra’s maid of honor, Asuna.While he walked awkwardly forward, he caught sight of a woman he recognized from photos as Bulma's sister, Tights. She was in town for the event even though she literally never visited. It was a strange dynamic between Tights and the family, but Bulma seemed happy to see her sister again after many, many years apart. She was standing beside a little alien-looking man in a suit. Tarble recalled his name being Jaco. He was in a lot of old pictures with Tights and Bulma, too. He was drooling over the bridesmaids, receiving a swift slap on the head from Tights each time he followed them with his eyes and smiled creepily.When they began to reach the alter, Tarble saw Trunks trotting up. He winked at Goten confidently and patted his back when he stood behind him proudly. The redheaded maid-of-honor Asuna shot him a look to remind him about pictures being taken. Sakura, holding onto Tarble’s arm, sighed and rolled her eyes. Asuna was the one keeping everyone in line according to her, so Tarble assumed everyone must’ve grown tired of Asuna already for the day. Finally, they were all perfectly aligned in front of the massive crowd. The pipe organ rang out with a majestic arrangement of the bridal march. The doors flew open and Bra burst onto the red carpet with her father at her side. Her dress was a huge, puffy gown with layers that dragged on for ages. She could not have found a more convincing princess dress. It was all white and decorated with delicate flowers and sparkling gems. Atop her head was a tiara, clearly boasting real diamonds. It shined brightly and Tarble recognized the symbol at the center instantly; the tiara bore the powerful symbol of King Vegeta. Tarble suddenly felt a rush of pride fill him up to the brim and stood up straighter. Leave it to Vegeta to continue his family's legacy with such pride and grace. Of course, Cabba, who stood beside Tarble, also seemed to show a bit of pride when he noticed it as well. Poser.When they reached the front of the church, Vegeta kissed Bra's forehead and lingered for a moment before giving her hand reluctantly to Goten. A few people snickered playfully. Vegeta gave Goten a warning glare before joining a crying Bulma holding Lace in the first pew. Vegeta was blushing and looked very different from his normal demeanor. It was as though he wanted to show some emotions, but there was no possible way for him to ever allow himself such a defeat of personal standards. Tarble smirked and enjoyed the humanity his brother was experiencing.Goten and Bra exchanged traditional vows and when the priest announced for Goten to kiss his bride, he spun her around and bent her over backwards before kissing her and embracing her tightly. The crowd cheered and stood with their applause. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Tarble felt overjoyed to be a part of it. He looked out into the crowd and locked eyes with Pan. For the first time in a long time, even with Trunks only feet away from him, Pan looked at him instead of his nephew turned rival. He smiled wider than he had in months. His heart fluttered. Pan winked.Easy. Calm down, Tarble, he told himself. After the ceremony and a wild ride in a fancy, limo party-bus with strobe lights and two stripper poles inside, they arrived at the most expensive and fancy hotel in the heart of West City for the reception. Tarble had already downed two glasses of wine and three shots in the limo bus with the wedding party by the time they arrived. He’d mistakenly spilled all of his feelings out to Cabba on the ride over as well, who wasn’t sure what to do with the information.“So…you’re telling me that you actually kissed her? Wow…little Pan’s first kiss was with you? Weird.” Cabba gasped, taking a sip from the flask Caulifa gave to him before the wedding, “So…are you gonna do it again?”“It’s certainly my intention to, yes.” Tarble said, pointing his finger drunkenly at Cabba’s face.Cabba laughed and clapped his hands together.“I was so scared the first time Caulifla kissed me…then again, she was drunker than you are right now! Maybe you did need some liquid courage…ah, the memories…”Tarble frowned, “I don’t need it. I want it, okay? Besides, I’m a grown man. I can drink when I want to!”Cabba laughed hysterically, “Okay, Tarble.”"Ugh, I loathe you." Tarble grumbled, but Cabba continued laughing.When the bus lurched to a stop in front of the hotel, Tarble hopped down the stairs behind Cabba and followed the others inside. After the grand entrance from the wedding party, they all sat at a long table draped in white at the front of the ballroom. The toasts were relatively quick from Trunks and from Bra's maid of honor, Asuna. Trunks told some jokes about worrying Goten would never grow up and Bra's friend cried happily while she congratulated the couple. Tarble wanted to hit a fast forward button. He could see Pan sitting off to the side with her family. She was crossed-legged at the table, slouching slightly in her chair. He couldn't get enough of the sight of her legs dressed in the heels she swore she'd never wear. It was both mind-boggling, but sexy as hell. When the music started up and people began to get food and dance casually, he knew that this was his chance. The dancefloor was crowded right now, so less attention would be on him. He escaped the bridal party table and approached Pan confidently. "Hello, gorgeous. May I have this dance?" Pan smirked and took his hand willingly.“I can’t really dance, though.” She admitted, "But for you, I'll try."“Not a problem, m'lady.”Tarble spun her around and placed one arm at her waist. He held her close and intertwined his fingers with hers as he held one hand out to the side. Her touch was warm and familiar, igniting every nerve ending in his body like a wildfire. He had to keep calm.“Wow, you know what you’re doing!” Pan laughed.“I've had a long time to learn about Earth and its...unique habits. I had to go to a homecoming dance this year...I spent all this time learning proper dancing for it but..."Pan burst out laughing, "But everyone was dry humping all over the place?""Well...yes..." Tarble laughed back, feeling embarassed.After the small talk ended, Pan seemed to turn serious. She squeezed his hand and stared into his eyes apologetically."So…about my leaving. I know you're probably beyond pissed at me. But you gotta understand…I didn't wanna hurt you. That was the last thing that I wanted! It was just so hard…and then when I’d finally gotten up the nerve to call you and talk about it, I lost my damn phone. I did get your voicemails, though...and I got your texts…I wanted to respond, but what the hell was I supposed to say, you know? I was so immature and stupid…I promise that I've changed. I know myself now. I know what I want." He felt a dangerous pang in his gut at the word "want". Did she want him? More importantly, did she want him like he wanted her? He didn't speak and waited for her to continue."I expected you to hate me, ya know. I thought everyone would hate me. I expected to be totally alone when I got back." Pan sighed quietly, looking away.Tarble pressed his cheek against hers and swayed slowly back and forth. He felt her body melt against his slightly."You could never be alone. Not truly. I never left." Pan rested her head on his shoulder and squeezed his hand, “I know…” They danced well into the night and the party only got crazier. The music sped up and Pan’s shoes came off. The open bar beckoned to them, shot after shot. Goten and Bra proved to be a very fun bride and groom as they constantly encouraged their wedding guests to dance and party. Tarble was having the time of his life.Then he noticed something…odd. He saw Marron at a table all by herself. She was playing on her phone quietly and looked miserable.Where was Trunks?He scanned the room. He didn't have to look far to find his drunken nephew. Trunks was hunkered over at the bar with a beer in hand. He seemed to be chatting up the bartender, who smiled awkwardly and continued handing over more alcohol. The man looked concerned over Trunks' state, but everyone in the family knew not to question his drinking. He'd become quite sensitive about that over the past few months and it was best to avoid the subject altogether. Tarble decided it might be best to check on Marron and get Pan a drink, considering it'd been a while. Marron was going to be his family soon enough, provided Trunks didn’t screw it up again, so he might as well do his part to make her feel included. She just looked so terribly sad. He knew all too well how that felt. "Pan, I'm going to get you some water. You shouldn't be drinking just vodka, you know!" He joked lightheartedly. "Okay! I'm going to go outside for some air. I'm burning up in here. I need a cigarette anyway." She winked at Tarble and headed for a side door away from the dance floor. Tarble wasn’t sure what a cigarette was, but assumed it was food. He danced through the crowd happily and grabbed a bottle of water. Just as he turned around to go over and visit with Marron quickly, a dark sensation hit him like a ton of bricks. It was like an internal alarm was going off. He quickly glanced back to the bar by chance and noticed that Trunks was gone. He looked back to Marron, but she was still sitting alone at her table with her phone.No. He tried to rush to the door he'd seen Pan leave from, but the crowd was dancing to a familiar tune and too packed for him to make his way through quickly. He began to panic and frantically squeezed through people. He nudged Goten by accident and knocked him forward into Bra.“S-sorry!” Tarble said, distracted.“It’s cool…” Goten answered, watching Tarble, “You good?” Tarble didn’t answer. He continued to make his way to the door frantically. He felt the energy rising from the patio and dreaded what he'd find when he opened the doors. He had to know if all that she'd said that day at the wedding was a lie. Was everything between them nothing but a show?He flung the door open. Everything went blank and his instincts took over. The animal had been released from its very, very overstayed cage. He couldn’t feel anything but hate. Trunks and Pan clearly had been arguing. He was red in the face and yelling at her as she cried. He had Pan by the arm and his voice was louder than Tarble ever heard him speak before. He roared all sorts of profanities into her face while she begged him to leave her alone."You take your hands off of her!" Tarble exclaimed.He shot forward and punched Trunks in the face without thinking. Trunks flew backwards off of the patio and into midair. "Tarble!" Goten shouted, running after Tarble from the side door.Tarble didn’t listen. The anger he felt inside was greater than anything he’d ever experienced, even when the saiyan guards captured him and killed Gure. That was helpless anger. That was sadness.This was rage.In a split second, he flipped his super saiyan switch and burst into golden flames. Before he knew what was happened, he was hitting Trunks with everything he had. Trunks fought back angrily, also turning super saiyan and drunkenly swinging with heavy fists at his uncle. "Stay…the hell…away…from…her! Don't…even…look…at her!" Tarble screamed in fits of fury between each hit. "I don't want her! You can have her! Back the fuck off before I rip your damn head off, crazy bastard!" Trunks growled back, clearly the stronger fighter. Pan stood on the balcony of the patio with Goten in shock. Tarble glanced her way, ready to see her horrified face. He knew she’d been ashamed of him, but to his utter surprise, she was smiling. A huge, proud smile was spread across her face. She was…happy? "What the in the fucking hell is going on here?" Tarble froze, holding Trunks’ punch in his fist. Even Trunks looked scared. The newly crowned Bra Son stood in the doorway and stared with fire in her eyes as her uncle and brother attempted to tear out each other's throats. "Not at my Goddamned wedding, bitches!" Bra climbed up onto the balcony and blasted off into the sky, wedding dress blowing in the wind. Goten and Pan stood dumbfounded as she turned into her own super saiyan form and grabbed the two men by the backs of their shirts. Bra knocked the two together and held them there. She began lecturing them angrily as they dangled helplessly in her grasp. Trunks looked like he was about to be sick, no doubt from all of the alcohol in his system. Tarble looked up at Pan and, when he caught her eye, smiled triumphantly. "I don't want to see any more bullshit at my wedding! Do you guys understand me? I will bury you if I see this shit again!" Bra screeched.The two nodded, both reluctantly. Bra angrily threw them forward before returning to the balcony gracefully herself, all three of them dropping into their normal forms. "Come on, Goten. We have dancing to do."She held out her hand and yanked a fired up Goten back inside. Tarble peeled himself from the hot patio floor. He could see Trunks panting heavily to his left. He was turning green and looking very woozy. He sat up and wobbled, sitting back onto his butt forcefully. He pointed at Tarble and then quickly to Pan. His eyes narrowed. "I want you to know…both of you…I'm done. GOD, I can't even look at you. Don't worry, Tarble, she's all yours. I only wanted her to understand that I'm fucking finished with her and her fucking shit!" Trunks hopped up to his feet and brushed off his pants. He turned and stormed back into the party. Tarble coughed slightly and got to his feet. He straightened out his tux and stood up tall, slowly moving his eyes to meet Pan’s. "Listen…I'm not sorry for what I just did. The thought of any man putting his hands on you…I just…I just snapped."He was cut short when Pan lunged forward and latched onto him, squeezing him tightly. "Thank you…for not hating me…" Tarble embraced her lovingly and kissed her head gently. He stood still for a long while, comforting her and holding her, until he couldn't resist his desperate urge any longer.He tipped her chin upwards to him tenderly and stared into her big, black eyes. He couldn't fight it. The bond of friendship he'd made with her pulled him to her like an impenetrable magnet. It might even be something more for all he knew. Whatever it was, he couldn't tear himself away from her now.He leaned forward and stopped just before her lips, waiting for the green light. He had to know that she wanted this, too. If she could only kiss him back, he would love her forever without question.All could be forgiven with just one kiss.

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T5hammer's avatar

Isn't tarble like... Goku's age?