Puma V ARV by RyujinDX on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Oh hey, one of the rare times dA's working for me again.

From Anno Astra...

Puma V ARV

The Puma V was an armoured reconnaissance hovercraft manufactured by MBB and widely used by polities with ties to the Confederation. Though not as capable as a flowcraft design, its use of well-proven older technologies made it a very reliable vehicle with low operating & maintenance requirements. This, plus its ability to carry a wide variety of weaponry and equipment, contributed much to its popularity with militaries on a budget. An assortment of turrets could be fitted, but standard on all models was a bow turret armed with a 5/01 pulse laser. Internal cargo space was available for a section of armored infantry, but the vehicle’s low profile made it a very cramped fit. Vectored-thrust exhaust ducts in its armored skirt gave it a respectable amount of maneuverability (“lively” for its size, as one test driver remarked), and its engines had enough thrust to give it the ability to ‘hop’ for short durations over obstacles up to 2 meters in height—although not when fully loaded.

Depicted is a Puma V in Bremengard livery, bivouacked somewhere in the Montmartre Highlands on the joint colony planet of Plessis-von Bulow. Asides from the standard bow turret laser, this example has an unmanned main turret armed with a 25mm coilgun & a 10mm coaxial weapon. On the rear deck is a 6mm coilgun repeater for anti-infantry & CIWS work. Distributed across its hull & turret are appliqué armor plates, countermeasures dispensers & active defense arrays for additional protection. In the foreground, on sentry duty, is a power-armoured trooper wearing a basic Hound II powered shell. In the background is a Kobold demi-shell armed with shoulder-mounted HVMs, anti-personnel repeaters and a handheld 30mm coilgun. Not shown are the reconnaissance platoon’s support vehicles.

Comments: Funny how, even in the far future, someone still uses grainy, silver halide-based photographic film (i.e. we use the film grain filter to cover up for the blah rendering of the landscape, etc).
Didn't really like exactly how this came out, but ehh. I've also been revising terminology, etc.