YGO - Bring It by SacaradiTuenifore on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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SacaradiTuenifore on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sacaradituenifore/art/YGO-Bring-It-371133218SacaradiTuenifore

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SacaradiTuenifore's avatar

Published: May 12, 2013


This is another shot from a mini YGO shoot I had with the wonderful and awesome :iconmalindachan: and :iconex-shadow: at Katsucon 2013. I finally brought back Duke Devlin and got most of the pieces renewed, including the wig.

I'm glad this turned out so well, and we got the time to meet up again.

Yami - :iconmalindachan:
Joey- :iconex-shadow:
Duke - :iconsacaradituenifore:

Photo taken by - :iconblakebroflovski:

Image size

960x720px 91.63 KB

Julzette's avatar

Winning!!!! :iconwinningplz: