Mythbusters in action (still working on the name) by SafirasArt on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

So yeah this is my party :D tho the black haired chick and the dead dude chilling on the ground are loved NPCs! they are great and shall never die QwQ (she said... still being afraid cause Frank is in a coma after a fucking vampire bit& stabbed him... plz be okay frank... we love you!)

But yeah Idk ... I just felt like drawing them :D

I mean look at our dwarf! being determined to sell his shitty wooden sculptures no matter what (when we were lv.1 he got almost killed my an old guy trying to sell this stupid turtle!)

our lovely halfelfen rogue, Being actually a pretty good thief when drunk :D seriously she stole a captains pipe and like 85 gold one night and couldn't even remember how she did that :D

And then we have our stubborn Lawfull good Halforc.. who may things he's somewhat socially skilled... but proved the opposite only a few seconds in by having to intimidate the rest of our party so we would even stay to talk to him :D ... after that I hit him :3 (kinda sad he's gonna leave the campaign , cause his player wasn't quite satisfied with the character ^^° but hey his next one's gonna be a pirate bard (that's all he said) and well that sound pretty fucking great too :D)

Uh and there was this one time I turned into a bear and I had rolled pretty good at finding out what would be awaiting us in this dungeon, but i didn't wanted to waste my bear form by just turning back so I tried to tell my friends via bear drawings... IT WAS A FREAKING SPIDER OKAY? .. we had a fun game of charade .. but because WE ALL rolled pretty shitty no one knew what the fuck I was sketching there :D apparently my character and her bear form have not inherit my artistic blood :D

And the black haired girl is Mara, she's like ... 2 level over us and a ranger and when we first meet her her wolf tried to kill me :3 that was fun ^^ now she's hitting on my character and My character has n idea how to deal with that :D

Ah there is so much I forgot to draw! Like how the dwarf actually started the "hey partner " thingy to mock my character, but of freaking course she didn't get it, so now it's just a friendly way how we greet each other, and our groups deep deep fear of rats, cause nothing ever got as close to death, as rats did! ALL THE FUCKING wooden sculptures shenanigans our Dwarf already got in! all the FSALDJKSL luck this stuuuupid rogue girl has like Akshdaökh it's not normal! the dice gods choose her to be their chosen one!
How I, the healer, go down like every 2. battle cause I'm stupid, don' own any good range weapons or magic so far, and just decide it's probably the best idea to hit everyone with my stupid staff :D... I mean it worked multiple times :D ... but it's still stupid :D

AHHHHHHHH idk.. we only had 2 sessions so far but I freaking love Dungeons and Dragons so much :D Jesus Christ!

Aleahnya - Halfelf Druid (c) me
Groblug Eisenhammer - Dwarf Ranger (c) Bro#2
Sevia - Halfelf Rogue (c) bro#3
Vargus - Halforc Paladin (c) male friendo
NPC Mara, Fenrir & Frank Manu (c) DM bestestes friendo ever