[OPEN] ADOPT ART WORK - - CONCEPT OF REN TAKASU by Samuraishop on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Ren "Neon Hunter" Takasu
Race: Human with cybernetic enhancements
Age: 19 years

Ren is a striking figure in the cyberpunk world, known for her vivid and distinctive features. Her horns, painted in white-gray with glowing neon lines, emphasize her demonic essence and high-tech nature. Her bright violet eyes shine like stars in the night sky, giving her an enchanting and threatening appearance. Her long violet hair flows down her back, adding a mysterious elegance to her look.

Part of her face and neck is covered with cybernetic implants that enhance her abilities and provide protection. She wears a mask with built-in sensors and filters that analyze the environment and protect against chemical attacks. Ren also dons a red cyber-jacket, a signature of her identity. The jacket is made from high-strength synthetic materials and features active camouflage capabilities, allowing her to blend into her surroundings.

Armor and Weapons:
Her armor is a high-tech exoskeleton made from nanomaterials that offer superior protection and flexibility. The jacket has built-in shields that activate as needed and an energy system that supports her in battle. The armor is equipped with hidden compartments for carrying useful tools and weapons.

Ren’s primary weapon is the neon katana "Neon Blaze." The blade glows with a bright neon light and is made from a rare alloy capable of cutting through most protective barriers. The katana is equipped with an energy system that allows it to heat up to high temperatures, as well as emit energy waves with each swing.

Additionally, Ren carries the laser blade "Dusk Blade," which is used for close combat and hacking. This blade, equipped with a lightning-fast discharge function, can swiftly cut through metal barriers and deliver devastating blows.

Ren was born in a megacity where high technology and crime are intertwined. Her parents were renowned scientists working on new types of cybernetic implants but died under mysterious circumstances, leaving Ren to fend for herself. From a young age, she had to survive using her knowledge of technology and combat skills.

Ren fell into criminal gangs, where her abilities were utilized for system hacking and eliminating enemies. However, betrayal and the struggle for survival strengthened her resolve to change the world. Upgrading her body and weapons, she adopted the new name Ren "Neon Hunter" and became known as a skilled mercenary specializing in high-profile eliminations and complex contracts.

Ren works as an independent mercenary, focusing on high-profile eliminations and complex operations. Her skills and reputation have made her a feared name in both criminal and corporate circles. Despite her ruthlessness, Ren seeks justice and fights against those who misuse technology and power.

She also helps those in difficult situations by sharing her knowledge and resources, enabling them to fight for their rights. Ren continues her fight, striving to dismantle the systems that oppress people and manipulate them.

Motive and Life Goal:
Ren is driven by the desire for revenge for her parents and to correct the system that shattered her life. Her goal is to create a world where technology is used for good rather than oppression. She aims to prove that even a lone individual can challenge powerful structures and make a positive change.

"My neon horns symbolize my resolve, and my katana represents my quest for justice. I will be the light in the darkness, fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves."

Everyone can use it if they buy it!;P:heart: