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Factoid Friday 99 Topic: Alien Wildlife - Xaxmarian Xenosynapsids A small class of organisms native to the planet Xaxmar, the so-called Xaxmarian Xenosynapsids are a curious group for many reasons, particularly so for Humanity. Though obviously completely different from the synapsids of Hythaea’s past (in regards to internal morphology, chemical composition, and genetic structure), Xaxmarian Xenosynapsids nonetheless share some basic characteristics, like laying eggs, being mostly endothermic, capable of growing fur, and having differentiated teeth, among a few other minor traits. However, what really caught the attention of Human xenobiologists when they first saw these organisms is how similar many of the larger species were to ancient, anatomically incorrect depictions of Hythaean dinosaurs. For example, the creature known as the Vakorkix bares striking similarities to ancient depictions of the Megalosaur, sharing much of the same body shape, broad tail, scaly arched back, and