Beauty...? by Sastrei on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Oh man; with seeing your comment on this picture, I could probably speak volumes and possibly write a one hundred page thesis on why dragons aren't evil (well, at least not all of them).

First of all, the main reason why dragons are seen as demonic is because supposedly Satan will take on the form of one when Armageddon arrives. However, the Bible's definition of "dragon" may not be the same as the current definition of "dragon" that we know today. Therefore, people shouldn't call REAL dragons demonic! However, I heard somewhere that there is a Bible scripture that might turn a few heads. From what my own mother told me (she loves dragons, just like me!:D), she remembered seeing something in the Bible (or some holy document) about Jesus being compared to the likeness of a golden dragon; fierce to the cruel and unjust while being kind and compassionate to those who are good, righteous, or against evil. If this statement is in fact true, then that proves that not ALL dragons are evil!
Secondly, as what has been stated before, people fear what they do not understand. It seems to be an inherent instinct within instinct that humanity should do away with! Dragons, while being reptiles and flying, fire-breathing ones at that, may look like monsters on the outside, but I'm sure that some dragons are good on the inside. After all, there is good and bad in EVERY race! It seems that, whenever something unexplainable show up, we immediately label it as "demonic"! I mean, seriously. WTF!? Also, humans may see dragons as demonic out of self-pride or paranoia over that which can't be explained. It is thoughts like these that led to the Holocaust and the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Hitler thought that blond-haired, blue-eyed Germans were the master race of all, and he saw the Jews as inferior scum that should be wiped off the face of this earth. So, in this case, humanity is like Hitler while dragons are like the Jews. Also, during the Salem Witchcraft Trials, many innocent people were burnt at the stake simply because they had a few eccentricities (and some didn't even have that!) or qualities that were uncommon. Also, there were the Native Americans. We saw them as savages simply because they did what we didn't do: live off of the land, using only that which they could gather for themselves.
There are a whole bunch of examples that I could list, but I won't in order to make this rant shorter.
Third, there are some people (myself included) that believe that there are some dragons who serve God Himself! Now, isn't that a contradicting statement to traditional religion? In my opinion, when most people read the Bible, they take what it says too literally. The Bible is cryptic; it is MEANT to be cryptic. If we were to completely understand the Bible, we would know what would happen to us as well as this world before it even happens! How can we experience hope if we knew from day one when the world is going to end, and the suffering that would happen beforehand? Anyway, I should stop vomiting up Bible-related stuff, for the Bible will be the center of heated debates across the world until all of its secrets are revealed in the end.
Finally, most people nowadays seem to be abhorrently closed-minded and blind to the world around them. For an example; there have been wide reports of autism and so-called "learning disabilities/mental disabilities" breaking out around the world. I have Asperger's Syndrome, which is a mild form of autism. Having this has caused my brain to be wired differently from other people, causing me to interpret and think about things in ways that other people wouldn't. While most people today sees such "disabilities" as something negative and crippling, I see it as exactly the opposite. It has given me a very, VERY open mind. Maybe God is sending these so-called "disabilities" to us on purpose in order to try to change us into a more understanding and caring race? Who knows? Maybe dragons, in essence, represents the greatest qualities within us all. If so, then I am a dragon! While my human body may be stuck in one shape, my soul can be in an entirely different one (at least, that is my belief).

Anyway, I'll stop there; this post has gone on long enough. I just outlined some of my beliefs. I hope you enjoy reading this giant rant of mine.
I refuse to see dragons as completely evil, and I certainly don't think of them as ugly. The dragon you drew in this picture is incredibly beautiful. There is a definite kind expression in his eyes, with the faintest of smiles adorning his face.:)
This is Geoclaxus (aka George); who dreams of one day being a dragon, signing off.
And now...I shall await the flamers and the other close-minded people of this world who want a go at me.