pievos rasu by sauletekiais on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

sauletekiais on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sauletekiais/art/pievos-rasu-110553298sauletekiais

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sauletekiais's avatar

Published: Jan 24, 2009


Image size

922x1646px 216.15 KB

twilightcargo's avatar

just wonderful!
i dont understand the title :-( but the picture itself makes me feel...
its like an apotheosis of the analogue world.
when capturing the "decisive moment" was decisive!
by leaving these "remains" of the film in the picture it gets the atmosphere of something precious, of talking about long lost times in the past.
the paisley pattern on the dress, the hanging flower... could be a little girl or a grown up, but anyhow its about precious memories...
