sburgoa - Hobbyist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


The L-Ementals: Chapter 3 Part 2

Reminder: Regular text takes place in the story they are writing. Italicized text takes place in the real world. Lola was still sulking in the bathroom. Needless to say, she was not happy. Just this morning she was her usual beautiful self, which she had spent years perfecting, going as far as trying to pass off for 5 when she was 6. Now she was this green… freak. She looked over at herself in the mirror. Never before had looking at her own reflection failed to make herself feel better, but seeing that leafy green face brought her back to her bleak reality. Whenever she tried to pick all the leaves off her face, more just grew in their place. It felt like something out of a nightmare for her. “If this is really what I’m going to look like for the rest of my left, I may as well just get settled into Lisa’s bunker right now…” After wallowing in her own self pity for a bit, she saw the door handle jiggling a bit. “What part of GO AWAY don’t you understand!?!” The jiggling seemed