Toadette by scaver763 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

scaver763 on DeviantArt

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scaver763's avatar

Published: Jun 11, 2024


Toadette is a female Toad, so she is adorned in pink. She has brown shoes. She wears a short, pink dress with a white outline, and her vest is red with a gold trim, looking the difference as Toad's, but her footwearing is the same. Toad is jealous of that vest, 'cause his favorite color is red, obviously. The mushroom on her head is also pink with large white dots, and she has pink mushroom hair that goes down her back to make pigtails. She has the same memorable, happy face as Toad. Nothing can keep her from smiling, not even being hit by a Spiny Shell or falling down a bottomless hole.

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2344x2656px 3.26 MB