The Venture by sealle on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

And this was one of the things i wanted to move on to.

Previously: Faltering by sealle


“So what does this mean then?” Syd took a long drink from his stubby. “You going to agree to it?”

“I don’t know. She has but me in a tight spot. They may have downsized since you rode for them, but there are still a few horses they want to race. They took two fillies this year that I was working. Neither showed much promise but still, they pay well and the horses are always well bred and cared for. I could say yes, take the colt overseas, maybe do well and even make a few connections of my own. It could be the next step for my name as well. On the other hand, I have eleven other horses I am in charge of. I can’t leave and abandon the horses, or their owners. What would that say about me, about what I think of the owners that don’t send me million dollar animals?” He shrugged. “Fuck Syd, I don’t know.”

Draining the last of his beer he plonked it on the desk before reaching over, freeing its brother and cracking another one. “Besides, you never told me where you have been the last few years. Last I heard you had sent the occasional postcard from up north. Frankie was always certain at some point you would come back, I just kind of lost hope when it wasn’t for her funeral.”

“I didn’t find out about it until two weeks later, I had been out in the middle of nowhere and a late paper was the first I heard of it. I felt like shit, but by that point I had missed it. I should have written or called, but I just didn’t know what to say to you or Betsy, and I did not want to call the Stud in case Jess answered. I couldn’t deal with that on top of everything.” His eyes tightened at the mention of his ex-fiancé. “Anyway, I have been working odd jobs. I did some guiding up north, pandered to tourists. Tips were good, the humidity send me running south. Broke some horses out near Wagga, then I have been working my way south. My body can't stand up to the jock’s lifestyle but I keep ending up in jobs with horses. The rest were fine, but I missed the thrill, the smell, the feel of the track. I thought you were based near Moonee, but they told me you had set up shop in Sydney. I almost lost it, but one of the bugs told me you still had a few down south for the carnival.”

Oscar’s brows creased in an all too regular frown. “And what, may I ask, were you looking for me for?”“Well, I don’t know if it’s the right time, but I was hoping you might have some connections. I have a venture in mind.” Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out a very creased and worn pamphlet. Placing his beer on the desk he leaned forward, smoothing open a page and flipping it around. “There is this colt.”


The sun was setting over the ocean, gulls were calling and the tang of seaweed was in the air. A cold wind nipped through the air and sent Neaghe snuggling into her husband’s embrace. They stood at the fence, watching their livelihood and passion grazing peacefully in the sea of waving grasses. The broodmares were steady islands, slowly and steadily eating their fill while their offspring tore around them, bouncing leaping and crashing like waves.

The two horses that captured their attention were in the paddock next to the broods. Two yearling colts who had been getting to know each other. Both were impeccably bred and set to become future superstars, but right now all they seemed to realize was that for the first time in a long time they had someone to really challenge themselves against. Angmar had been alone since his brothers had been sold and shipped away to their new owners. He was too big to be turned out with the foals and Temasek, but too old to be turned out with the mares. So far he had been released with the geldings, but Stormy had taken an instant dislike to sharing personal space with the bigger colt, and Slinky had been too friendly and ended up coming in several times with bites and bruises where Angmar’s want for space and rough play had made him rather uncomfortable.

Then Oscar had called her and told her about a colt he and Cassidy had found and were looking for partners on. She had been tempted to offer to buy him outright. As soon as she had found out his breeding and the reduced price he was being offered at she knew he would be ideal. Oscar had some misgivings about his transfer to turf, but Neaghe remembered Syd’s skill on the horses on almost any surface. He had been there when Frankie had first turned the stud’s attention to the racing industry. She trusted his judgment about the colt’s potential, probably more than Mr. Letwitz, which was a disturbing thought.Squeals broke out as Delphi decided to get up close and physical with the bigger colt. Angmar had never been a push over, and he certainly wasn’t going to let this new upstart try and put him in his place. With pinned ears and a wide eye rolling stare he unleashed a volley of nips and shoulder barges that sent the smaller chestnut backing up and flickering his ears in uncertainty. Seeming to think he might test his luck again the colt lunged forward and tried nipping the bays hocks. Angmar let out a mighty kick that connected squarely and brought Delphi up short. Deciding it was enough Lucifer’s son quickly bundled up a very confused and unhappy Delphi and after driving him part of the way settled down and began to graze near the fence.“After what we were warned about this little bipolar nutcase’s antics with the colts at his breeders farm, I thought he would prove to be more of a challenge to settle in. Angmar might actually be good for him; he even has those extra months of growth on him to help even out any nonsense Delphi tries to cause.” John chuckled.Delphi continued pawing and frisking around the bay, seeming to want to keep pushing his luck, but that death glare kept his distance and finally he settled and began to nibble some grass next to his new baby sitter.


The next few weeks resulted in quite a few bruises and scrapes as Angmar repeatedly enforced his desire for respectful boundaries and eventually Delphi began to even out. He was still not the gentlest horses, but the big colt seemed to have a way of glaring at the smaller horse that stilled him and kept him in line. Angmar was never the instigator of trouble though and he was most often seen nibbling Delphi’s back in affection and dozing in the sun between meals. Delphi even got the big guy involved in races around the paddocks and mock sparring matches.All in all, the staff had not expected the two colts to get along so well, nor did they realize that the new colt would not only calm down, but that Angmar, who had never been big on being silly would actually seem to enjoy his buddies endless energy and indomitable spunk. It would be a fun filled few months for the two before their real training began.



Flaxen Liver Chestnut with a blaze and four socks.
Genetic Tested as:


Negative for WFFS markers

Triple Birch's Yearling Manager's Log: "Well if Saba types them at all its via personality. She just can have a nice, friendly, engaged baby it seems. Del, unlike his siblings, seems to be edging more on bipolar then anything else. One moment he's loathing your existence from afar and then the next he's pitching a fit about it right in your face. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's just emotional, but man sometimes those eyes of his just seem to have the ability to read you like a book. Thank god he's a pretty small size and thus relatively manageable during this mood swings of his. Once he gets to full size and in racing shape however, well let's just say I think this boy is going to get quite the track record, and I'm not talking about races (though he seems to possess plenty of talent in that area as well). He is pretty though, easily the most delicate of Saba's babies with a pretty head to boot. A gregarious and yet standoffish animal. He coasts between being overwhelmingly outgoing and cold as ice often within the course of a few moments. Despite this he's vastly intelligent and almost calculating at times. "

-------------------------------------------------------------------- SSSS: A.P. Indy
------------------------------------------ SSS: Pulpit
-------------------------------------------------------------------- SSSD: Preach
----------------- SS: Corinthian
-------------------------------------------------------------------- SSDS: Easy Goer
------------------------------------------ SSD: Multiply
-------------------------------------------------------------------- SSDD: Add
Sire: Apollo Gold
-------------------------------------------------------------------- SDSS: Naskra
------------------------------------------ SDS: Olympio
-------------------------------------------------------------------- SDSD: Carols Christmas
----------------- SD: Grecian Gold
-------------------------------------------------------------------- SDDS: Native Prospector
------------------------------------------ SDD: Golden River
-------------------------------------------------------------------- SDDD: Cascapedia

-------------------------------------------------------------------- DSSS: Raise a Native
------------------------------------------ DSS: Mr. Prospector
-------------------------------------------------------------------- DSSD: Gold Digger
----------------- DS: Smart Strike
-------------------------------------------------------------------- DSDS: Smarten
------------------------------------------ DSD: Classy n' Smart
-------------------------------------------------------------------- DSDD: No Class
Dam: Saba
-------------------------------------------------------------------- DDSS: Vice Regent
------------------------------------------ DDS: Deputy Minister
-------------------------------------------------------------------- DDSD: Mint Copy
----------------- DD: Arabis
-------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDS: Alydar
------------------------------------------ DDD: Aishah
-------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDD: Courtly Dee

p.p.s Angmars father and Delphi's dam are the parents of G's Kentucky Derby winning mare Marzana...... i just cant get over that.