Osomatsu Episode 24 by SecretNarcissist on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
SecretNarcissist on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/secretnarcissist/art/Osomatsu-Episode-24-598146409SecretNarcissist
Deviation Actions
Published: Mar 22, 2016
Just when I thought Osomatsu couldn't make me sad again, it did.
What really made this episode worse was the truth of it and how much I connected with Osomatsu- ;--; It's so true about how everyone, at one point, will become an adult... and how people will drift away from your life no matter how close you are with them. Osomatsu really woke up and made me face the truth of reality- AND HERE I THOUGHT OSOMATSU WAS INNOCENT AND FULL OF FUN... It also shows you how life can be all fun and games until it smashes your face in with a bat-
Image size
2000x2000px 494.05 KB
ohh then too bad I was noticed that not much people saying someone's name?? "That man"......
Do you know "Tougou"?