Lieutenant Harutu Akari by SeekHim on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Lieutenant Harutu Akari b 2226
Chief Helmsman
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Akari is Chief Helmsman of the USS Saratoga which James T Kirk commands in my Saratoga verse

Akari was born to a family descended from the ancient samurai and had a deep pride in his ancestry. He studied Japanese swordsmanship and became a master of the katana. He always had a fascination with both history and anthropolgy. His greatest love however was piloting and he dreamed of someday piloting a starship

Kyoto University

From 2246-2248 he attended Kyoto University where he took courses in history and anthropology.

Starfleet Academy

From 2248-2252 he attended Starfleet Academy.

USS NormandyFrom 52-57 he served on the USS Normandy, a


class Destroyer.
While on the Normandy he received a commendation for valor.

USS Saratoga

In 2257 the Marklin was decommissioned and he was assigned to the USS Saratoga as Chief Helmsman, under the command of Eric Martell.

In late 58 Martell retired after the death of his wife and some weeks later, the Saratoga received a new Captain,James T. Kirk

Akari is a highly skilled pilot who can always be found in simulators practicing and improving his technique.

Personality wise he's serious and no nonsense and to those under his command he is very demanding.
At the same time he’s fair and has a seemingly endless supply of patience.
‘Honor’ and ‘Respect’ are his middle names and he's possessed of a deep humility as well as a great deal of wisdom.

In addition to piloting he has a lifelong fascination with history and anthropology and loves the study of different civilizations.
He’s an avid student of Japanese swordsmanship and is very interested in sword-fighting methods in other cultures.

Akari has a very unique relationship with

James T. Kirk

After accepting command, Kirk noticed Akari sparring and was deeply impressed. After watching for a few days he approached him
and asked him teach him how to use a katana.

Akari told him. "Learning how to use a sword is not a casual hobby, Captain. And if that is what you wish to learn, then I must respectfully refuse. To master the virtue of the sword is to master the world and oneself. It takes ten years to begin to master the techniques of swordsmanship. And you will never master them if you approach training with 'a ten years I'll do it in nine' attitude. And while it takes ten years to begin to master the techniques of a sword, the ultimate goal of training is to master oneself and that takes a lifetime.

"I will give you two days. Use that time to think about what it is that you truly want. To decide if you simply want to learn how to 'handle' a sword and not change yourself at all, or if you truly wish to master both the sword and yourself. After those two days, ask me again."

Two days later Kirk approached him and said “I want to master the sword. Will you please teach me?"

Akari took him to his quarters and handed him a bokken (wooden practice sword.) "This will be yours for the duration of your training. Meet me in the gym tomorrow at 1800 and we will begin."

On duty Kirk is the superior officer and Akari the subordinate and one would be hard pressed to find an officer who demonstrates more respect to his superior. But in the gym during their training sessions, Kirk is the student and Akari the teacher and a very demanding one at that. Kirk sometimes refers to Akari as sensei even when they're on duty. Over the years a deep camaraderie has formed between the Helmsman and Captain, Teacher and Student.

Akari also has a close friendship with Chief Navigator

Lieutenant Arex

Chief of Communications,

Lieutenant M'Ress

, who shares his interest in other cultures.

And the ship's anthropologist,

Chief Petty Officer Isaiah Lachman