Amphibia- Spraddivy Confession by Seeonleme on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is likely the last full comic for Amphibia- Amphibian month, which is funny cause this was supposed to be the first one.

Anyways, I had a bunch of other dialogue and stuff planned but when writing it all down I realized that it was making a longer comic than necessary for this project so I trimmed it down a bit. I thought that I'd already had mentioned how Spraddivy got together but I couldn't find anything on my tumblr blog. At least this time Sprig is just sick instead of having a big gash from a monster slashing him, lol.

Not 100% happy with this, especially the end but in general my headcanon is that they got together with exploring New Frogland but have had crushes on each other since before then.