Waluigi Gonna Win! by Sekhmet17 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Sekhmet17 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sekhmet17/art/Waluigi-Gonna-Win-535502857Sekhmet17
Deviation Actions
Published: May 26, 2015
Photoshop CS6
May 26th, 2015
Tried something different with the background but it turned into a bit of a noisy mess. Oh well. Waluigi doesn't care. 'Cause Waluigi gonna win!
(The detail was lost when I had to reduce the image size for saving but his overalls have a demin texture applied to them. This took six days to colour because Waluigi consumes my life!)
Image size
2000x2000px 1.57 MB
7/10 very impressive but his dungurees are very dark purple not black