OC | Ireland by semper-n-aeternum on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Show Name: Ye Ol’de Ireland
Calling Name: Ireland

Nicknames: Oldie (by frienemies/foes), Yearland (by some of his riders) :bulletgreen:
Gender: Colt/Stallion

Age: 3yrs
Breed: American Mustang / Irish Warmblood
Height: 17.2 hh

RP Status: Open :bulletgreen:

Home: The Resistance © Drkvice and free range
Herd: none

Parents: unknown
Siblings: none
Crush(s): Espere © Drkvice
Mate: closed :bulletred:
Best Friend(s): Espere, Blyght (maybe open to one more) :bulletorange:
Friends: Espere, Blyght :bulletgreen:
Enemies: Klauz and many others :bulletgreen:
Role-models: Judas © Drkvice (in the resistance aspect)

Personality: Sturdy and hardworking, Ireland enjoys his job and is always keen to please his superiors, both human and equine. Despite his charming nature, he kinda has dull sense of humor (he usually doesn't get the meaning of jokes). He is a very nice friend to have, always honest, unless it has to do with his feelings concerning the lovely lass Espere, and loyal to the core, he will always be there for a friend no matter what. Even though he may seem like a dull lumbering oaf at times, he is very intelligent and can and will get himself out of any predicament put before him. Ireland is a pretty low key kind of fella, though sometimes he can be temperamental, but he is a big softie generally.

Likes: Working. His free time. Espere. Protecting those he loves. A good long run. His accent. Foals (he’s a big softie at heart.)
Dislikes: His show name. Missing Espere. Newbie riders. The feelings his feelings for Espere causes. Others picking on Espere.

Notes: He has grown to have a strong dislike for a stallion trying to win the affections of his little lass. His temper tends to show whenever he is around Rocky.

Blyght has been right there beside him since the beginning of training camp, their story has an interesting start that only strengthened their friendship. The two have each other's backs for life.

Ireland holds very high respects for his superior and lass' father, Judas. For fear of showing any disrespect to the blood bay stallion is one of the main reasons he tries to keep his feelings for Essie in check.

Theme Song: Six Foot Teddy Bear by Richie McDonald


Ireland was imported, along with many other horses, secretly to the Resistance. He was only a year old then. His journey started up north, where his basic training began. He was thrilled with this new life and excelled tremendously in his jobs and training. In this time he found his best buddy Blyght, the two became inseparable, quickly rising in the ranks of their trainings. By the time the two got to the west they were some of the best and hardiest three year old mounts. They were favorites among the men in the Resistance, for they always did their job to the fullest possible, hardly ever giving their men any trouble.

This was the first time Ireland had ever been in a desert, though he adapted quickly. He had been born to a small herd of renegade farm and work horses in Ireland, his mother having been tossed out like rubbage when she had become pregnant by a pest mustang that had been brought to Ireland and then escaped. The mustang's hardiness passed on into the colt as well as his mother's size and gracefulness. His bloodline proved to benefit him greatly in his new line of work.

On his first assignment Ireland was put in a team under the command of an irritable blood bay stallion. He immediately recognized this stallion to be Judas, the top mount he had heard so much about during his training days. Throughout that assignment he proved himself to be a hardworking reliable team member, always filling out his orders to the T. At the end of the assignment Judas was being let loose for his free time, but when he passed Ireland he tipped his head in acknowledgement. This made Ireland bust with excitement on the inside. His role model had approved of his skills and working attitude. He watched as the blood bay took off.. little did he know that he’d meet his long lost daughter..