A glimpse of light by SerenityScratch on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

SerenityScratch's avatar

Published: Nov 4, 2016


An attempt at a more painterly style, and I am still improving
I could have improved the face definitely. But overall, I think the hair looks great,
my fave part.
I learned a lot from this definitely, especially for future digital paintings. I love
learning new things and improving.
Eventhough I am not completely satisfied, I still am happy that I was able to learn
so much out of it. I encourage everyone else to try something out of their comfort zone
too. Maybe it's digital painting, watercolor, a different style or maybe even something
different like taking a step above what is expected.
A major inspiration of mine that has kept me thinking of trying things outside of my
comfort zone is definitely nyanobite <3
Check out her art, it is super adorable! And thank you so much for inspiring me =3,
I am still working on your contest >.<

<3 Serenity

Image size

1194x1250px 944.32 KB