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I was accepted? Just like that?

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Thank you for the request <3

Thank u for the affiliation!

You say Inuyasha's insecure like Kagome, um what? he characterization of Inuyasha as "insecure" is something that bothers me. I dont really remember anything in the manga indicating that. He's clearly arrogant. Having doubts and showing vulnerability, as well as feeling sad and angsting and suffering for other people, do NOT mean you're unconfident. It means you're human.
But there's nothing in the manga indicating Inuyasha's insecurity. The woobie flashbacks are not present in the manga. He loved his mother and once she died, he went off and became a Sesshomaru-like loner I guess (we're not given info). He wasn't needy and crying because he didn't have friends. He was portrayed as someone who didn't care, and would just take what he wanted from people, and didn't give a shit about anything till Kikyo came along. Inuyash blocked out the pain and went on with his life. We know later on Kagome taught him to break down and stuff.
The biggest problem I see with this is that there was nothing wrong with the way Inuyasha was in the first place. He was a jerk sometimes, ok, but he wasn't all broken. He was strong. He had his own way of dealing with things. And in a time like that, desperate times call for desperate measures. It's not about being naive and romantic. KAGOME is the one that seems clueless, somewhat unconfident and later on, an emotional trainwreck. So... yeah.

Also, nothing in the manga indicates he's unsure Kagome loves him. He does at least know she has feelings for him. Kagome made light hearted advances on him at the start, and he rejected her, and later on, those feelings turned real, and Inuyasha realized it. He explicitly asks her if she's mad because he kissed Kikyo, so obviously he suspects/knows she's jealous.
Nothing indicates he's insecure of competition either. I really doubt it. Why would Inuyasha compare himself to other dudes? He knows what he's got. When Kagome hugs him front of Koga in some chapters, he brags about it to Koga and says he "won".