SevenZee - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


RP LOG-Caught in the Storm [tRH]

Kerwin|Dog|Citizen [10:28:56 PM] Sylph of Heart: The glistening snow was losing its shine as the clouds rolled in. It looked like they were about to release a furious snow storm any minute. Kerwin looked up to the sky, and recalled the Seer saying something about a coming storm. He looked around. He should really get to some sort of shelter, but his den was pretty far away, and it was probably too late to get back to it. He heard some chattering foxes in the distance and decided it would be best to make sure they were okay and get them to a safe place along with himself, so he walked over. Kodiak|Vixen|Guard’s Apprentice [10:36:50 PM]