ShakespeareFreak - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


my ask of the witches

not to be critical but in considering the state of our union the state of our world - why have you witches not yet unionized and become more fully engaged? has the time for your focus your concerted action not at long last arrived? we look to the past: slavery genocide the inquisition the black plague World Wars one and two and now - !!! all of which indicates despite multitudes kneeling - praying as theory does not work we need a critical mass a tipping point a 'cleansing conflagration' [only of a sort of course] let's not get carried away however: you await numbers so - expand begin a draft share the craft unite the covens light the ovens [figuratively of course] become vast become exponential identify problems battle problems eliminate problems having become a colossus - thus saving our planet - thus saving us all we should be endlessly grateful to you and if you would I say again - please don't get carried away but - come October have a great