Dreamselfy oc Ayperos by Shakey-Shake on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Shakey-Shake on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shakey-shake/art/Dreamselfy-oc-Ayperos-724487161Shakey-Shake

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Published: Jan 10, 2018


Ayperosimage2.atgames.jp/selfy_motion… Princess of hell
-15 years old
=+ selfless, Astute, strong-willed, humble - competitive, arrogant, obstinate, irascible
Digital version= Soon
Voice: youtu.be/8GXGDDetzDA
= Aka Prince of Hell
=His Show his disrespect towards his father (devil) but showing his empathetic attitude
= Ayperos is youngest, he's has three siblings (Nyx,Persephine and Abigor)
= He's friends with Cuphead and mugman
= He's inspired Sora and Riku From Kingdom hearts
Ayperos and others © mine
Cuphead © StudioMDHR
All TinierMe images are Copyright (C) 2012 GCREST, Inc. All Rights Reserved."

Image size

422x647px 210.6 KB

Bymaxtherealmute's avatar

OMG ok he is joining my gang