Comm: Hybrid mane 6 by Shaslan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This was a commission for Fimfic user NicLove, for their fanfiction 'Moonracer'. The concept of the fanfic is that the mane 6 are all hybrids, part pony, part something else. They have to leave Equestria due to intolerance and racism, and travel to Moonracer, a town for hybrids of all kinds and colours.

I had a lot of fun doing these character designs! Twilight Sparkle is a pony/dragon, Rainbow Dash is a pony/griffin, Rarity is a pony/changeling, Pinkie Pie is a pony/diamond dog, Spike is an earth pony, Applejack is a pony/buffalo, and Fluttershy is a zebra/kirin.