14) My Shoulders Are Pumped, Like Big Ripe Melons by SheGotBig on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Later that evening back in his office packing up to go home, DARREN WAS GLOWING... Endora’s impromptu visit during his lunch time presentation had sealed the deal for the advertising contract. Griswold had given Darren a firm handshake of commitment, and Darren had assured him that the legal papers would be sent to his office the next day for his lawyers to review, for the official signing of the contract. DARREN’S SPIRITS WERE SO HIGH HE FELT AS IF HE COULD FLOAT HOME. He gathered up his belongings, and cut off the main lights on the floor, then headed towards the back elevators in the dimly lit hallway. When suddenly, Endora popped into the hallway dressed in a BLACK SKIN-TIGHT JUMPSUIT... IT WAS MOLDED TO HER BULGING QUADS AND CALVES, MAKING HER APPEAR LIKE THE SUPERHERO, SHE HAD ALREADY BECOME. “Good evening my boy I hope all went well after I left” Endora asked rhetorically, already surmising the answer to her question. Darren's heart skipped a beat “DAMN, IS SHE EVEN BIGGER, AND HARDER THAN SHE WAS AT LUNCHTIME?” he wondered... accepting the possibility, he swallowed hard, and continued... “When you walked in and Griswold saw you, he was SPELLED BOUND, he wants to feature you in every form of advertising that’s available... All together his account is worth over $100 MILLION DOLLARS... IT’S MY GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT!... AND IT ALL BECAUSE YOU’RE THE MOST STUNNING WOMAN ON THE PLANET, AND SOON THE WORLD WILL KNOW!” Darren acknowledged, still beaming from his success. “Yes, it's all very thrilling, and I’m quite flattered, but I’ve been thinking, wouldn't it be false advertising to say that I've built this body totally on his vitamins and supplements... I hope your campaign won't ignore the hours of commitment it took to build this body, THROUGH BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS... TARGETING EACH MUSCLE GROUP WITHOUT MERCY... SOLID STEEL VS ROCK-HARD FLESH AND BONE... LIFTING MORE, AND MORE, AND MORE STEEL, UNTIL NEAR EXHAUSTION, AND PUSHING PAST THE PAIN...AS MY MUSCLED ACHED, AND CRIED OUT FOR ME TO STOP...YET I PUSHED ON, FORCING MY BODY TO OBEY ME, WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF WITCHCRAFT... just the muscles of Endora, that demanded “Endurance”... I BEAT MY BODY INTO SUBMISSION UNTIL IT YIELDED TO MY DEMANDS, AND FRESH, NEW, MUSCLE ERUPTED, EMERGING, BIGGER, STRONGER, HARDER THAN BEFORE... THEN I WOULD WAIT AND START AGAIN THE NEXT DAY, WITH THE DEEPER YEARNING TO ADD EVEN MORE, AND MORE MUSCLE... I haven't built my body on any of his products, I've built this STEEL BODY by my will alone, NO ONE ELSE CAN TAKE CREDIT FOR MY MUSCLE... I casted only one spell as the foundation, and that was to make my body SUPER RECEPTIVE TO MY TRAINING; TO MULTIPLY MY REWARDS BY THE EFFORT I INVESTED IN MY INTENSE TRAINING... THE HARDER I TRAINED, THE BIGGER THE GAIN... AND AS EVERYONE CAN SEE I'VE BEEN TRAINING PRETTY HARD “ she declared, stepping closer to him, as she finished her passionate soliloquy. Darren's eyes traced the TANTALIZING CONTOURS OFHER INCREDIBLE PHYSIQUE as Endora’s MASSIVE MUSCLES INVOLUNTARILY TWITCHED DURING HER HOT-BLOODED ORATION, WHICH MADE DARREN GROW STIFFER, AND STIFFER... Darren took a moment and dug down deep... he had to find the inner resolve to stay focused, and to address Endora’s concerns. “Of course, we won't ignore the hours of commitment it took you to build your PHENOMENAL PHYSIQUE... In fact, Griswold was so impressed with you, that not only will you be the face of his vitamin and supplement products, but to emphasize the dedicated training that goes along with the products, HE PLANNING TO OPEN HIS OWN CHAIN OF HARD-CORE GYMS, AND HE WANTS YOU AT THE RIBBON CUTTING OF EACH GRAND OPENING NATIONWIDE” Darren announced... Endora’s eyes lit up. “Oh, that sounds delicious, you know a woman likes to be appreciated for all of the hard work she does... It sounds like Griswold appreciates me almost as much as you... BUT YOU AND I KNOW NO ONE APPRECIATE ME MORE THAN YOU... IT WAS SUCH A PLEASURE AT LUNCH TO SIMPLY FLEX AT THE TABLE AND MAKE ALL OF YOU GO OFF LIKE SPRINKLERS IN YOUR WELL-TAILORED PANTS” she boasted, stepping even closer to Darren. “THAT'S WHAT MAKES ME WANT TO BUILD MY BODY MORE, AND MORE, WATCHING THE WAY THAT IT AFFECTS YOU... Have you noticed the difference in my shoulders since lunch, when I left you at the ballroom, I went home to work my shoulders and my lats, to make them bigger, broader... my shoulders are still burning... they’re so pumped... they feel like big ripe melons” she purred. She stared straight at Darren, with a playful glint in her eyes. “Let's see if my hard work has paid off”... ENDORA STRUCK A EARTH-SHATTERING LAT-SPREAD, flaring her beefy lats further and further and further apart, transforming her entire upper body into a nightmarish “V”... STRETCHING HER TOP TO TRANSLUCENCY, ON THE VERGE OF SPLITTING AT THE SEAMS ... SHE HELD THE POSE LIKE A “GREEK GOD” THEN GRUNTED AND BECAME EVEN WIDER, DARREN COULD HEAR THE FABRIC BEGINNING TO TEAR, AND HE COULD TAKE NO MORE, HE DROPPED HIS ATTACHÉ CASE AND STUMBLED BACKWARDS HITTING HIS BACK AGAINST THE WALL AND SLIDING DOWN UNTIL HE WAS LOOKING UP AT HER ASTOUNDING PHYSIQUE, LYING FLAT ON THE FLOOR. SHE STOOD OVER HIM LOOKING DOWN AT HIM WITH A SMILE AND CONTINUE TO MAKE HER LATS SPREAD WIDER AND WIDER AND WIDER AND WIDER... SHE WAS A FREAK. “These muscles may have started with magic as the foundation, but for weeks and weeks it's been all me, pumping steel over, and over, and over, getting bigger, and bigger, and harder, and harder until my muscles feel like they're about to explode” she whispered to him seductively with a steamy gaze... DARREN COULDN'T TAKE HIS EYES OFF OF HER ASTOUNDING BODY AS STREAMS OF HIS SEED SPREAD DOWN HIS PANTS AS HE LAYED ON THE FLOOR TREMBLING AND QUIVERING. “Endora stop...please stop” he pleaded, helpless before her MASSIVE ASSAULT... HE WAS ASHAMED THAT HE COULD NO LONGER FIGHT THE PHEROMONES OF HER MASSIVE ALLURE, AND YET THE PLEASURE WAS SO INTOXICATING. She looked down on him and laughed still maintaining the spectacular pose...SHE LOOKED MIGHTIER THAN SUPERMAN! “Griswold said I’m the most stunning woman on the planet... you know it’s true...but I’m that and even more to you... YOU WANT ME MORE THAN MY OWN STRING-BEAN DAUGHTER... GO AHEAD SUNNY-BOY EMPTY YOURSELF, EMPTY YOURSELF, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO... YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME, NOT HER” SHE BRAGGED. I'M MORE WOMAN THAN SAMANTHA COULD EVER BE, AND YOU KNOW IT... THE BODY THAT GAVE BIRTH TO SAMANTHA NOW HAS GIVEN BIRTH TO ALL THIS MUSCLE!” SHE SHOUTED STRIKING A DEVASTATING DOUBLE BICEP POSE...SHE WAS HUGE...SHE PUMPED HER FLEX OVER, AND OVER, AGAIN FORCING HER PEAKS TO GUSH HIGHER AND HIGHER... IT WAS SO AWESOME, SO OVERWHELMING THAT DARREN CRIED OUT SPEWING ALL THE SEMEN HE HAD IN HIS TESTES AND BLACKED OUT. She relaxed her flex and turned and pressed for the elevator leaving him lying on the floor stained and drained. “Sweet dreams sunny-boy and when you dream, I know you'll be dreaming of me” his heart belonged to her, and it was only a matter of time before his marriage TOTALLY CRUMBLED...just as she planned.