Chapter 15: Egypt-Sudan by SheldonOswaldLee on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

With the King of Egypt backed by the Egyptian Military in an anti-British Coup, that seizes the Cairo, Alexandria and Port Said (Suez Canal) Garrisons, the newly formed Egyptian-Sudanese Nation State clearly opposes British, European, American and overall Western influence and hegemony over it’s sovereignty. Nearby British Forces 10,000 soldiers and 400 airplane pilots retreat to British Transjordania, unable to strike back at the moment, because of few numbers and bad logistics, reinforcements and supplies. With this the Suez Canal is in the hand of the Communalist International (CommIntern) and Western European Nation States, as well as the United States of America is rather fearful that the Commus might use the advantages won over the past couple of months to their advantage for an attack on Western Europe, to push their Capitalist, Democratic and Republican enemies, who value individualism and independent decisions and liberties over the Commune. While Egypt-Sudan switches to a new Flag, with the Communalist Star being a shadow, or topped by the Egyptian Pyramid and the Nubian Pyramids, their now independent Nation State is divided into four great provinces; Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, Nubia and Sudan, into which all other provinces are divided among. From small Cyprus, with it’s 350,000 people, the British Forces in Famagusta and Nicosia hope to recourse the Suez Canal with the aid of the Royal Air Force, Royal Army and Royal Navy. Across the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean 37 submarines, 40 cruiser, 144 destroyers, 4 aircraft carriers and 15 battleships gather forces for a military operation in Egypt and the Sinai, to recourse the Suez Canal for the British Empire and at least neutralize the traitorous Egypt-Sudan United People’s Republic Nation. A total of 40,000 British and 20,000 French Forces is planned to oppose the 100,000 Egyptian-Sudanese Forces trough better training, equipment, local numerical, air and naval superiority as soon as possible and recourse not only Suez, but if things went well, rush from there to Cairo to arrest the King and Military Communallist Coup Supporters and Revolutionaries. In the air and by sea the Egyptians were even more outnumbered then on land. Therefore the British and French believed that with the right amount of strategical and tactical bombardment, most roads and railways could be cut off and their recapture of the Sinai and Suez would be a walk in the park.

Egyptian tanks equally were outnumbered ten to one and the British planned a second, minor attack coming from Aden trough the Red Sea as well. Further more local Arab and Jewish Militias from Transjordania also backed the British French attack on Egypt-Sudan, most likely in the hopes that doing so would get the British to further back their own ambitions of a Nation State in Transjordania. The Egyptians were certain that nearby Communalist Libya would pose a minor threat, which was why most Egyptian-Sudanese Forces concentrated in the Area from Cairo to Suez, Alexandria and Port Said. Naturally, that made them easy local targets for British and French Airplanes and Ships supporting the invasion and landing forces. The British and French ground, air and naval forces however would get a nasty surprise, when they found out, the Egyptian-Sudanese Forces had not stood idle by either and have had immense supplies and reinforcements send to them, mainly by the Russian Communalists of Eurasia, who supplied them with artillery, tanks, rocket launchers and even some officer and communalist commissary commander (CCC) advisers and volunteers alike, hoping to keep the Suez Cannal for themselves. At the same time the British and French as the main Great Western European Powers remaining that were no Communalists, feeling rather secure with their naval supremacy and behind the main French-Belgian Fortification across the border. While their main invasion against Alexandria and Port Suez was defeated, the Sinai was retaken, basically neutralizing the Suez Cannal for either side. At the same time the Communalist Dictator of Egypt-Sudan, were secretly taken over by the Abrahamites, when the search for cultural, historical and religious artifacts for Propaganda, uncovered the Canopic Jars of Osiris and Isis, who would soon be approached by Typhon/ Typhoeus/ Zyphaon/ Typhos, formerly known as Set/ Seth/ Setech/ Sutekh/ Sutech/ Sth/ Swth to secretly join his globally growing Cult and Sect in centralized/ middle spiritual opposition to more material Western Capitalism and Eastern Communalism.