Fushimi Kyoto by SheltieWolf on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

SheltieWolf on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sheltiewolf/art/Fushimi-Kyoto-661645963SheltieWolf

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SheltieWolf's avatar

Published: Feb 5, 2017


Fushimi Inari(伏見稲荷) in Kyoto(京都).Fushimi Inari is one of the most famous shrines in Japan. It's famous for a lot of torii (red arch gates) and fox statues.
Especially almost visitors walk under Senbon Torii (千本鳥居)(One thousand torii). It's just the arch tunnel of red torii standing on back area of the main shrine.Even going through Senbon Torii, the pilgrimage routes still lead to a mountain behind.There are huge numbers of torii as Senbon Torii on almost pilgrimage routes. Nobody knows how many torii are standing in the site of Fushimi Inari, but one theory goes as numbers of torii in Fushimi Inari are about 10,000 if it's included small torii which people can't pass under.The pilgrimage routes in the forest are mysterious, filled with warm sunlight filtering down through the trees and calm atmosphere. There are a lot of side routes, shrines, fox statues. A lot of Japanese gods lives in there. If you walk almost pilgrimage routes in Fushimi Inari, you can enjoy traditional atmosphere in Japanese mythology to your heart's content all day long. :)

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750x1000px 920.78 KB



Date Taken

Jul 24, 2012, 6:22:44 AM

merearthling's avatar

wonderful photograph 👏