Eztli the Ocelomeh by Shidyk on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

So a while back, I had the amazing :icontatara94: make a few new characters for me.

Well, first off, we have the newest addition of monster girls to my gallery, Eztli the Ocelomeh, based off of Kenkou Cross's monster girl encyclopedia monster of the same name.

Idea/concept by Kenkou Cross.

Eztli is a powerful and dangerous Ocelomeh from the lost Dungeon City of Dorado.


Eztli is of average size of her species, and like all beast-folk monsters, is part human and part animal (in her case, she is part jaguar). With orange-blonde fur dotted with rosettes covering her arms and legs along with white fur with dark tips that is nestled around her neck (and other parts of her body), Eztli is considered a very beautiful looking creature. She has jade colored eyes and much of her clothes (or what she does wear for clothes) has green implanted in it. She likes to adorn her ears with special feathers and long green ribbons that fall to her knees. Her hair is colored like her fur and is rather fluffy as it goes down to her shoulders.

She is always seen carrying a macuahuitl that was given to her by the “gods” that she follows. Sporting an angry face along the club's “face” with obsidian blades dotting the sides, it is a terrifying weapon. Like Eztli, the hilt of the “blade” is decorated with special feathers of similar (if not downright exactly) coloring.


Like most of her race, Eztli is a ferocious and bold warrior who knows no fear and who follows the doctrine of the “Tezcatlipoca” (or rather powerful monsters who hold the same powers as the gods of her world and are considered equal to the gods). While many of her clan are known to have a maddening degree of bestial lust and are berserkers, Eztli is actually said to be the most cool-minded among her peers (which is not saying much considering that she too is a berserker and has powerful urges herself). Outside of battle, however, Eztli is actually a charming and rather creative individual, even enjoying small things such as drawing and arranging flowers to be pleasant to her eyes and in the eyes of others.

When Eztli is engaged in combat or out hunting, she is a terrifying monster who has never allowed her “prey” to escape. Her degree of ferocity is continuously called savage as she strikes not just with her people's weapon of choice (a macuahuitl) but with her powerful claws as well. She is a fervent believer of her “gods,” and often reprimands those under her command if she finds out they have been “lax” in some form. She has been told often that when she smiles, she has the smile of a predator, which she considers a compliment (though for most involved, it makes those she smiles at become horror stricken at worst and uncomfortable at best).

That isn't to say she's not kind. On the contrary, when she's not involved in the affairs of being a warrior or a leader, she can be found being rather easygoing, and surprisingly, Eztli is good with children (even those who don't belong to her clan). She actually does enjoy learning about things and is willing to give something a try if it interests her enough to do so. She is also very persistent (in and out of her warrior life) and can come out seemingly stubborn for those who don't really know her. Her loyalty to her people and her devotion to her beliefs are well known, however, and she will never betray any promise she makes to anyone unless it is absolutely necessary for her to do so. She is also a “hopeless romantic” by her folk's standards, sometimes getting teased about certain actions that lovers are known to do routinely (such as holding hands, cute nicknames, etc.) and how she daydreams of doing those kinds of things when she is done with her duties.


Natural Abilities

Superhuman Strength

With her lithe body and the training of her people, Eztli is a powerful foe to her enemies and a huntress of unparalleled skill. Capable of hunting large beasts by herself, Eztli can even take beasts the size of large bulls with her abilities when she's alone.

Berserker State

Like the rest of her people, Eztli has the ability to enter a berserk state that doubles her strength, her speed, and allows her to push forward when one would normally have to stop from exhaustion. While some would believe that she would lose all senses, Eztli is able to keep her mind long enough to make a few decisions that a composed person would. However, the downside of this state is that it doesn't last long, and she will need to recover her strength after the effects of her state fade.

Expert Hunter/Strategist

Being the “captain” or leader of a small band of Ocelomeh, Eztli is an accomplished commander and has used the talents of her people to full effect before battle. She is able to make snap decisions (when not in her berserker state for long periods of time) and often is able to figure out the best path to victory over any enemy she may meet (from beasts to humans to other monsters).


Like the jaguars from the jungles, Eztli is a surprisingly stealthy individual and can sneak up on whatever she's hunting at the time with relative ease. Having learned from her people's best, Eztli uses her home's natural light and shadows to blend in to the surroundings easier. Even outside of her people's home, she has shown to be able to follow others with none of her targets detecting her until she pounces on them.


Eztli is a capable hunter thanks to her sharp senses of smell and hearing. She is able to balance on even the thinnest of branches due to her natural instincts from her beast side. Eztli also happens to be a talented artist (by the account of her people) and has been known to make beautiful flower arrangements in her spare time. She also happens to be a good judge of character, and can spot a “spoiled prey” (or a bad person) from “good prey” (a good/decent person).



An ancient weapon from a bygone era, this wooden board has several obsidian stones from another realm that allow Eztli to strike without harming the physical body of her opponent. This weapon, along with similar ones from her tribe, was a gift from the “gods” that Eztli and her people worship. While it does not harm the body of those struck, it does cause their body to “heat up” and drains the strength out of whatever part was struck. Each blow also causes the “heat” and loss of strength to add up until eventually the target is unable to move from both the “heat” and the loss of strength.



Eztli's mother, Jewel, is often very proud of her daughter for her “ferocity” and “boldness” when she goes out to hunt. Her father, Ferdinand, often compliments her for her skills in art, and Eztli always goes to show him her latest piece as a way to connect with him. Eztli often speaks with the two, and the three often share meals whenever Eztli is done with her duties.


Eztli is rather fond of the residents of the Dungeon City of Dorado, though a few individuals are what she would consider as “friends” from the human perspective. Besides the group she leads, Eztli often speaks with the goblin girl, Ginger, who works at a shop Eztli goes to get her flowers from. Louie, a former adventurer who ended up in Dorado, also happens to be a friend to Eztli whom she sees often after she's hunted down monsters outside of the city so he can dismantle them. The Ocelomeh also speaks often with the cyclops girl, Mona, and her husband (a former adventurer like Louie), Richard, who helps much of the Dungeon City by crafting tools and weapons for everyone.


Eztli is the captain of a small group of Ocelomeh tasked with hunting to procure meat for the inhabitants of the Dungeon City (and any males for the female monsters like her that live in the Dungeon City). With Eztli as the oldest of the four, the group consists of Atzin (Eztli's second in command when she's not leading), Yaotl (the most “energetic” member of the group), and Nacde (the youngest of the group and the most silent in/out of hunting/battle). The three under her are only a year or so younger but they all respect and adore Eztli to the point that they are loyal to her first over anyone else. In return, Eztli makes sure to always guarantee their safety, and while she can reprimand them for being “lax” in her eyes, she loves and cares for each equally, calling the three her “sisters.” In fact, the second she learns someone has harm any of her “sisters,” she will drop whatever she is doing and completely wreck whatever or whoever harmed them without hesitation.

Marcus Pollo

An adventurer who specializes in tracking and disabling traps, he was often made fun of by many of his peers for being only useful as a “living map and key.” So much so, that the group Marcus joined, the adventuring team known as “Purple Pythons,” actually used him a slave and to save money from items such as maps and trap keys. When Marcus and three other adventurers escaped, they ran into Eztli and her group and were freed from their enslavement to the Purple Pythons by what Marcus considers a miracle. Taking them to their home, Marcus ended up married to Eztli, who found the former adventurer endearing instead of useless. Slowly but surely, Eztli was able to give Marcus some confidence and she always looks forward to her return when she can spend time with Marcus. For his part, Marcus is glad to have met Eztli, despite the forwardness of their relationship at times and he does adore her enough that he finds her smile endearing rather than horrifying (something Eztli is honestly confused about).

Nick Pirogov, Bennosuke “Ben” Miyamoto, & Merlin Weyward

A Healer, a Swordsman, and a Sorcerer respectively who were with Marcus when Eztli and her team found them all while the adventuring team, the Purple Pythons, ditched them to escape monsters in the dungeon they were exploring. The other three members became the husbands to each member of Eztli's team with Nick and Nacde ending up together, Atzin with Bennosuke, and Merlin with Yaotl. Each of the three were also mistreated and were disliked for various reasons by the Pythons: Nick's healing only working half the time due to his fear of blood and battle, Bennosuke having injured one arm when he adventured solo, and Merlin's spells having a rebound effect due to a cursed charm that would not allow him to cast spells normally. The three are happy now with their respective wives, and Eztli lets Marcus have time with his fellow former adventurers so that Marcus builds some confidence and have male friends. She admits that she's glad the three ended up with her team as they play off with their respective counterparts well, and Eztli has gone out of her way to help the other three whenever they need it as a way to ease things for her team and for when Marcus asks her.



Born as the only child of an Ocelomeh known as Jewel and a human named Ferdinand, Eztli was raised within a dungeon, a special space in another realm, known as the Dungeon City of Dorado. Protected by the “gods” of the monsters and humans there known as the Tezcatlipoca, Eztli grew up like many of her Ocelomeh kin and aimed to become the best warrior for her clan. One day, however, Eztli found herself lost after a trip outside of the “city” proper and did not know which way to go back home. Hungry and tired, Eztli would've been eaten by a larger beast had it not been for her running into a patch of the forest with beautiful orchid flowers and her father (who had gone out to get the nectar for his paints).

From that day on, the young Ocelomeh developed a liking to flowers and to her father's artistic tendencies. So much so, that she eventually began to teach herself how to arrange flowers to be visually pleasing and drawing with her father's tutelage along with her training.

During her childhood years in training to be a great warrior, Eztli became the leader of three other Ocelomeh: Atzin, Yaotl, and Nacde. While the three were younger than Eztli, she decided to be partners with the three on numerous occasions, eventually forming a team with them at the final test to become a warrior for the clan. With their help, Eztli's team became the first to complete the marathon in record time and each were rewarded for their efforts with a special weapon each made by their gods.

Meeting Marcus & Co.

Two years after her graduation with her friends, Eztli continued to lead them through both hunts and defending her home from other monsters and the human “adventurers” who would try to harm their home. Though she was aware that some of the adventurers would be deemed worthy of the clan as husbands, she constantly made it clear to her team and herself to fight their instincts as she knew there were better “prey” than the ones they would run into. Atzin, her second-in-command and closest confidant, would often tell her that they needed to find someone before they became too old for the hunts and battles.

Knowing this, on one particular day, Eztli led her team close to the most dangerous part of the dungeon proper known to the citizens of Dorado as the Lost Path. On their way there, Eztli and her group spotted a large group of adventurers with a purple serpent mark upon their bodies and gears. These adventurers were known as the Purple Pythons, and were reckoned by many of their world to be the toughest and foulest dungeon spelunkers due to their habit of forcing others to follow their way and enslave those that didn't. Four such men were being abused by these adventurers, and Eztli made the call to capture the four that lagged behind by scaring the larger group into the Lost Path.

When Marcus and his friends (Nick Pirogov, Bennosuke “Ben” Miyamoto, & Merlin Weyward) were used as bait to keep the “monster” that the group thought was after them away, Eztli and her team quickly “capture” the four. Removing the binding that made them slaves was an easy feat for the Ocelomeh, who had learned their weapons could sap away even the magic that had bound the former adventurers to the Purple Pythons. While the other Ocelomeh chose their own prospective husbands, Eztli had been drawn to Marcus since she had laid eyes on him. She did not know really why she was drawn but she did know that he was “good prey” (or her way of saying, he was a good person).

Returning to Dorado, the group was hailed by the clan for their excellent work and a celebration (and marriage) was held that very evening. In accordance to the teachings of the Tezcatlipoca, Marcus and Eztli were married and the two began a new life together.

Life with Marcus

At first, it was difficult for Eztli to get Marcus to come out of his funk on being rather “useless” in his own terms and to gain any true confidence in himself. He would often belittle himself and wish he could do more for Eztli (surprisingly being okay to marrying her in such an unorthodox manner). Eventually, Eztli began to show Marcus around Dorado and with the help of her friends, her family, her clan, and many of the residents of the Dungeon City, Marcus began to have confidence and the two began to spend nights better in each other's company. While she would still go out to hunt and help out where she could, Eztli would always return happily to Marcus's arms and enjoy her time with him.

That isn't to say that things had been easy for the two after meeting and marrying. At one point, a surviving member of the Purple Pythons not only made it to the Dungeon City but tried to enslave Marcus and his fellow former adventurers. Though the man was dealt with by Eztli, the event darkened much of the city's mood as no adventurer had ever made it to their home. So for a while, Eztli (along with many of the other Ocelomeh) was forced into making sure that the Dungeon City was undetectable again, leaving Marcus alone for long periods of time. Eztli, having a powerful instinct and wishing to fulfill her duties to the Tezcatlipoca, nearly went out of her mind but when the danger was deemed passed, she was glad to return to her Marcus. In fact, as a reward for her hard work, Marcus, Nick, Ben, and Merlin threw their wives a small celebration together to thank them for all their hard work.

After a while, however, the two eventually decided to set off an adventure of their own to explore other dungeons and to let Marcus's family know of the two marrying.

Traveling Across Dungeons

Under Construction
