Jessamine by Shidyk on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

So, fun story about this One Piece OC. She had a different look altogether that was more aligned with the fact that she was a member of the Kuja tribe, but I felt we could do better and so I asked the ever talented to do a new look for her. It took a long, LONG time, but I think this new look suits her. :D

So, for those who don't know, allow me to introduce my Kuja OC, Jessamine or Jess for short. :D

Jessamine is a member of the Kuja tribe of women. She is also known by her alias "Jungle Queen Jess" or simply Jess.


Jessamine is a large woman with a very athletic built to her. She has long, dark brown hair and dark green eyes. She tends to wear clothing better suited for build or that easy around to move with her normal attire being a pair of black boots, camo pants, and a dark green top. She usually has her quiver of arrows and bow slung around her waist and shoulder respectively while she carries her knife on her belt. She has a favorite line of clothing known as "Prisoner."


Despite being large and seemingly ferocious, Jessamine is actually a very gentle and kind woman with a penchant of seeing the world simple and with a straightforward way of thinking. Jessamine is foremost curious about every creature in the “outside” world and doesn’t mind learning about new and strange customs along with the culture of the island while she researches. She is very attentive and will try her best to remember everything that she was told about so that she can tell others what she has learned. Her curiosity can sometimes play against her as she will willingly walk towards a trap without thinking just so that she can figure out what it is. Despite being attentive, she can’t handle all of the information but does her best in remembering everything she can and this has helped the rest of the group when they lack information regarding something or some place.

While Jessamine is an adult, she can be quite child-like in her actions (singing when there’s music in the air, being astounded by toys or simple tricks, etc.). She often has a child-like love for new things and loves to try a new custom or have something amusing to play with during her breaks. However, Jessamine knows when it’s time to get serious about something and will act more seriously when the situation calls for it. Once the danger has passed, on the other hand, she usually reverts to her child-like personage and continues the activity she was doing before the danger appeared.

Jessamine is loyal and trustworthy to her friends or those she is close to. Before joining the Arboria Research Group, Jessamine would defend her tribe courageously until she was separated from the Kuja Pirates. She is proud of being a warrior woman and admires those who are strong, man or woman (thanks to her travels). She does not mind going to challenge others to show off her strength, but can sometimes feel out of place when she notes how much taller she is to other “normal” women.

She is also attentive to people’s feelings and emotions, often noting exactly what is going through a person’s head through their actions. Once she’s noted someone’s feelings, Jessamine will take it upon herself to push people into accepting that person’s feelings or to try and work out any arguments that have risen up. She is very caring to those younger than her, and often helps out children whenever she sees them in trouble.



Jessamine had strong ties with her people, the Kuja tribe, who are famed for being a female-only tribe across the seas. She had two close “sisters” named Carolina and Jasmine, who both looked up to the taller and stronger Jessamine. Jessamine for her part loved the two dearly, and would never allow them to get hurt if she could help it.

Abilities and Powers

Jessamine is a tough fighter when push comes to shove, and she works well in both long distance and hand-to-hand combat. She is a master bow-woman, capable of hitting any target she has her eye on from distances that even rifles or long-range artillery has a hard time hitting. When forced to combat in close range proximity, Jessamine has been shown to use a knife she keeps hidden with great versatility (even taking on swordsmen despite the range). She is very durable, and can normally take blows that could break down walls of stone well.

Jessamine is a capable Haki user, and utilizes both the Color of Observation and the Color of Arms Haki with great skill. She can imbue the arrows she carries around with the Color of Arms to make them capable of penetrating many hard substances (such as stone) with Haki. With her Color of Observation Haki, Jessamine is capable of tracking just about any creature within a mile radius of her. This has come useful for when in dense areas or when there is danger as she can set up a counter before anything comes close to her. Jessamine is also capable of detecting emotions with her Color of Observation Haki, and uses this to tell exactly what others are thinking.

Jessamine is an expert hunter with a great amount of patience whenever she tracks down her quarry. She is capable of creating traps using the environment and has been shown to use any means necessary to fool her foes/prey. Jessamine is also an excellent cook, and can whip up a meal with whatever quarry she's managed to hunt down.


Hunter’s Method: Using the environment and her skills as a hunter, Jessamine creates traps of various degrees to ensnare or slow anyone pursuing her.

Trick Arrow – Bang: One of the many arrows in Jessamine's quiver. These arrows have powerful explosive properties, capable of exploding with the same force as a cannonball.

Trick Arrow – Claw: One of the many arrows in Jessamine's quiver. A triple tipped arrow that shreds as it flies, causing holes as it digs into her target.

Trick Arrow – Hook: One of the many arrows in Jessamine's quiver. A specialized arrow with a hook used to grapple unto objects or other targets.

Trick Arrow – Net: One of the many arrows in Jessamine's quiver. An arrow that explodes and releases a net that wraps around a target.

Trick Arrow – Tangle: One of the many arrows in Jessamine's quiver. This arrow splits apart to reveal itself to be bolas that she uses to tangle up a target's limbs.

Trick Arrow – Hawk: One of the many arrows in Jessamine's quiver. The arrowhead is made into a crescent shaped, allowing this arrow to fly at an unexpected speeds and perform turns like a hawk hunting its prey.

Trick Arrow – Needle: One of the many arrows in Jessamine's quiver. Once launched, this arrow splits into several smaller and just as dangerous needles that harm anything on their path.


Past Story

Born to the fame tribe of warrior women in the Grand Line known as the Kuja, Jessamine was raised to believe that strength was beautiful and one of the best factors to determine one's worth. Even as a young girl, Jessamine proved to be the strongest member of her tribe, with even many of the adults being unable to match her in combat. With a prospective future as the new chief, Jessamine lived a rather charm life until the day that she set out to sea with the Kuja Pirates for the first time. After a harrowing storm, the crew was visited by a traveling circus that offered a show in lieu for food and a place to rest and repair their ship. Seeing the many beasts and acts, Jessamine was amazed at the variety of things she had never seen before, and all the great beasts that the circus had to offer. Once the circus left, Jessamine made up her mind and decided that she would travel the world to see the many creatures and people that existed outside of her home island.

While many of her people opposed the idea, the Empress of the Kuja made the final decision of allowing Jessamine to leave the island with her blessings and hope that she would come back wiser. Jessamine was ecstatic and swore to return with as many stories as there were stars in the skies, and make her people proud.

Setting sail from her home, Jessamine soon learned that the world outside of her home was rough and that if she wanted to do things, she would need money to make her way. Trying different jobs, the young woman made friends with a band of mercenaries who were doubling as bodyguards for a merchant. Aiding the group, Jessamine decided to support her new life by becoming a bodyguard-for-hire for anyone willing to pay her as she explored the world.

The Jungle Queen Rises

Jessamine’s reputation grew as she took more jobs and people began to respect her more for her success. During one night in a town’s bar, Jessamine was approached by a strange, frightened man who asked Jessamine to slay a large beast that had gotten out of hand. Seeing that as a good way to earn more reputation, Jessamine left for the forest that the beast was said to live in. As it turned out, the place that Jessamine ended up wasn't a forest but the very beast she was looking for that had a full grown forest (or at least, the section of the forested area) sitting on its back. It took her many days, and the fight with the beast left her very battered but Jessamine came out of the battle victorious. On her return, the entire town sang her praises and Jessamine shared the meat of the beast with them as a way to celebrate her hunt. She soon found several of the cooks there to have made a delicious meal of the beast and a new idea sparked into Jessamine's mind.

She would watch and try to understand how these people cooked, writing down the recipes they gave her and she set out with a goal to become a hunter and traveling chef. It took some time, but wherever she went, she would go and hunt dangerous beasts of all shapes and sizes and learn how to properly prepare them for consumption. Eventually, her renown as a mercenary faded as she became instead a famed huntress who would feed those who would be ravaged by monstrous animals. She even gained the moniker of “Jungle Queen” as her “heroics” spread across the oceans.

Then the day came where she landed on an island kingdom known as Arboria, where the beasts of the land were all unique and decided to set up shop there for a while.

Present Story

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