Battletech - Maus by Shimmering-Sword on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Shimmering-Sword's avatar

Published: Aug 1, 2013


Here's a battletech piece commissioned by :icongod-and-davion: ~God-and-Davion for a fan TRO.

The Maus is an 80ton assault mech featuring an all energy weapon load out and a hefty number of heat sinks to keep them firing.
4 Large Lasers
2 Light Particle Projector Cannons
1 Medium laser
1 Extended Range Small Laser

Image size

834x850px 223.25 KB

Meteus's avatar

Maus (german for Mouse) is a strange name for an 80 tons assault Mech. I would have named this model the Deus (if it's an inner sphere model) or Niddhoggr (if a clan model).