Like my Trainer by Shiranukii on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Shiranukii on DeviantArt

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Shiranukii's avatar

Published: Jan 14, 2012


Chikorita wears the ribbon from Lyra's/Kotone's hat and Totodile tried to make this "horn" from Silvers hair with a leaf xD

It was :iconcoolvanillia: idea, so it's for her~

It was another try with an other Programm to make a speedpaint but the second part after a break doesn't worked :iconfreakedplz:

I must find out what the problem is, blablabla okay, enough :iconyawnplz:

Hope you like it!

Image size

700x770px 303.06 KB

coolvanillia's avatar

Habs erst jetzt gesehen ;___;*fail*
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ;O;
ich liebe es! Danke dir! Hast du toll umgesetzt >////<
ich mag das auge von karnimani voll */////* ganovi und endivie ladet auch soch so fein ein >D