Blue Pearl by ShiroShototsu on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

ShiroShototsu on DeviantArt

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ShiroShototsu's avatar

Published: Sep 1, 2016


I just tried something while I was at Keele University a few weeks ago and totally forgot about BP.

By the way, since our Pearl is just Bird mom Pearl, I've taken to calling Yellow Pearl Canary Pearl and Blue Pearl has been called Bluebird Pearl. I'm sorry ok I thought I was being smart and it just stuck for me and nobody else I am so alone but proud of how this turned out actually.

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1000x1000px 500.9 KB

RoseOnYourNose's avatar

This is a beautiful piece! The coloring is remarkable, especially on her gem. I like how you added the hint of fuchsia on her nose to make it stick it. That was a cute idea.

Also, "Canary Pearl and Bluebird Pearl" are adorable nicknames.