shiverwings - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)





Digital Art


Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (207)

Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!

My Bio

Yeah I'm changing my bio a bit as it is outdated.

Hello, my name is none of your business. I love art, music, animals, religion, traveling, and learning about different cultures (I have very much enjoyed my stays in Singapore and Japan). I work for a school district and am striving to get a teaching degree so I can teach ESL abroad.

My artwork doesn't really seem to reflect any of this though lol *looks at own gallery*. My art is just things on the side that I like. I appreciate constructive criticism and comments :)

Favourite Movies

Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, Phantom of the Opera, Mean Girls, Zootopia, The Woman in Black

Favourite TV Shows


Favourite Bands / Musical Artists

Muse, Imagine Dragons, Oomph (their clean stuff lol), One OK Rock, David Bowie, Adam Lambert, Panic! At the Disco

Favourite Books

Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Maze Runner

Favourite Writers

See favorite books

Favourite Games

WoW, Pokemon, Sims, Mario Kart, Nancy Drew (lol), Dragon Age, any cool strategy board game

Other Interests

make-up, school, fashion, horseback-riding (random I know)

I have collected so many ideas that I can't hold them all in my head and I just have to draw them! I'm working on a world about witches, fae-folk, and other European legends.  And some Arabic.  It's a dark fantasy of sorts.  So far I've included elements such as slavery, dangerous beasts, demons, abandoned civilizations, and voodoo. What do you guys think should be included in a dark fantasy?  I will take note of your ideas.

Ugh, there's so many things wrong with my gallery lol.  I've been looking at it and realize that I have no pattern or fixed style.  I notice that other artists have their own styles that they use every time they submit something.  I can't decide on just one thing, though, as I like so many different styles and it's fun to try everything XD Is it bad that I don't have my own "style", so to speak? Plus, I draw how many different fanarts?  I lost count.  I apologize to any followers that were following me for one kind of fanart -.-  I promise I have lots of files sitting in my computer that cover them all.  I just need to actually FINISH them.

Ok, I'm hearing a lot of bad stuff about Mormons.  I don't know if anyone here knows this, but I happen to be Mormon.  And let me just get a few things straight, as there are a lot of myths floating around. Myth: - We aren't Christians - We don't read the Bible - We're racist - We are homophobic - We can't drink caffeinated soda - We are polygamists - We all strive to have at least ten kids and a minivan Fact: - Our belief in Christ makes us Christians - We read the Bible along with the Book of Mormon - If we were racist, then why would we be spreading our church all around the world and inter-marrying? - While we are not huge su

Profile Comments 71

I know this is really late but thank you

Okay, I'm responding to this here becauze the jerkoff who made the stamp blocked me. This was that "It's still pedophillia stamp.
You essentially commented that someone who jerks off to pictures of drawn kids could potentially molest real kids

And you completely fucking missed the point.

Even if they did, it doesn't change the fact that just drawing kids to fap too doesn't harm anyone.

Bringing up an example I used earlier. Someone who plays GTA could potentially go out and actually carjack somone. I mean, its unlikely, but they technically potentially do it

I don't support gta either. I think that game is messed up. I don't like the fact that people on this website who draw loli/shotacon are encouraging this kind of perversion. And the viewers who fave/comment on them usually have galleries full of that crap.
It sickens me that people are "normalizing" this stuff.

Furthermore, there's this new name for pedophiles called "minor attracted person" or MAP. And a whole community on YouTube is trying to sneak their way into the LGBT community, claiming that "love is love".

And shota/lolicon is only promoting it. That's my problem with it. If you disagree, fine. But I do not, and never will, condone it.

Listen, I'm going to cut this as beief as I can, because frankly, I'm sick of arguing with people over stuff like this
Even if you don't like gta, the thing is that it's more of an escape so people won't do it irl. Animated child porn is the same way.

I agree i dont find it or any fetish really normal. But here's the thing: Nobody is fucking normal. So, while i don't think it should be considered normal, i don't think it should be shamed when it does not harm anybody

Well if youre sick of arguing then feel free to stop.

Thanks For The Llama Emote