Shoxxx - Adult by Shoxxx on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Published: Nov 15, 2008
Name: Shoxxx
Race: Human
Age: Mid 20's
Description: Upon their return to the Future Trunks timeline (Which they called home) the two realised that things had changed for the worse. Bern and Fryze had escaped from Hell/HFIL and made their way to the alternate future. The dark brothers fused using a demonic item, becoming a powerful monster who dubbed itself "Nova." Marx and Shoxxx couldn't take them on, and turned to Goku for guidance. He taught them of the Fusion Dance, and our heroes used it to become Marxxx. With this new ability, and the help from a Super Saiya-jin Gogeta, they defeated this monster. For a number of years the world was quiet, until Bebi was restored to life... And then Super Seventeen was created... And so forth.
Image size
252x674px 124.51 KB