shvique User Profile | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (265)

Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!

My Bio

Slacker, pervert, amateur artist/writer, general all-around eccentric, kook & weirdo... (And that's on a good day...)

Other Interests

Invisible women, gynoids, superheroines, women in leather. Also I like comics, cartoons, animation, SF, Fantasy, etc. Most of the usual geeky interests that are fun to me & make the mundanes in the world look at me weird (which I take as high flattery..

Partially as a result of watching "The Boy and the Heron" a few weeks ago (which I highly recommend, btw), I've recent gotten back into the habit of re-watching some of the anime I've had in my collection for many years, most of which titles date back several years & even decades. And in re-watching Urusei Yatsura (the original 1980s series, that is), the nutty idea popped into my head: What if I did a 'MLAATR/Urusei Yatsura' crossover? The way it could maybe happen is this: While helping Jenny clean up her mom's basement-workshop/laboratory, Sheldon accidentally activates the time-machine (mentioned in my existing fanfics) that was left in Dr. Wakeman's care, and both he & Jenny soon find themselves transported back to 1980s-era Tomobiki Town, where they (naturally) run into Lum & Ataru. While Jenny & Sheldon get their bearings & figure out where (and when) they are, they are naturally a bit disoriented and somewhat conflicted. On the one hand, they both realize the smart thing

Miracles Never Cease... Yeah, I think I know what the Holiday Miracle is for this year: Fanfiction-dot-net finally fixed their stats-feature. You know: the behind-the-scenes gimmick that counts the number of page-views a story gets each day, from which countries, etc. Yeah, that thing's been busted since October, I've been sending notifications to their tech-support to fix it and, and only now (yesterday to be exact) did they finally fix it & get it online again. I know it may not seem like a big deal, but getting a high number of page-views on a story can sometimes be a needed incentive. But the total lack of any data on page-views at all only leaves one wondering... Anyhow, it's fixed now. So at least that's one headache out of the way. As to when I'll be able to resume work on "A First Time"...? Good question. The place where I'd been working closed down very suddenly with little warning in mid-December, so that means (a) looking for another job has to take top-priority

Yeah, as I've indicated before a few times before here, let's just say I'm not happy with my current work situation & haven't been for quite some time now. I won't go into all the reasons involved, as they're neither interesting nor pleasant, but in a nutshell, I'm currently traveling a great distance twice a day just to be increasingly aggravated. As I said, there's a whole bunch of reasons & factors, but in a nutshell, it's increasingly becoming a toxic situation for me, and it's due primarily to a very-toxic "manager" (and those who've been in a lot of different workplaces know the type.) I've been working in one job or another for 4 decades now & I've worked with all types, and of the toxic bosses, managers & supervisors I've worked with over the years, this joker really takes the cake. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I'm really rapidly reaching the point where I'm going to have to make a decision whether I want to continue working at this place or not. Yeah, I know jobs

Profile Comments 85

Hey. I just noticed its been nearly 3 years since your last chapter of first time for everything. Do you have any clue when 13 will release? Like of it'll come in 2024?

Hi; thank you for contacting me. Unfortunately, due to a lot of "issues" going on in my life right now (long story I won't go into) creative writing is still on the back-burner for the foreseeable future (not unless there's a way I can make some $ off of this stuff-which technically I can't 'cuz I don't own the rights.) So I wish I could give an answer (or even a guess) as to when the next chapter will be out, the truth is that I don't even know myself. It probably won't be for quite awhile yet, not until/unless I...resolve some of these other issues first; then & only then can I allow free time/energy to devote to writing.

Sorry I couldn't offer a more promising response, but...there 'tis.

Thanks again for asking, though.


No se si entenderás mi idioma, pero quiero decirte esto.

Eres asombroso. Realmente asombro en el arte de la literatura. me he leído tu historia de MLAATR mas de 10 veces, y es increible. tantos ejemplos y incluso tu forma de expresar las palabras en los temas con Jenny Y Sheldon es bastante asombroso, y no se si yo pueda alcanzar tal nivel, incluso siendo alguien que escribe en la plataforma de Wattpad uno que otro fanfic, el tuyo es bastante increíble que aborda un tema de amistad bastante profunda, una que nunca en mi vida pense en encontrar, y debo decir que eres una inspiración para muchos lectores que leen tus historias.

Y como lei en tus mensajes. no tienes que sentirte frustrado sobre tanto, pues simplemente no es saludable para nadie. en mi caso, el escribir es una forma de relajo que disfruto, incluso como un Hobby bastante entretenido.

Quisiera poder alcanzar ese nivel de seriedad que pones o escribes para ser cada vez mejor.

en mi gran opinión personal.




Thank you for your kind words. I truly appreciate them. I hope to finish "A First time" as soon as I have enough free time to get back to writing fiction again. I think you will enjoy it once it's finished. Thanks again.

Hello, how are you? I've been reading your Jenny and Sheldon fanfiction stories. I really liked them a lot and I've reread them like 3 or 4 times, and I still like them. Despite the fact that the last story has been more than 1 year without updating, I hope that one of these days you can continue with your story, it really is very captivating, beautiful and passionate. I understand the same if you are busy with other things and you can't, but I really appreciate what you do. Keep it up.

Thank you for your comments. I know it has been a long time since I updated, but I will try to finish the story when I can. (I've been very busy the past year with a new job.)

Thank you again for your feedback.

Hey dude, is everything okay? You've been silent for a long time now and I've been getting lets just say a little concerned. The last reply I heard from you was two whole months ago and I haven't heard a peep since.

Are things going well for you? Are physically well? Is everything in order? I only ask out of concern because I have no other way of inquiring.