Adderfang - WotB by SilentReaperNeku on DeviantArt (original) (raw)



STATUS || Come at me Bro


TIME ZONE || Mountain Time (US and Canada)

SKYPE || Note me/Comment

DISCORD || I'm not really good at it but I can try

NOTES || Not really...I forget about them

CHAT || Rarely

CURSING || 10/10 Have at me you scurvy dogs cats

VIOLENCE || 10/10 I love violence

GORE || 10/10 I love gore

SEXUAL THEMES || 9/10 I’m down, just as long as it’s relevant.

ROLE-PLAY EXAMPLE || Adderfang watched the grasses moving through the wind in silence. The breeze felt soothing through his fur and hair, and with closed eyes he listened. Prey was out there, moving...the subtle sounds of living things hiding in their small burrows and being alive didn't escape him much, though his mind was on other things. He was supposed to be hunting, yes. But despite that he found himself far away, remembering the simpler days of his apprenticeship. His eyes snapped open when he heard the faint snapping of a stray twig, and the tom hunkered down to watch. There...just visible through the grasses. A rabbit, eating and unaware. No hawks about, and his patience (for once) had rewarded him. Just a few seconds more....and he struck out! Grabbing the rabbit by its furred body while it screamed, Adder quickly snapped its neck. Stonetooth had taught him to make it merciful, and quick. Once he was sure it was dead, he thanked Starclan for his luck and brought it back to his small pile of prey. Two birds, and now this rabbit. He might be a long day.

Basic information

NAME || Adderfang

PAST NAMES || Adderkit, Adderpaw




SEX || Biological Male

GENDER || Identifies as Male

BIRTH SEASON || Winter / Leaf-bare

AGE || 46 moons / 35 years (Aprox)

RANK || Deputy

MENTOR || Stonetooth (Npc)




BREED || Himalayan and Maine Coon mix

BUILD || Medium/Mild Muscular, built for speed over strength

HEIGHT || About 6'2 / About 187 cm

SCARS || A few all over, though his most notable ones are around his arms from some training mishaps. During the dog event when burning down their camp, he was left with some severe burn scars.

HAIR TEXTURE || Coarse, Fluffy



EYES || Emerald Green

SCENT || Windclan Traditional Scent with dry grasses and dust

VOICE || Matt Walst (Three Days Grace/My Darkest Days)


NEW-LEAF/GREEN-LEAF OUTFIT || He prefers to wear as little as possible, with the exception of furs/skins covering his extremities along with a light, sheer, cloth that covers his legs. The wind and the sun just feel too good on his skin to be covered completely. (See Above)

LEAF-FALL/LEAF-BARE OUTFIT || In colder seasons, Adderfang wears a cloak of furs or soft leather around his shoulders and legs to keep him warm from the windchill, however, it is still light and maneuverable for speedy close encounters.

ACCESSORIES || A flashy sort of chest piece he made himself from bone and a few bird feathers. He believes it makes him stand out and maybe…he’s a bit more impressive? His deputy emblem sits upon his hip as well, with small ties in longer strands of his hair. He also has a necklace that Viperstrike gave him as a mate gift- he holds it very dear.


SWORD NAME || Viper Strike

BLADE LENGTH || 26 inches / 66 cm

SWORD/BLADE SHAPE || It’s shaped sort of like a the fang of a snake, suiting his name....and his mate.

NOTABLE FEATURES || There’s a snake-like figure in the hilt, commonly wrapped to protect the figure.

OTHER || He rather enjoys his blade. He loves to carry it on his person, and he believes that it suits him well.

HANDEDNESS || Ambidextrous, mainly uses his left though.









SPEED || 5






EYESIGHT || 7/10

HEARING || 5/10

SCENT || 3/10






BELIEF IN STARCLAN || 6/10 (Slightly Above Average)


LOYALTY || 8/10



:bulletgreen: Friendly || Positive | He loves making friends. Absolutely loves it. The more cats around to praise his accomplishments or further pay attention to him is the best. But he also likes making friends...just for friends sakes. In clan and out of clan friends would be ideal for him, but since he would rather keep the peace he makes sure to behave himself by keeping his intentions to his clan mates only. He will never turn a good intentioned friendship down, and since becoming deputy especially he makes sure to keep to the code and is trying to make it a personal accomplishment of his own to be on good terms with every cat in the clan of warrior age.

:bulletgreen: Brilliant || Positive | He’s constantly wanting to learn new things, and loves applying them to knew schemes, traps, and tricks, and even to many tactics that involve hunting, fighting, sword play, battle, and the like. He may not be a genius, but he does pride himself on knowing a bit more than the average cat when it comes to certain abilities and that he learns fairly quickly. This also shines through in his day to day activities as deputy, he's more than willing to lend a helping hand on teaching and guiding apprentices and warriors alike in cutting down work to make a stream-lined effort on almost everything that the clan does such as hunting or patrolling.

:bulletyellow: Trickster || Neutral | He enjoys causing mischief and being a part of it. While it can be good for a laugh on occasion when it boils down to harmless fun, his natural want for attention that causes him to want to pull a variety of tricks or practical jokes on others or just causing intended harmless havok can sometimes go awry. Needless to say, its not often appreciated, but can be of some amusement if guided in the right direction. Since becoming older, he's toned down his schemes to be less physical and more of the joke variety, which he directs in times of seriousness to lighten the mood.

:bulletyellow: Conceited || Neutral | He’s excessively proud of himself, his natural abilities, and his accomplishments. It’s almost borderline egotistical but there’s barely enough humility there that his mentor beat into him to contain it as long as no one gets carried away complimenting him or his achievements. Since he's gotten older however, he's managed to face his humility and reign in a lot of his pride from his youth, trying to direct his attention less on self expression physically and more mentally, where it really counts. He's discovered it doesn't particularly matter what you look like on the outside, so long as you have a good soul.

:bulletred: Conniving|| Negative | If crossed he’s not against doing something harmful to another usually in a elaborate thought out plan.(However, depending on the severity he’s not against trying to defend himself on the spot, often coming back after and planning something else for later) He’s quiet in his anger until he explodes, and often resorts to planning revenge or likewise upon another in some way if he feels he’s been wronged. As he's gotten older he's tried to combat this with exercising his patience and putting the energy into more constructive things though it doesn't always work. It's a rare day when Adderfang actually stoops this low in his anger, but it is certainly not a pleasant one.

:bulletred: Brash || Negative | He’s a bit too self assertive of himself at times, usually in a seemingly rude or overbearing way (especially when meeting someone for the first time, or trying to convince others that he believes his way is the right way). Commonly seen as cocky, arrogant, pushy, audacious...etc. It can really grate on a lot of cat's nerves if they're not equipped to deal with it. And he doesn't blame them for it, as he sees he has a problem. Becoming deputy and gaining a mate has helped him manage his behaviour to a much better degree because hes' more monitored for it and brought down to size. One can't be a good example in leadership if they're too focused on their own gains.

- Being complimented
- Running / Racing
- Hunting
- Showing off his intelligence
- Planning mild mischief

- Being scolded
- Swimming
- Sitting around and doing nothing (Laziness)
- Not being noticed by others for his accomplishments
- Feeling helpless or trapped

STRENGTHS || + Tactical genius
+ Good Leader
+ Patient and a mediator

WEAKNESSES || - Compliments get to his head
- Vain in physical appearance
- Impulsive in the heat of the moment

QUIRKS || When he’s lying his ears twitch…a lot.


MOTHER || Mintrush || A black and brown she cat with piercing green eyes. || NPC || Dead || Windclan

FATHER || Unknown || NPC || ??? || Kittypet

SIBLINGS || Whisperheart || CatPuff || Missing || Windclan

MATE || Viperstrike || Muramia || Alive || Windclan


CURRENT MATE || Viperstrike (Muramia)




ORIENTATION || Not really sure, assumes Hetero

ACTIVITY || He's a married man.


Anyone who can compliment him and make him feel like he’s worth something, doesn’t matter what they look like as long as he feels important


Fairly intelligent, and someone who can stand up to him (or beat him up)…while also giving him attention



Before the birth of Adderkit and his sister Whisperkit, their mother, Mintrush, was wooed by the charms of a stranger. It was a cat outside the clan, a kittypet. He was cunning and eccentric, everything the she cat wanted in a man. Of course, all he really wanted was some fun with a wild cat, and he played with what he got. Just as quickly as he had captured her heart in a summers romance he disappeared. Left heartbroken, Mintrush's heart was rekindled by the discovery of her pregnancy. She would love these kits they way they deserved to be loved by their single mother. Some of her clan mates were absolutely disgusted by her admiration for her bastard children that admitted to the crime that she had committed, but she didn't care. They were all she had now. So, she would cherish them.


Upon birth, Adderkit was the first to see daylight, letting out a wail of triumph as he was cleaned and given to his mother. He was named Adder for the stripe down the boy's forehead (that faded some as he grew), reminding her of a snake. When Whisperkit arrived, however, the news was grim. She was not breathing when she emerged. Adderkit watched as his mother begged and cried to Starclan to spare her child as the medicine cat tried to revive the child. He was too young to quite understand what was happening, but when Whisperkit (named on account of his mothers prayers to Starclan) survived the night he knew from a young age that his sister was bound to be someone special, at least to their family, if not the clan. They played together under the watchful eye of their mother and other queens and mollies until the time of their apprenticeship.

Nothing more eventful happened, for now, as the two kits grew and learned to mind the clan rules. It was a little bit hard for adder at first, constantly being scolded by the mollies and even sometimes hearing behind their backs that half clan cats held little loyalty or didn't ever want to abide to the rules of the clan...all gossip and rumor of course, but Adder took it to heart even at his young age and was determined to prove them wrong, even occasionally making small claims that he was going to be the clans deputy someday. No one believed him.


Their mother couldn't have looked prouder on the day of her and her brother's apprentice ceremony. Both kits were given well-known warriors for mentors. Adderpaw had been given a strong and wise warrior for a mentor named Stonetooth, who even though they had many arguments and vast differences between the young and stubborn apprentice, eventually they were able to come to an understanding of one another as Stonetooth taught Adderpaw how to humble himself to the point of being bearable where other clanmates would be able to tolerate his behaviour and use his sharp wit and intelligence to his advantage in everything that he was taught.

Out of the two siblings, Adderpaw flourished in his training, which seemed to make him a quite a bit cocky despite Stonetooth’s better judgement. His sister stayed by his side as one of his biggest supporters and kept silent about her struggles in her own training. Despite the other apprentices and older warriors occasional disapproval of her brothers rather adamant personality at the time she remained the loving sister she'd been since their kithood and continued to encourage his deeds because she knew that he didn't mean any harm. Adderpaw seemed to hardly notice his sister however, he was more interested in trying to make friends with anyone and everyone he could find to listen to his wild stories of grandeur and pull mostly harmless mischief on whether they be kit or adult as he sought out his clan's approval to make up for the circumstances of his and his sister's bastard birth.


During the last few weeks of their apprentice training, their mother was showing signs of disease. She was barely able to attend to normal in camp tasks and got so ill that she had resorted to living in the medicine cat's den. She had a disease that the cats had experienced before in their lifetimes but had no final cure for... Not even the kittypets that she had consulted in private without clan permission could offer any type of medicine to to help her.

Adderfang couldn’t bear to be at his mother’s side while she was so ill, especially knowing that her involvement to go so far as to break clan code would have disastrous effects on the appearance of their family's already fragile acceptance so he refused to see her often, rather deciding that he should remember her how she was from his kithood and early apprenticeship, and not the sick, frail, and desperate cat that she had become. This drove a little bit of a rift between the siblings and many quiet fights that resulted in Whisperpaw uncertain on what to do. Against the will of the medicine cat, their mother was there at their naming ceremony, watching with dull, yet proud eyes as Adderpaw became Adderfang and Whisperpaw became Whisperheart. He had been named Adderfang because of his quick and precise strikes and speed like the fang of the adder, and he couldn’t have been more proud…especially because he knew his mother was watching, even if he didn’t want to see her in her ill state.

The fragile happiness didn't last, as right when the other cats began to cheer their names, their mother collapsed. She was coughing up blood as the two pushed through the crowd to see their mother. She could only smile at them, the life in her eyes fading gradually with a final "I love you" whispered from her lips. He didn’t dare stay for the pyre after that, he turned away from her and left Whisperheart on her own to sort through his feelings which he’d been in denial about and pretended as if it didn’t affect him. Soon after, Stonetooth, who Adderfang had come to see as a father like figure, died in an unfortunate accident while the two were out on a private patrol and Adder felt very vulnerable and alone, and did his best to avoid confronting his sister, along with most of the clan at the time who were suspicious about his involvement in the death of Stonetooth.

With the whole of the beginning of the dog incident, and every clan in turmoil after the flood, Adderfang doesn't know what happened to his sister or why she went missing, along with one of his better friends, Olivedapple. He regrets not being able to repair their relationship after a particularly vicious argument, but prays Whisperheart is not dead. Since then, he had been forced to move on after a long period of silence where the warrior retreated into himself from the rest of his clan...orphaned. Adderfang spent a good amount of time keeping to himself, feeling more outcast than ever for several moons until getting paired up with Viperstrike for a patrol one winter day.

The two couldn't have hit it off better, their snarky, playful remarks to each other and teasing challenged each other mentally and physically and as the reputations for two of the most unfriendly (or unapproachable) cats in the clan fell away from them, their friendship grew. He didn't feel as alone anymore, he felt he had someone he could talk to and count on in times of need, so Adderfang began to open up again to the clan who he had once felt abandoned and outcasted him.

When he and Viperstrike found a patrol of dogs on an early morning hunt out by some sunning rocks, Viperstrike sacrificed herself as a distraction so that he could get away and tell the clan the news. He never forgave himself if something would happen to his dear friend, so after a few days of preparation broke clan code to save her. His attempt was successful, he saved her along with killing several dogs, and gaining some valuable information on the threat that plagued their lands. This information proved useful later, with Viper back and in healing, the two managed to keep it a secret on how she had escaped. Soon after in the spring, the dogs set fire to Windclan lands and the whole clan was forced to rebuild on scorched ground. Angry, Adderfang, Lizardsoul, Viperstrike, Boulderheart, and Kitewing decided to set out on a patrol to get vengeance after losing so much.

The patrol was successful, Adderfang and Viperstrike's information proved to be invaluable and with the other's help the burned the dog's camp to the ground with only one casualty and a few injuries- Torrentstar's sister who had followed them out of curiosity. Coming back to the clan with the news resulted in punishment for all, and Lizardsoul, who had organized the patrol in the first place, was exiled. Angry but accepting their fate, Adderfang did his best with the news...especially when Torrentstar stepped down. Instead, he focused his attention on his relationship with Viperstrike, which had grown exponentially, and the two declared themselves mates, though were a little bit embarrassed about it at first. As if things couldn't get better, Adder was also given his first apprentice, Cherrypaw, and when Hazestar stepped up as the new clan leader, was pleasantly surprised to be named deputy after all his hard work- it was what he had dreamed of since he was a kit.

After the final attack of the dogs, Adderfang soon lost his apprentice, Cherrypaw, to go missing. It saddened him, but at least with the threat gone and Viperstrike pregnant, he had other things to take care of. Rebuilding the camp and making sure that every cat was getting proper care and attention post battle has been hard, and he's beginning to realize that being a deputy is much harder than being a warrior, but he wouldn't give it up for anything in the world. His kits are about to be born and he couldn't be happier with his place in the world.




:bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletblack:|Mortal Enemy

:skullbones:|wants dead







:bulletpink::bulletpink::bulletpink:|Major Crush


:bulletred:|Visually Appealing

:bulletred::bulletred:|Physical attraction




:bulletpurple::bulletpurple::bulletpurple:|Would die for



:bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen:|Best friend

:bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen:|Platonic love



:bulletwhite::bulletwhite::bulletwhite:|Nervous of

:bulletwhite::bulletwhite::bulletwhite::bulletwhite:|Scared of




Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"


Viperstrike || Muramia || Mate ||

:bulletyellow::bulletyellow::bulletyellow::bulletred::bulletred::bulletpurple::bulletpurple::bulletpurple: || I couldn't be happier. Since we have decided to be mates, I feel like my life has meaning again. Even if times are hard, I know she'll always be there for me, and I for her.

Lizardsoul || Hugh-Janus || Former Clanmate / Exile || :bulletwhite::bulletgreen::bulletyellow::bulletyellow::bulletyellow: || She's a wonderful clanmate. Wonderful at her job, and such a loyal warrior I am proud to have her as another warrior in the clan that I can depend on. I'm not very happy and don't support the reason she was exiled though....I would accept her back into the clan in an instant if I could.


|| DragonriderSC || Clanmate / Apprentice || :bulletwhite::bulletwhite::bulletgreen: || _I'm not quite sure what to make of my new apprentice yet after the last ordeal...but she holds promise! I'm going to do my best to train her well._Berrypaw || HeyYew || Clanmate || :bulletwhite::bulletwhite::bulletblue: || Our first training session together with Viper wasn't the greatest...but i'm trying not to hold that against anyone. Berry and her sister are young. I have high hopes that they'll learn and become strong warriors.

Hazestar|| Muramia || Leader / Clanmate || :bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletyellow::bulletyellow::bulletyellow: || _She's great. I consider Haze a fair friend and hope to become closer in the future. I will stand by her side through thick and thin to lead Windclan to greatness._Boulderheart|| r-une || Clanmate || :bulletwhite::bulletgreen:|| _I haven't gotten to know him personally, but I know he's a good warrior. Having heard vague rumors however, I hope...he's okay._Kitewing| eto-nyan || Clanmate || :bulletwhite::bulletgreen:|| I also don't know Kitewing all that well, but I'm glad that together as a clan we can all stand by each other sides. I hope to have a better relationship with all my clanmates someday.


Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"


Mothwing || SilentReaperNeku || Acquaintance || :bulletwhite::bulletgreen: || "He's quite the pleasant young tom. He was willing to go along with me on a joke with Hazestar at the gathering that made everything more pleasant and lightened some tension. I hope he does his best to be of good service to his clan."


Mintrush|| NPC || Mother || :bulletyellow::bulletyellow::bulletyellow: :bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen: || _"My Mother. She was taken before her time....Whisperheart needed her. She was always so supportive and loving... I hope she's happy where she is now."_Stonetooth || NPC || Mentor || :bulletyellow::bulletyellow::bulletyellow: :bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen:|| "He was....a great mentor. He didn't deserve to be taken to Starclan so soon. He will be sorely missed.... I know he's probably watching out for me. "

The Dark Forest

Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"

Cats Outside the Clan/Missing

Whisperheart || CatPuff || Sister || :bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletyellow::bulletyellow:|| "I regret having ever avoided her like i did. I hope...wherever she is, that she is safe. She means so much to me now, i realize that."

Olivedapple || SpringBirdy || Clanmate || :bulletyellow::bulletyellow::bulletpink::bulletgreen:|| "I don't know what happened to her. Like my sister, she also vanished. I miss her dearly as she was a wonderful friend."