I am destined to do WHAT? by Silverfrost42 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Silverfrost42's avatar

Published: Jan 28, 2008


this is a pic of me I drew with the help of the wonderfull lines of :iconexhaltorio: give her credit too
but dont credit the crapy eyes to her I drew tham and they look like crap Please give me a tutorial an doodiling cats or something. I is in desperate need of the :helpdesk:
this is a pic of me, silverfrost, when I found out I was destined to save the clans and bring them back to the hunting grounds of their ansestors wich have been long forgoten. I look like I am ready dont i 🤣

Silverfrost (c) ~Cinderpool and ~Silverfrost42

warrior cats (c) Erin Hunter

No Swipy ;p

Image size

1473x1516px 1.81 MB

Date Taken

Jan 27, 2008, 9:51:58 PM