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The magic necklace part 2-Female muscle story

WARNING:Contains nudity, lesbian sex, domination, feats and strength and muscle worship. If you aren't into any of this, please leave. Couple of hours after getting drained, John was sitting in his apartment, alone. The lights were dimmed and he was just lying down on the bed, emptily staring at the ceiling above him. After Becky drained him of his size he lost nearly all of his energy together with his muscles. He was now a nobody, a little pathetic skeleton, a shadow of his former self, while Becky was now a sexy amazon goddess with a perfect body. As he thought about her and the whole situation he felt a mix of emotions. He felt sadness and pity for himself, while also feeling anger, hatred and contempt towards Becky.But despite that, there was also a feeling of lust, longing and desire for Becky and her new body. This was the best sex he had ever had and deep down he knew it. As he thought about it, his cock, the only thing that remained the same size as his old self, the 8 inch organ even looking a little comical and out of place on his new miniscule frame, was erect. It was the biggest erection he had ever had. He felt a deep sense of shame and disgust for himself because of that, for feeling desire for the one who shattered his ego and ruined his life. Breaking him out of his trance of negativity, someone knocked on the front door. John ignored it. He didn't care who it was, not wanting anyone to see him. The knocking got progressively louder. "Hey, dude, you there?" a feminine voice asked.The one knocking was Veronica, a girl John was cheating Becky with. After a while, the black haired girl noticed that the door was slightly open, just barely enough to take a peek inside. Grabbing the knob she opened the door and walked inside, her eyes widening in shock at the sight before her. "John?! Is that you?" Veronica just couldn't believe her eyes. The hulking stud that plowed her couple of days ago was no reduced to nothing but a skinny weakling. "Veronica?!" John managed to say. In a second, the girl's shock transformed into amusement, her face twisting into a cruel grin. "What happened to you? You look so pathetic now! I cant belive you are the same guy who used to fuck me silly. I didn't know that football team captains are this scrawny!" She laughed with sadistic glee. This caused his eyes to tear up and grit his teeth in frustration.``Veronica, please! Don't tell anyone! I beg you!" He begged, although knowing how badly she treated the nerds back in school, he had a feeling that it wont work. But, in all of his despair, that's the only thing he could have done and just hope for a miracle, hope that it will. "Oh, don't worry, I won't tell anyone." A wave of hope washed over him, his worries lifted from him.``But.. I will show everyone!" She took out her phone, facing the camera towards him, taking a couple of pictures. "These will be real bangers on insta! They will look just perfect next to your old pictures!" she gloated. "Wait, Veronica please no! Don't! Remember all the fun times we had together?Please, have mercy! For the sake of the old times!" He pleaded, tears now streaming down his face. This was his last hope to save himself from even further humiliation.But, to that, Veronica laughed once again.``Nope, no way!" She said, looking at her phone. "Sent!Enjoy the humiliation, wuss. Your wimpy ass is probably into that, though. I bet you are gonna be creaming yourself all over the floor when I leave!" She taunted John. He wondered how she does not feel any compassion for him, how can anyone be so cruel and enjoy torturing someone this much.And with that, she left the apartment. Tomorow at school.. Two girls were talking to one another in the school hallway next to the lockers, Hannah and Amy. Hannah was a dark skinned girl with short black hair standing at 5 '8.She was wearing a short sleeved shirt that revealed her stomach, showing a defined 6-pack.The other girl, Amy, was pretty petite in comparison. She was standing at 5'5 and wore a sweater that hid her features pretty well. She had green eyes and red hair. Despite being smaller, she was without a doubt cuter and prettier of the two. "Have you heard the news about Becky's boyfriend?" Amy asked, shifting the topic. "I haven't. Did Becky finally suck the soul out of him with her bullshit?" The darker skinned girl jokes, grinning causing Amy to roll her eyes. "No. Look." Amy took her phone out, showing Hannah Veronica's Instagram, or rather, the picture of John that she had posted. Hannah stared at it for a moment, raising an eyebrow. "No way, that's bullshit.That whore must have talked one of those nerds into photoshopping a picture of him." She crossed her arms, skeptical. "Well it could be some sort of new disease that causes the patient to lose muscle rapidly. Wouldn't be that surprising with the amount of viruses that appeared out of nowhere these past couple of years." "The media would still be pretty quick to cover it, I don't think that a disease that dangerous would remain unnoticed." Amy just shrugged at that remark. "I guess that's true." Suddenly, a towering shadow eclipsed them. Both of the girls made a confused expression. Turning around to see what the Hell was next to them, their eyes widened at what they saw. They were met with the biggest tits they ever set their upon at their eye level, at least double D's. While they were covered by a black tank top, that was the only thing that was covered on the behemoth's hulking upper body. Looking up to see who this amazing body belonged to, both of the girls screamed. "Becky!?" "What the hell happened to you?You are so.. so.. so.." "Huge?" Becky grinned at Hannah's shock and stuttering.Both of the smaller girls nodded. After this neither was able to say a single word as they started ogling the body of their friend. Hannah was standing at 6'7, effortlessly towering over both of them.She was sporting insanely wide and powerful shoulders, massive double D cup tiddies covered by a blue tank top. But, that was the only thing covered on her upper body. Below them she had the most ripped 6-pack they had ever seen, the ridges and openings between the muscles having perfect depth to them. They looked as if an architect carved them out of marble. Her arms were absolutely massive, even unflexed, it was as if someone ripped them off of the She-Hulk, dyed them and slapped them on her body. Examining even further down her body she wore a pretty short red skirt, revealing her massive legs. Her thighs looked like she could easily crush a watermelon to bits and pieces. Combined with diamond shaped calves, thus giving Becky absolutely smoking hot legs. She absolutely loved the feeling of their eyes exploring her body. "You girls like what you see?" Saying with a feminine voice that didn't really sound like it belonged to the owner of the body, the amazon turned around for them to see her backside, too. Her back was so massive and ripped that you could mistaken it for a mountain range. Her ass wasn't any worse, either. It was the biggest ass in the whole school, even among the cheerleaders.Both Hannah and Amy stared at her with lust in their eyes, despite thinking that they were straight thus far, especially Hannah. Snapping out of it, the girls shook their heads. "Don't change the subject, blondie! What steroids are you using?" Hannah asked, her lust nearly instantly turned into annoyance and rage. She was slaving away at the gym for years and she was nowhere near that big, her feelings were reasonable and logical. Or perhaps she was feeling jealous instead, or maybe a combination of all three? "Nah, no steroids all natural here.Although, these gains aren't exactly mine, so to speak." Becky chuckled, not intending to explain what really happened just yet, wanting to tease her friend. "What the hell are you on about? Are you high?!" "No need to be jealous of me just because I'm bigger than you, Hannah. With enough hard work you too can get arms like these!" With a flex Becky brought her bicep to 30 inches. Hannah's eyes widened at the sight. It wasn't even pumped from a workout, yet this was the biggest bicep she had ever seen! Within jealousy and anger there was another feeling;arousal. She wanted to touch the massive muscle before her so bad, but held back, not willing to throw her dignity away just yet. Instead, she took a deep breath and calmed down. "See? Calming down wasn't so hard." Becky teased, returning her arm to its normal position. "How much can you lift?" Hannah asked, in a tone that was oddly calm compared to how she acted a moment ago. "What?" Becky paused for a moment before answering, caught off guard by the question. Truth was she didn't go to a gym to test her new strength, quite frankly she didn't care about that. She only cared about being able to dominate others in bed which was how she intended to test her strength. "You heard me. What is your PR?" Hannah repeated the question, this time her tone was a bit more annoyed. Her annoyance came from not understanding the situation, how could she not know what her lifting capabilities were? No matter how quickly she got those results she must have worked out to get them, you can't just magically get muscles like that. So how did she not know? "Do you really not know how much can you lift?" She added. "I don't, I told you. These muscles were not exactly earned by me." "What the hell does that mean?" "So basically..'' Just as Becky was about to explain, the bell rang. "Tch, nevermind. I'll explain you after the class." The blonde exclaimed, slightly annoyed that the bell cut her off, the trio heading to the classroom. The whole time Amy was quiet and was using her phone as a way to distract herself from lusting over Becky, but she was listening.She was connecting the dots Hannah didn't seem to. A thought flashed in her mind. Could Becky have drained John's muscles? That was indeed a crazy idea that seemed impossible, but.. the timing was a bit too perfect. "Hey, Becky. Have you seen what happened to your boyfriend?" Asked Amy to see what Becky's answer would be and whether it would confirm her theory or not. Becky just smirked. "Yeah, I did. I saw it first hand, in fact." She said, chuckling. Amy's eyes widened in shock, she really did somehow drain John. Hannah didn't really register this as she was lost though, she was telling herself that Becky's muscles must be a trick, there is no way that she could have gotten this muscular in such a short time. She was probably using oil to inflate her muscles, there was no way that they were actually legit, Hannah thought, knowing deep inside her heart that it was a lie. Still, she wanted to confirm to herself that it was true. "Pfft, I bet that your muscles are fake. You are probably using oil or some shit to inflate them so they look bigger. I bet that you haven't even stepped foot into the gym." "Did my muscles look fake back then?" "They didn't, but as I said, you are using oil to make them look real. You don't even know how you can lift!" "I said that I would explain the whole situation to you later, Hannah. I know that you are but jesus fucking christ can we get to the class in peace?!" Becky was getting pretty annoyed at Hannah's antics, she was clearly doing that just to be annoying and petty. "Tell you what, blondie. After the class it's recess so why don't we go to the school gym so you can prove to me how real those muscles really are. What do you say?" "I don't know, I don't really like gyms. They are boring!" The amazon whined. "So I guess I was right.. You really are nothing but a faker..I bet that you would struggle with those little pink weights!" Hannah laughed, teasing and mocking Becky. This made the blonde even more pissed. "Fine! If that's what it takes to make you shut the fuck up let's go there!" She shouted. She did hate the gym, but she was willing to force herself to do something that boring to make her friend shut the hell up. "Yo, Amy. Wannna come with?" Asked Hannah asked. Amy blushed, not really wanting to get messy watching Becky lift in the middle of the school which would likely happen if she attended the show. "N-No, thanks.. I'm not really into the gym.." Said the redhead, flushed and embarrassed. "Suit yourself.." Everything went relatively normally up until the recess, other than some rather new experiences for Becky. Once she got into the classroom the chair groaned under her new weight and she had troubles adjusting herself and her legs under the table due to her new size which was pretty annoying. However, on the plus size, everyone in class was staring and drooling over her new body, nobody was paying attention or cared about the lesson at hand, especially the boys, constantly whispering about how they would do various things to the amazon in bed. Becky enjoyed all the attention that she was getting and was showing off certain parts of her body subtly, arms, legs, tits and ass. It certainly gave the boys something to think about tonight in bed. Even Hannah and Amy got more than a few looks in. After the class the duo head to the gym, Hannah having a smug grin on her face. "You are such a slut, showing off your body that easily." She teased. "Funny coming from you.Weren't you also enjoying the show?" Becky laughed, causing Hannah to roll her eyes. Eventually they arrived at their destination, fortunately nobody was using the gym during recess so the space was completely empty for the two. Well, not so fortunately for Becky as she wanted to show off to more people than just Hannah if she had to do this, but whatever. Becky looked around the room, a little overwhelmed by the various gym equipment, not knowing where to begin.She stared at Hannah expectantly, waiting for her instructions. "Really? You don't even know what to begin with?" The smaller girl exclaimed in annoyance. "Just shut up and tell me what to do." Becky protested, crossing her arms. Sighing, Hannah pointed towards the free weights. Looking over, Becky approached them and picked up one of the 190 lbs weights.She started doing reps with it, her bicep peaking higher and higher, growing bigger with each rep, showing close to no strain as she curled them. Hannah's eyes widened at the blonde's casual ease at lifting those weights. After 10 reps, she put the weight down. "Huh, this one was kinda light. Let's try a heavier one.." She took the heaviest one in, the 200 lbs one. She started curling them, with a bit more strain than the last one. Her bicep peaked even bigger this time, with each rep came out a primal grunt. After 15 reps she switched to the other arm, while Hannah couldn't believe what she was witnessing. How was all of this real, she thought. None can get this strong in a day or two.. What was going on..? As Becky finished with the dumbbell, she put it back, flexing both of her arms now, even more massive with the additional pump before, now peaking at 32 inches! "Mmmm I still hate working out, but it's honestly worth it if it's gonna make me this massive!" She grinned, her eyes locked on her left arm. Pulling her head closer, she locked her lips on to it, giving it a kiss, leaving a red kiss mark of her lipstick on it. After she was done she looked at Hannah with a smirk on her face.``Are we done here now? Are you now convinced that these muscles are real?" Those words snapped Hannah out of her trance as she shook her head. "P-Pfft, hell no! Bicep curls aren't a real test of strength, anyways. Bench Press is! If you are really so strong, show me your bench!" She exclaimed confidently and boldly, although on the inside she was as flustered and horny for the goddess her friend has become as much as she could. Truthfully, she wanted this to go on so she wouldn't need to accept defeat and because she wanted to see Becky lift even more. She laughed at that. "Alright, if you say so. You are the judge." She said in a playful tone, walking towards the bench press. Picking up four 100 plates and two 50 lb plates, racking them on the bar, she got under it, putting her hands on it. "Uuh Hannah, maybe you shouldn't do that.. That's too much, you'll get hurt." The smaller girl said, expressing concern for her friend, especially since she was lifting the weight of an olympic level. But, Becky didn't care. She lifted the weight, bringing it down to her chest, the above. She grunted as she pumped out rep after rep with this record breaking weight of gargantuan proportions. Her body was covered in sweat, and her panties were even wetter than her body. While she was struggling with the weight, the thought of lifting it despite most guys not being able to do so made her so hot, she enjoyed the feeling of superiority. With a final, primal grunt, she completed the 7th and final rep, putting the weight back. Standing up, fully soaked in sweat, she hit the most muscular pose, a massive vein appearing over each of her biceps. "God, I feel so STRONG! I never imagined that lifting weights this heavy could be so.. empowering! I feel like I could do anything right now!" Becky roared in her power trip, a crazed glint in her blue eyes. Meanwhile, Hannah was left speechless. Her mouth hanging wide open, she stared at Becky.Her eyes wandered all over the body of the muscle godess, wanting to touch her entire body, lick the sweat off her. Standing back up to her full height, she looked at Hannah, grinning. "And what do we have here? Enjoyed the show? You don't need to answer that, your slutty croch already did for you." She shot a glare towards Hannah's visibly wet shorts. "Y-Yeah, right, as if I would be turned on by you and your..towering height, large and perky breasts, massive biceps, chiseled abs and beastly strength.." Hannah said this in an attempt to remain with her pride intact, but instead made it even worse by accidentally fantasasing about her. Becky laughed. "Well, I do need a shower. Can't continue the school day like this..," She paused, grinning devilishly as she got an idea."..andd you do deserve a reward for annoying me into this and making me feel this good." Becky approached Hannah, and before she could react picked her up and hoisted her over her shoulder."Damn, girl! You are as light as a feather. You should put some meat on your bones, honestly." She teased, as she headed for the showers. "Hey, what are you doing?! Let go of me!" Hannah protested, hitting Becky's back repeatedly in frustration. But, it felt as if she was hitting a boulder, it was as if Becky couldn't even feel her hits from the difference in strength. "Dont lie to yourself, you know you want this. It's the perfect opportunity, you know. None is around, class already started. None can hear us. We can do whatever we want there, we can do whatever perverted fantasy you have that in that little, slutty head of yours.""I dont want to do this here, though! It's too risky!" "Stop being a little worrywart, Hannah. It will be fine, none will hear us." Becky walked to the shower room, putting Hannah down and taking her tank top and skirt off, fully revealing her body in all of its glory. Hannah's eyes were wide, scanning Becky's entire body. Large perky breasts with erect nipples, massive pumped up biceps, blocky 6-pack abs, thick muscular tree trunk thighs and a perfect pink pussy. She could barely contain herself. "Undress." Becky commanded with power in her voice, booming all over the room. She couldn't help but obey, revealing her own body. It was toned and pretty athletic with a 6 pack of her own, but not as big or defined. Becky bit her lip, enjoying the show. "You are also pretty hot, can't believe I never tried to bang you.." She turned on the shower, warm water flowing over the two. Hannah was right in front of Becky now, heat radiating off her body was immense. She was dwarfed by the blonde amazon, she both hated it and loved it. Flexing her biceps, she looked down at Hannah. "Feel free to touch, my sturdy, rock hard sexy muscle." Becky said huskily, and the dark skinned beauty didn't need more encouragement. She started rubbing Becky's abs, those 6 blocks of muscles were the hardest she had ever felt. They were like a washboard.``Wow.." Hannah whispered, amazed. Lowering her arms down to Hannah's height, she did the most muscular pose. Muscle rippled across her wide frame. Wasting no time, the brunette traced her fingers across her arms, incredibly wet by this point. Across each bicep there was an incredibly thick vein pumping blood into her powerful body. She squeezed them, but it was futile;her super hard muscles did not give in. She started kissing them, placing a series of kisses across her hard muscles, and she was moving down.From her hard biceps, to her rock like abs, through her melon crushing thighs all the way down to her diamond shaped calves, all of those muscles traced by her kisses. Hannah's efforts were rewarded by small moans coming from Becky's mouth, increasing her lust by the second. Her pussy was now incredibly wet. "Mmm, come here.." Grabbing the smaller girl by her ponytail, Becky forced her face into her pussy. "You know what to do.." Compliantly, Hannah inserted her tongue into the blonde's pussy, exploring her insides with her tongue. Letting out a husky moan, Becky pushed Hannah into herself even more, rubbing her nipple with the other hand, further stimulating herself. "OOOOH yeah... fuuuck keep going, I'm close.." Becky moaned, now thrusting her vagina into Hannah's face. Her moans were getting louder and louder, pleasure piercing her mind like a spear. Soon after Becky came with an earth shattering all over Hanna's face." FUUUCK YEAH!" She roared, now applying the force on the back of Hannah's head with both arms, her muscles tensing. At this moment Hannah came too.. all the sounds and the dominance Becky was having over her was too much, pushing her over the edge. Both were weak in the knees, sitting down in the shower, panting. "Judging by the mess you made you enjoyed yourself very much as well. And to think that you didn't want to do it at first!Good thing I know what you really want and strong enough to force you to do it, even when you don't want to!" Becky teased, smirking. Hannah furiously blushed, looking away, pouting.``You didnt force me to do anything, I could have easily gotten away from you if I wanted to!Hmph!" As soon as Hannah said this, she was pinned down by her hands. The blonde lowered herself down on her, furiously kissing and exploring Hannah's mouth. It was much bigger and stronger than her friend's, easily dominating her mouth. After a minute, she pulled away and let go of Hannah, smirking. "Yeah, you sure could." She said sarcastically after proving her point. "You just caught me off guard, this proves nothing!" Laughing lightly, Becky remarked:"Yeah, sure you could. Now let's properly clean ourselves and get out of here before someone arrives." ------------------------------------------------------ Sorry for the wait, I had an insane lack of motivation last couple of months because of some serious issues. No muscle drain in this installment unfortunately, but there will be in the next chapter! Stay tuned!